571 research outputs found

    How large can the first eigenvalue be on a surface of genus two?

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    Sharp upper bounds for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian on a surface of a fixed area are known only in genera zero and one. We investigate the genus two case and conjecture that the first eigenvalue is maximized on a singular surface which is realized as a double branched covering over a sphere. The six ramification points are chosen in such a way that this surface has a complex structure of the Bolza surface. We prove that our conjecture follows from a lower bound on the first eigenvalue of a certain mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary value problem on a half-disk. The latter can be studied numerically, and we present conclusive evidence supporting the conjecture.Comment: 20 pages; 4 figure

    Transverse instability for non-normal parameters

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    We consider the behaviour of attractors near invariant subspaces on varying a parameter that does not preserve the dynamics in the invariant subspace but is otherwise generic, in a smooth dynamical system. We refer to such a parameter as ``non-normal''. If there is chaos in the invariant subspace that is not structurally stable, this has the effect of ``blurring out'' blowout bifurcations over a range of parameter values that we show can have positive measure in parameter space. Associated with such blowout bifurcations are bifurcations to attractors displaying a new type of intermittency that is phenomenologically similar to on-off intermittency, but where the intersection of the attractor by the invariant subspace is larger than a minimal attractor. The presence of distinct repelling and attracting invariant sets leads us to refer to this as ``in-out'' intermittency. Such behaviour cannot appear in systems where the transverse dynamics is a skew product over the system on the invariant subspace. We characterise in-out intermittency in terms of its structure in phase space and in terms of invariants of the dynamics obtained from a Markov model of the attractor. This model predicts a scaling of the length of laminar phases that is similar to that for on-off intermittency but which has some differences.Comment: 15 figures, submitted to Nonlinearity, the full paper available at http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/~eo

    From limit cycles to strange attractors

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    We define a quantitative notion of shear for limit cycles of flows. We prove that strange attractors and SRB measures emerge when systems exhibiting limit cycles with sufficient shear are subjected to periodic pulsatile drives. The strange attractors possess a number of precisely-defined dynamical properties that together imply chaos that is both sustained in time and physically observable.Comment: 27 page

    On the rate of quantum ergodicity in Euclidean billiards

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    For a large class of quantized ergodic flows the quantum ergodicity theorem due to Shnirelman, Zelditch, Colin de Verdi\`ere and others states that almost all eigenfunctions become equidistributed in the semiclassical limit. In this work we first give a short introduction to the formulation of the quantum ergodicity theorem for general observables in terms of pseudodifferential operators and show that it is equivalent to the semiclassical eigenfunction hypothesis for the Wigner function in the case of ergodic systems. Of great importance is the rate by which the quantum mechanical expectation values of an observable tend to their mean value. This is studied numerically for three Euclidean billiards (stadium, cosine and cardioid billiard) using up to 6000 eigenfunctions. We find that in configuration space the rate of quantum ergodicity is strongly influenced by localized eigenfunctions like bouncing ball modes or scarred eigenfunctions. We give a detailed discussion and explanation of these effects using a simple but powerful model. For the rate of quantum ergodicity in momentum space we observe a slower decay. We also study the suitably normalized fluctuations of the expectation values around their mean, and find good agreement with a Gaussian distribution.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX2e. This version does not contain any figures. A version with all figures can be obtained from http://www.physik.uni-ulm.de/theo/qc/ (File: http://www.physik.uni-ulm.de/theo/qc/ulm-tp/tp97-8.ps.gz) In case of any problems contact Arnd B\"acker (e-mail: [email protected]) or Roman Schubert (e-mail: [email protected]

    Classical and quantum ergodicity on orbifolds

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    We extend to orbifolds classical results on quantum ergodicity due to Shnirelman, Colin de Verdi\`ere and Zelditch, proving that, for any positive, first-order self-adjoint elliptic pseudodifferential operator P on a compact orbifold X with positive principal symbol p, ergodicity of the Hamiltonian flow of p implies quantum ergodicity for the operator P. We also prove ergodicity of the geodesic flow on a compact Riemannian orbifold of negative sectional curvature.Comment: 14 page

    Semiclassical measures and the Schroedinger flow on Riemannian manifolds

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    In this article we study limits of Wigner distributions (the so-called semiclassical measures) corresponding to sequences of solutions to the semiclassical Schroedinger equation at times scales αh\alpha_{h} tending to infinity as the semiclassical parameter hh tends to zero (when αh=1/h\alpha _{h}=1/h this is equivalent to consider solutions to the non-semiclassical Schreodinger equation). Some general results are presented, among which a weak version of Egorov's theorem that holds in this setting. A complete characterization is given for the Euclidean space and Zoll manifolds (that is, manifolds with periodic geodesic flow) via averaging formulae relating the semiclassical measures corresponding to the evolution to those of the initial states. The case of the flat torus is also addressed; it is shown that non-classical behavior may occur when energy concentrates on resonant frequencies. Moreover, we present an example showing that the semiclassical measures associated to a sequence of states no longer determines those of their evolutions. Finally, some results concerning the equation with a potential are presented.Comment: 18 pages; Theorems 1,2 extendend to deal with arbitrary time-scales; references adde

    The hybrid spectral problem and Robin boundary conditions

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    The hybrid spectral problem where the field satisfies Dirichlet conditions (D) on part of the boundary of the relevant domain and Neumann (N) on the remainder is discussed in simple terms. A conjecture for the C_1 coefficient is presented and the conformal determinant on a 2-disc, where the D and N regions are semi-circles, is derived. Comments on higher coefficients are made. A hemisphere hybrid problem is introduced that involves Robin boundary conditions and leads to logarithmic terms in the heat--kernel expansion which are evaluated explicitly.Comment: 24 pages. Typos and a few factors corrected. Minor comments added. Substantial Robin additions. Substantial revisio

    Trace Formulae and Spectral Statistics for Discrete Laplacians on Regular Graphs (I)

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    Trace formulae for d-regular graphs are derived and used to express the spectral density in terms of the periodic walks on the graphs under consideration. The trace formulae depend on a parameter w which can be tuned continuously to assign different weights to different periodic orbit contributions. At the special value w=1, the only periodic orbits which contribute are the non back- scattering orbits, and the smooth part in the trace formula coincides with the Kesten-McKay expression. As w deviates from unity, non vanishing weights are assigned to the periodic walks with back-scatter, and the smooth part is modified in a consistent way. The trace formulae presented here are the tools to be used in the second paper in this sequence, for showing the connection between the spectral properties of d-regular graphs and the theory of random matrices.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Natural equilibrium states for multimodal maps

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    This paper is devoted to the study of the thermodynamic formalism for a class of real multimodal maps. This class contains, but it is larger than, Collet-Eckmann. For a map in this class, we prove existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for the geometric potentials tlogDf-t \log|Df|, for the largest possible interval of parameters tt. We also study the regularity and convexity properties of the pressure function, completely characterising the first order phase transitions. Results concerning the existence of absolutely continuous invariant measures with respect to the Lebesgue measure are also obtained