6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Clean Market Chain from a Biosecure Farm

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    This paper presents the existing condition of a clean market chain (CMC) developed by the Indonesian government with the Australian government through AH 169/2006 project in 2011. This research aims at evaluating the existence of CMC update and to record the needs for mentoring for sustainability of the chain to provide product from a biosecure farm. Results of the study shows that the CMC still works and tend to expand with more stakeholders to get involved especially at the organizational buyers. Some policy initiatives need to be applied to make the chain sustain. Keywords: clean market chain, eggs, biosecurit


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    Ethanol can damage the liver, indicated by an increase of alanin amino transaminase (ALT) activity and aspartat amino transminase (AST) activity in the blood of alcohol-treated rats. Coffee is rich in antioxidants which are hepatoprotector agent. This study aimed to determine the effect of coffee to reduce alanin amino transaminase (ALT) activity and aspartat amino transminase (AST) activity in blood serum of alcohol-treated rats. The study used 32 male wistar albino rats (200±20g  weight) which were divided into four treatment groups i.e. P0 (negative control which were treated with 1 mL of 30% ethanol/200g body weight (bw)/day), P1 (1 mL of 30% ethanol/200 g bw/day + coffee 0,1g/200g bw in 3,5 mL of water/200 g bw/day), P2 (1 mL of 30% ethanol/200g bw + coffee 0,15 g/200g bw in 3,5 mL of water/200g bw/day), dan P3 (1 mL of 30% ethanol/200g bw + coffee 0,2g/200g bw in 3,5 mL of water/200g bw/day). ALT and AST levels were measured by spectrophotometric method. Data analysis was done by ANOVA followed with LSD test and correlation analysis. The results showed that coffee reduced (P<0.01) the activities of ALT and AST of rats blood serum. ALT and AST activities were significantly different (P<0.01) among treatments and with control. Dose of coffee was negatively correlated with ALT activity with correlation coefficient (R) -0.978 and AST with correlation coefficient (R) -0.985 (P<0,01). The lowest of ALT and AST activities were found at dose of coffee 0.2 g/200g body weight. Keywords: ethanol, ALT, AST, coffe

    Peningkatan Limfosit, Monosit, dan Basofil pada Sapi Bali yang Digembalakan di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Kota Denpasar (THE ELEVATION LEVEL OF LIMPHOCYTE, MONOCYTE, AND BASOPHIL ON BALI CATTLE GRAZING AT WASTE DISPOSAL CITY OF DENPASAR)

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    The Bali cattles that grazing at Denpasar city waste disposal need to examined for their healthy to keep the quality of beef production. The aim of this research to determine the hematologic profile of Bali cattle was grazing at waste disposel in Denpasar. The data obtained is expected to provide an initial ekspretion of the general health-related to productivity. Studies using nine female of Bali cattle weighing 250-300 kg, aged 2-3 years. Research using quantitative methods by means of surveys and research laboratory. The research variables are Total White blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and Total Red blood cell (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV). The result showed that the total of RBC, Hb, and MCV were still within the normal range. The other result were the average WBC: 4.8%, lymphocytes: 25.3%, Monocytes: 2.8%, and Basophils: 0.8% higher if compared to the same variable in cows were well maintained. It can be concluded that the Bali cattle grazing in the area of the landfill affected pathophysiological change in its body


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    Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruhterhadap tingkat pendapatan peternak pada usaha penggemukan sapi bali skala kecil telah dilakukan di Desa DauhYeh Cane, Abiansemal-Badung. Penelitian menggunakan metode survai yang dilakukan terhadap 50 orang peternaksebagai responden yang dipilih secara purposif random sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi nilai jualternak, biaya pemeliharaan, jumlah pemilikan ternak, lama waktu pemeliharaan, umur sapi bakalan, bobot badanawal, bobot badan akhir (saat dijual), kapasitas kerja dan curahan waktu kerja peternak serta jumlah pemberianpakan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan daftar pertanyaan, kemudian data yangdiperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Untuk melihat peranan faktor-faktor produksi yang dilibatkan itu digunakanpendekatan model linear aditif dan kemudian analisis dilakukan dengan metoda regresi berganda, dilanjutkan denganstepwise. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pendapatan peternak secara nyata (P<0,05) dipengaruhibersama-sama oleh faktor skala pemilikan ternak (X1), umur bakalan (X2), lama pemeliharaan (X3), kapasitaskerja (X4), curahan waktu kerja (X5) dan jumlah pemberian pakan (X6) dengan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) =0,591. Dari kesemua faktor tersebut maka faktor umur bakalan, lama waktu pemeliharaan dan jumlah pemberianpakan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata, namun faktor lama waktu pemeliharaan adalah faktor produksi yangmemberikan pengaruh yang paling besar terhadap tingkat pendapatan peternak dengan koefisien determinasi (R2)= 0,458

    Identifikasi Pola Pertumbuhan Melalui Pendugaan Hubungan Antara Ukuran-Ukuran Dimensi Tubuh Pada Sapi Putih Taro Betina Dewasa

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    This research evaluated the growth pattern of  Taro white cattle by estimating the relationship between body dimensions by measuring 18  Taro white cattle periodically every two weeks for three months. Body dimensions measured were body weight (BW), body length  (BL), chest circumference (CC), body height (BH), hip height (HH), and hip width (HW). The measured data were analyzed descriptively, and to estimate the relationship between body dimensions, Multiple Linear Regression analysis was used, followed by Step Wise. The results showed that the average body dimensions of  Taro white cattle were: BW:183.61 ± 25.92 kg; BL: 113.36 ± 7.13 cm; CC: 143.93 ± 6.61 cm; BH: 109.79 ± 3.92 cm; HH: 108.68 ± 4.58 cm and HW: 32.96 ± 2.33 cm. Body weight (BW) as an indicator of the growth of  Taro white cattle has genuine multiple linear relationships with BL, CC, BH, HH, and HW with the equation BW = 1.23BL + 2.29 CC - 0.24 BH + 0.11 HH + 1.97 HW – 336.63 with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.78. Then step-wise, a new regression equation is obtained: BW = 1.42 BL + 2.50 CC – 338.03 with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.80. The conclusion is the estimation of body weight as an indication of Taro white cattle growth can be best carried out by utilizing body length and chest circumference as estimating variables.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan sapi taro betina dewasa melalui pendugaan hubungan antara ukuran-ukuran dimensi dengan cara melakukan pengukuran terhadap dimensi tubuh&nbsp; 18 ekor sapi putih taro betina dewasa secara berkala setiap dua minggu selama 3 bulan.&nbsp; Dimensi tubuh yang diukur adalah bobot badan (BB), badan (PB), lingkar dada (LD), tinggi gumba (TG), tinggi pinggul (TP) dan lebar pinggul (LeP). Data hasil pengukuran&nbsp; dianalisis secara deskriptif dan untuk pendugaan hubungan antara ukuran dimensi tubuh digunakan analisis Regresi Linear Berganda dilanjutkan dengan Step Wise. Hasil penelitian&nbsp; menunjukkan rataan ukuran dimensi tubuh sapi taro betina dewasa&nbsp; seperti BB&nbsp; : 183,61 ± 25,92 kg; PB : 113,36 ± 7,13 cm;&nbsp; LD :143,93 ± 6,61 cm; TG = 109,79± 3,92 cm;&nbsp; TPi = 108,68±4,58 cm dan LeP = 32,96±2,33 cm. Bobot badan (BB) sebagai indikator pertumbuhan sapi taro betina dewasa memiliki hubungan&nbsp; linear berganda yang nyata dengan PB, LD, TG, TPi dan LPi dengan persamaan BB = 1,23PB + 2,29 LD - 0,24 TG + 0,11 TPi + 1,97 LPi – 336,63 dengan besaran koefisien determinasi (R2) = 0,78. Selanjutnya dengan step wise diperoleh persamaan regresi yang baru yaitu BB = 1,42 PB + 2,50 LD – 338,03 dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) = 0,80.&nbsp; Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dinyatakan bahwa dugaan bobot badan sebagai indikasi pertumbuhan sapi taro betina dewasa dapat dilakukan terbaik dengan memanfaatkan panjang badan dan lingkar dada sebagai variabel penduga. Kata kunci : sapi taro, pola pertumbuhan, dimensi tubu

    Gambaran Darah Kambing Gembrong, Kambing Peranakan Etawah, dan Kambing Kacang di Bali (BLOOD ILLUSTRATION OF GEMBRONG GOAT, ETAWAH CROSSBRED GOAT AND KACANG GOAT IN BALI)

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    There were three kinds of goat developed in Bali since a long time ago i.e. Gembrong goat, EtawahCrossbred goat, and Kacang goat. Gembrong goat is nearly disappearingrecently due to decrease of itspopulation from year to year. The Gembrong goat has very interesting performance, funny, and this speciesis Balinese native goats. The objective of thisexperiment was to know the blood illustration among thethree speciesof the Balinese native goatwhere in the future it can be used as a guide to develop each ofthem. The experiment was used nine adults goats namely three adult male Gembrong goats, three adultmale Etawah Crossbred goats, and three adult male Kacang Goats respectively. The animal fed dailygreen feed grows around them and additional rice bran. Blood samples of the animals were collected forabout10-15 mL each with venoject, and then was kept in a cooler box and subsequently sent to the ProdiaClinic Laboratory at Denpasar. The results of the experiment showed that blood illustration of the threekinds of goat was not significantly different (P > 0.05) except the triglyseride