50 research outputs found

    Desain Alat Pengompos Sampah Rumah Tangga Pengembangan Lanjut dari Keranjang Takakura

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    Permasalahan sampah di Indonesia masih belum tertangani dengan baik. Dikota Bandung, sumber sampah terbesar adalah sampah pemukiman (66%) dimana kurang lebih 56%nya adalah sampah organik. Telah ada berbagai macam cara untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan sampah organic skala rumah tangga. Salah satunya adalah Keranjang Takakura. Hanya saja sampai saat ini Keranjang Takakura belum banyak digunakan dikalangan masyarakat dikarenakan cara pengoprasiannya yang cukup merepotkan. Dibutuhkan suatu alat pengomposan baru yang memiliki sistem pencacahan sampah, pengadukan, serta pemanenan kompos jadi agar dapat memudahkan pengoprasian alat pengomposan tersebut. Diharapkan OEMa Reactor dapat menjadi solusi praktis dan dipakai secara nyata dikalangan masyarakat khususnya di kota Bandung

    A multi layer recency frequency monetary method for customer priority segmentation in online transaction

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    Customer segmentation is a critical step toward appropriately differentiating services to different customers. One common way of segmenting customers is by using what is called Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) approach, where customers are classified based on the recency of their transactions as well as how often they purchase goods and services and how much money they spent. However, this approach is not able to fairly differentiate customers especially when it comes to the cases where old customers have decreased or stopped their purchases and the new customers just started buying. In order to overcome this, we proposed what is called Multi Layer Recency, Frequency, and Monetary (MLRFM) approach. In this approach, we divide time periods into multiple layers and the recency, frequency, and monetary values are analyzed considering these different segments. Our numerical examples show that this multi layer approach can provide a good alternative for the companies that sell products online and customers are behaving very dynamically

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Penjualan Untuk Toko Furniture Berbasis Android

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    Furniture a usual term that has been used for household needs which can be used for storing items, place to sit, place to sleep and place to do something like tables or something that its surfaces can hold things. Because of so many kinds of furnitures have made many furniture stores demands for a bigger space. This has caused for many furniture stores that doesn't have much space, not able to display all of their products. As a result stores made products catalog every week or month. Obviously, this made the store have to spent more costs. Based on that circumstances this application was made as a shopping catalog and a shopping cart. This application is Android based, considering it's function beside a mobile phone , it has many modern function such as its wifi and its camera for barcode scanning that can be connected to the company database Server. The application that has been made, have some list of features such as product search that can be used by accessing the Server through wifi, giving the information of ongoing promos, can do product barcode scanning with the mobile device camera, can act as a shopping cart to contain the list of products, and can send the shopping list to the Server, so that we can do the transaction later with ease

    Aplikasi Makassar Tourism Pada Kota Makassar Berbasis Android

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    Pariwisata merupakan suatu hal yang sangat berkembang sekarang ini di Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya event nasional/Internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah setempat termasuk di kota Makassar. Kota Makassar sejak dahulu sudah terkenal di Kawasan Timur Indonesia mulai dari kebudayaan, perdagangan, keagamaan, kuliner dan sebagainya.Pada penelitian ini, akan dibuat sebuah aplikasi yang dapat mengenalkan kota Makassar secara mendasar. Pengenalan tersebut terdiri dari objek wisata, kuliner, hotel, serta oleh-oleh pada kota Makassar yang terdiri dari detail, peta, komentar, promo dan gallery. Selain itu, terdapat juga event, gallery foto kota Makassar, news terbaru dan cerita sejarah kota Makassar. Aplikasi ini menggunakan Google Maps API untuk menampilkan peta dan rute dari suatu tempat dan Global Positioning System (GPS) untuk mengetahui posisi dari user sekarang. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, aplikasi ini dibuat pada mobile device berbasis Android sehingga mudah untuk diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja selama mempunyai koneksi internet.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, aplikasi ini sudah berjalan dengan baik pada mobile device Android dan memberikan informasi tentang kota Makassar sesuai yang diharapkan

    Job Assignment Problem on Online Transportation Order Using Hungarian Algorithm

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    The more advanced a civilization is, the higher the mobility of its population. It takes a means of transportation that can answer the needs of the community. Currently, online transportation is an option in answering public transportation needs. The uniqueness of the online transportation business is that passengers can place orders anytime and anywhere. On the other hand, the driver can also be active/available anytime and anywhere. This causes problems in fulfilling orders, providers must consider various factors such as the time and distance of the driver to get to the pick-up location in determining which driver is assigned to fulfill the order. This study simulates order assignment using the Hungarian method, Minimum Value of Selected Factor in Data Collection, and random assignment. From the test results, it is known that the highest average pick-up duration and pickup distance are obtained using the random method and the lowest average using the Hungarian method. The highest average time to determine the assignment is obtained by the Hungarian method, while the smallest is the random method. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the Hungarian method is better than the other two methods

    Job Assignment Problem on Online Transportation Order Using Hungarian Algorithm

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    The more advanced a civilization is, the higher the mobility of its population. It takes a means of transportation that can answer the needs of the community. Currently, online transportation is an option in answering public transportation needs. The uniqueness of the online transportation business is that passengers can place orders anytime and anywhere. On the other hand, the driver can also be active/available anytime and anywhere. This causes problems in fulfilling orders, providers must consider various factors such as the time and distance of the driver to get to the pick-up location in determining which driver is assigned to fulfill the order. This study simulates order assignment using the Hungarian method, Minimum Value of Selected Factor in Data Collection, and random assignment. From the test results, it is known that the highest average pick-up duration and pickup distance are obtained using the random method and the lowest average using the Hungarian method. The highest average time to determine the assignment is obtained by the Hungarian method, while the smallest is the random method. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the Hungarian method is better than the other two methods

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Mandarin Bagi Anak Usia 4-7 Tahun Berbasis Android

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    Chinese is a language that's becoming known Nationally and Internationally as well as widely spoken in various walks of life. For this reason, many schools was introduced Chinese language learning from kindergarten. Sometimes kids feel bored using books for learning, because they think that books is not interested and not flexible. Learning Chinese must attractive and flexible to attract children to learn. The use of mobile learning applications installed on the Android device using Eclipse IDE to get data is a way to learning and help the child to be able to learn independently, through features that are provided.Features was provided for learning Chinese is equipped with teaching materials are classified into several categories including learning menu, writing hanzi menu, the exercise menu consisting of quizzes, games and video. To see the development of the child's ability to there is quiz features provided with the assessment contained in the score menu. Based on the results of testing, this learning applications can run well on devices with the Android operating system version 4.1 to 5.0.2, and accessing databases on the admin web it is running well. That's all to provide children comfort to learning Mandarin. There testing done by giving questionnaires to 10 respondents to determine the level of satisfaction. Based on questionnaires distributed, 50 percent of respondents said they were satisfied with the overall application and another 50 percent said they were very satisfied

    Aplikasi Interaktif Mengenai Semut Jepang Sebagai Obat Alternatif Berbasis Flash

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    Healthiness is one of great treasure for human. we all love and seek healthiness. but sometimes we have no power against illness, we have no money for all the medical treatment. one of the way to cure illness is through alternative treatment.This application will show an alternative treatment with a tutorial to consume Japanese ant with measure table for some illness, and a tutorial to raise Japanese ant. There is also mini game to relieve your boredom.From many testimonies by friends and family, Japanese ant can really cure some illness. This method can be used for people who don't have enough money to afford medical treatment

    Aplikasi Informasi Posko Bencana Alam Berbasis Android

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    Within the last 10 years, there have been so many natural disasters such as tsunami, earthquakes, and the eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta. Many emergency shelters were built to accommodate the disasters survivors. It caused problems in processing information regarding existing aid. An application named "Post Natural Disaster Information" was created to make it easier to process the information.This is an useful application for both the donors and the posts. This app has a feature to provide information on available data from each post, so that donors know the needs of certain posts. It takes advantage of Android devices to provide information about the posts to the users. It could be posts\u27 logistics or data shelters refugees in post. In addition to the person in charge of the post, this application helps organizing the logistics command post as logistical transfer. This application could send a broadcast to the users who have been already logged in. It also provides information in the form of a website. This application was made by Eclipse IDE in the Java programming language for Android and using the PHP programming language for websites with CodeIgniter framework.The test results show that the application is running well on some devices such as Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean), Android 4.4 (Kitkat). Applications can run the update feature post, broadcast, maintain logistics data and find posts locations well

    Aplikasi Committee Recruitment Broadcast Di Universitas Kristen Petra Berbasis Website Dan Facebook API

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    Dissemination of information and recruitment of event committees at Petra Christian University are still manually performed. Students still have difficulties to get the information about activities / events in campus which are still open committee recruitment. Therefore, Petra Christian University needs a website to provide information to all students and facilitate students in registering committee activities.This thesis made web-based application inside social media facebook which use facebook API and PostageApp email service to broadcast committee informations. Features provided in this application are adding new committee activities, searching activities, the registration of committee, committee acceptance, notification, the committee appraisal, displaying the committee history of students, approving the committee activities, and importing data from an excel file. This application is made using the programming language PHP and HTML, CodeIgniter framework, and MySQL database.Based on the tests performed, this website application can be run on facebook canvas that can be accessed after logging on facebook and approving the permissions dialog. This application can help students get information about the activities of the committee at Petra Christian University, assist the process of registration and recruitment committee. The website can also provide broadcast facebook and email notifications to students. This application derive satisfaction score of 82,03% respondents