23 research outputs found

    The Effect of Diel Temperature and Light Cycles on the Growth of Nannochloropsis oculata in a Photobioreactor Matrix

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    A matrix of photobioreactors integrated with metabolic sensors was used to examine the combined impact of light and temperature variations on the growth and physiology of the biofuel candidate microalgal species Nannochloropsis oculata. The experiments were performed with algal cultures maintained at a constant 20u C versus a 15°C to 25°C diel temperature cycle, where light intensity also followed a diel cycle with a maximum irradiance of 1920 μmol photons m-2 s-1. No differences in algal growth (Chlorophyll a) were found between the two environmental regimes; however, the metabolic processes responded differently throughout the day to the change in environmental conditions. The variable temperature treatment resulted in greater damage to photosystem II due to the combined effect of strong light and high temperature. Cellular functions responded differently to conditions before midday as opposed to the afternoon, leading to strong hysteresis in dissolved oxygen concentration, quantum yield of photosystem II and net photosynthesis. Overnight metabolism performed differently, probably as a result of the temperature impact on respiration. Our photobioreactor matrix has produced novel insights into the physiological response of Nannochloropsis oculata to simulated environmental conditions. This information can be used to predict the effectiveness of deploying Nannochloropsis oculata in similar field conditions for commercial biofuel production. © 2014 Tamburic et al

    Geavanceerde dynamische modellering rwzi Eindhoven voor een schonere Dommel

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    Onder het motto `samen, slim, schoon' ontwikkelen in Noord-Brabant enkele gemeenten, waterschappen en universiteiten innovatieve oplossingen voor een vernieuwende aanpak in de afvalwaterketen en het watersysteem. Een onderdeel hiervan is een geavanceerde modellering van procesonderdelen van de rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie. Deze modellering maakt op haar beurt deel uit van het KRW-innovatieproject KALLISTO, dat bijdraagt aan een doelmatig en duurzaam schonere rivier de Dommel. Het onderzoek loopt tot medio dit jaar in de regio Eindhoven.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Impact-based integrated real-time control for improvement of the Dommel River water quality

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    The KALLISTO project aims at finding cost-efficient sets of measures to meet the Water Framework Directive (WFD) derived goals for the river Dommel. Within the project, both acute and long term impacts of the urban wastewater system on the chemical and ecological quality of the river are studied with an integral monitoring campaign in the urban wastewater system (WWTP and sewers) and in the river. Based on this monitoring campaign, detailed models were calibrated. These models are partly simplified and integrated in a single model, which is validated using the detailed submodels. The integrated model was used to study the potential for impact-based real-time control (RTC). Impact based RTC proved to be able to improve the quality of the receiving waters significantly, although additional measures remain necessary to be able to meet the WFD requirement

    Kallisto: successfully using an intagrated modelling approach for cost-effective Water Framework Directive compliance

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    Computer modelling provides a means of dealing with the complexity of devising and applying the integrated water resources management approaches required by the EU Water FrameWork Directive

    Integrale dynamische modellering Afvalwaterketen Eindhoven: De rwzi in detail

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    Ondanks vele verbetermaatregelen staat de waterkwaliteit in de Dommel nog voortdurend onder druk door de effluentlozing vanuit de rwzi en de overstorten in verhouding tot de capaciteit van het ontvangende oppervlaktewater. Naast de Iwelpunten met de zuurstofhuishouding spelen vooral bij overstortsituaties in De Dommel hoge ammoniumpieken, die toxisch kunnen zijn voor de vispopulatie en ander aquatisch leven, een belangrijke beperkende rol voor de waterkwaliteit. Geavanceerde dynamische wisl<undige modellering geven meer inzicht in de huidige werking van de rwzi en de ruimte die er is voor verbetering van de installatie met de nadruk in eerste instantie op piekbelastingen. Het voor het Kallisto-project onwikkelde zuiverings- en ketenmodel wordt vervolgens in een nageschakelde analyse geïntegreerd in een model van de hele waterketen om deze maatregelen te toetsen met maatregelen elders in de keten. In deze bijdrage wordt dieper ingegaan op de modellering van de RWZI vanuit een integrale context. Met het gekalibreerde model kunnen nu integrale l<etenscenario's uitgevoerd en geëvalueerd worden. Het Kallisto-project resulteert: uiteindelijk in een aantal integrale optimalisatiescenario's, die uitgewerkt zullen worden tot diverse realisatiemaatregelen. Dit kunnen fysieke maatregelen in de riolering, in het transportstelsel, op of achter de zuivering of in het oppervlaktewater zijn.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Integrale dynamische modellering afvalwaterketen Eindhoven: De zuivering in detail

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    Onder het motto´Samen, Slim, Schoon´ ontwikkelen gemeenten, waterschappen en universiteiten oplossingen voor een vernieuwende aanpak in de afvalwaterketen en het watersysteem. Geavanceerde modellering van procesonderdelen van de rwzi maakt onderdeel uit van het KRW-innovatieproject KALLISTO dat bijdraagt aan een doelmatig en duurzaam schoner oppervlaktewater in rivier de Dommel.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Cost-effective solutions for water quality improvement in the Dommel river supported by sewer-WWTP-river integrated modelling

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    This project aims at finding cost-efficient sets of measures to meet the Water Framework Directive (WFD) derived goals for the Dommel River (The Netherlands). Within the project, both acute and long-term impacts of the urban wastewater system on the chemical and ecological quality of the river are studied with a monitoring campaign in the urban wastewater system (wastewater treatment plant and sewers) and in the receiving surface water system. An integrated model, which proved to be a powerful tool to analyse the interactions within the integrated urban wastewater system, was first used to evaluate measures in the urban wastewater system using the existing infrastructure and new real-time control strategies. As the latter resulted to be beneficial but not sufficient, this paper investigated the use of additional infrastructural measures to improve the system cost-effectively and have it meet the Directive's goals. Finally, an uncertainty analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of uncertainty in the main model assumptions and model parameters on the performance robustness of the selected set of measures. Apart from some extreme worst-case scenarios, the proposed set of measures turned out to be sufficiently robust. Due to the substantial savings obtained with the results of this project, the pay-back time of the whole monitoring and modelling work proved to be less than 5 months. This illustrates the power of mathematical modelling for decision support in the context of complex urban water system

    A New Empirical Sewer Water Quality Model for the Prediction of WWTP Influent Quality

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    Modelling of the integrated urban water system is a powerful tool to optimise wastewater system performance or to find cost-effective solutions for receiving water problems. One of the challenges of integrated modelling is the prediction of water quality at the inlet of a WWTP. Recent applications of water quality sensors have resulted in the availability of long time series of sewer water quality and WWTP influent quality. This time series contains a lot of information on the response of sewer water quality to, for example, storm events. This allows the development of empirical models to predict sewer water quality. This paper proposes a new approach for water quality modelling, which uses the measured hydraulic dynamics at the influent of the WWTP to derive the (measured) influent water quality. This model can then be used as a WWTP influent generator using either measured or simulated influent hydraulics as input.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience