65 research outputs found

    A Two-Form Formulation of the Vector-Tensor Multiplet in Central Charge Superspace

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    A two-form formulation for the N=2 vector-tensor multiplet is constructed using superfield methods in central charge superspace. The N=2 non-Abelian standard supergauge multiplet in central charge superspace is also discussed, as is with the associated Chern-Simons form. We give the constraints, solve the Bianchi identities and present the action for a theory of the vector-tensor multiplet coupled to the non-Abelian supergauge multiplet via the Chern-Simons form.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e with AMS-LaTe

    Spherically Symmetric Solutions in M\o ller's Tetrad Theory of Gravitation

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    The general solution of M\o ller's field equations in case of spherical symmetry is derived. The previously obtained solutions are verified as special cases of the general solution.Comment: LaTeX2e with AMS-LaTeX 1.2, 8 page

    Hamiltonian analysis of Poincar\'e gauge theory scalar modes

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    The Hamiltonian constraint formalism is used to obtain the first explicit complete analysis of non-trivial viable dynamic modes for the Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity. Two modes with propagating spin-zero torsion are analyzed. The explicit form of the Hamiltonian is presented. All constraints are obtained and classified. The Lagrange multipliers are derived. It is shown that a massive spin-00^- mode has normal dynamical propagation but the associated massless 00^- is pure gauge. The spin-0+0^+ mode investigated here is also viable in general. Both modes exhibit a simple type of ``constraint bifurcation'' for certain special field/parameter values.Comment: 28 pages, LaTex, submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics

    Energy-Momentum Complex in M\o ller's Tetrad Theory of Gravitation

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    M\o ller's Tetrad Theory of Gravitation is examined with regard to the energy-momentum complex. The energy-momentum complex as well as the superpotential associated with M\o ller's theory are derived. M\o ller's field equations are solved in the case of spherical symmetry. Two different solutions, giving rise to the same metric, are obtained. The energy associated with one solution is found to be twice the energy associated with the other. Some suggestions to get out of this inconsistency are discussed at the end of the paper.Comment: LaTeX2e with AMS-LaTeX 1.2, 13 page

    Superform formulation for vector-tensor multiplets in conformal supergravity

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    The recent papers arXiv:1110.0971 and arXiv:1201.5431 have provided a superfield description for vector-tensor multiplets and their Chern-Simons couplings in 4D N = 2 conformal supergravity. Here we develop a superform formulation for these theories. Furthermore an alternative means of gauging the central charge is given, making use of a deformed vector multiplet, which may be thought of as a variant vector-tensor multiplet. Its Chern-Simons couplings to additional vector multiplets are also constructed. This multiplet together with its Chern-Simons couplings are new results not considered by de Wit et al. in hep-th/9710212.Comment: 28 pages. V2: Typos corrected and references updated; V3: References updated and typo correcte

    Selfdual Spin 2 Theory in a 2+1 Dimensional Constant Curvature Space-Time

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    The Lagrangian constraint analysis of the selfdual massive spin 2 theory in a 2+1 dimensional flat space-time and its extension to a curved one, are performed. Demanding consistence of degrees of freedom in the model with gravitational interaction, gives rise to physical restrictions on non minimal coupling terms and background. Finally, a constant curvature scenario is explored, showing the existence of forbidden mass values. Causality in these spaces is discussed. Aspects related with the construction of the reduced action and the one-particle exchange amplitude, are noted.Comment: 20 pages, references added, little modifications performe

    Ghost-free braneworld bigravity

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    We consider a generalisation of the DGP model, by adding a second brane with localised curvature, and allowing for a bulk cosmological constant and brane tensions. We study radion and graviton fluctuations in detail, enabling us to check for ghosts and tachyons. By tuning our parameters accordingly, we find bigravity models that are free from ghosts and tachyons. These models will lead to large distance modifications of gravity that could be observable in the near future.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Ian Kogan. Version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The linear multiplet and ectoplasm

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    In the framework of the superconformal tensor calculus for 4D N=2 supergravity, locally supersymmetric actions are often constructed using the linear multiplet. We provide a superform formulation for the linear multiplet and derive the corresponding action functional using the ectoplasm method (also known as the superform approach to the construction of supersymmetric invariants). We propose a new locally supersymmetric action which makes use of a deformed linear multiplet. The novel feature of this multiplet is that it corresponds to the case of a gauged central charge using a one-form potential not annihilated by the central charge (unlike the standard N=2 vector multiplet). Such a gauge one-form can be chosen to describe a variant nonlinear vector-tensor multiplet. As a byproduct of our construction, we also find a variant realization of the tensor multiplet in supergravity where one of the auxiliaries is replaced by the field strength of a gauge three-form.Comment: 31 pages; v3: minor corrections and typos fixed, version to appear in JHE

    Nonlinear multidimensional cosmological models with form fields: stabilization of extra dimensions and the cosmological constant problem

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    We consider multidimensional gravitational models with a nonlinear scalar curvature term and form fields in the action functional. In our scenario it is assumed that the higher dimensional spacetime undergoes a spontaneous compactification to a warped product manifold. Particular attention is paid to models with quadratic scalar curvature terms and a Freund-Rubin-like ansatz for solitonic form fields. It is shown that for certain parameter ranges the extra dimensions are stabilized. In particular, stabilization is possible for any sign of the internal space curvature, the bulk cosmological constant and of the effective four-dimensional cosmological constant. Moreover, the effective cosmological constant can satisfy the observable limit on the dark energy density. Finally, we discuss the restrictions on the parameters of the considered nonlinear models and how they follow from the connection between the D-dimensional and the four-dimensional fundamental mass scales.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX2e, minor changes, improved references, fonts include