331 research outputs found

    Quantum disorder versus order-out-of-disorder in the Kugel-Khomskii model

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    The Kugel-Khomskii model, the simplest model for orbital degenerate magnetic insulators, exhibits a zero temperature degeneracy in the classical limit which could cause genuine quantum disorder. Khaliullin and Oudovenko [Phys. Rev. B 56, R14 243 (1997)] suggested recently that instead a particular classical state could be stabilized by quantum fluctuations. Here we compare their approach with standard random phase approximation and show that it strongly underestimates the strength of the quantum fluctuations, shedding doubts on the survival of any classical state.Comment: 4 pages, ReVTeX, 4 figure

    Spin and orbital excitation spectrum in the Kugel-Khomskii model

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    We discuss spin and orbital ordering in the twofold orbital degenerate superexchange model in three dimensions relevant to perovskite transition metal oxides. We focus on the particular point on the classical phase diagram where orbital degeneracy is lifted by quantum effects exclusively. Dispersion and damping of the spin and orbital excitations are calculated at this point taking into account their mutual interaction. Interaction corrections to the mean-field order parameters are found to be small. We conclude that quasi-one-dimensional Neel spin order accompanied by the uniform d_{3z^2-r^2}-type orbital ordering is stable against quantum fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages with 3 PS figures, 1 table, RevTeX, accepted to Phys. Rev. B. Rapid Communicatio

    Orbital dynamics in ferromagnetic transition metal oxides

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    We consider a model of strongly correlated ege_g electrons interacting by superexchange orbital interactions in the ferromagnetic phase of LaMnO3_3. It is found that the classical orbital order with alternating occupied ege_g orbitals has a full rotational symmetry at orbital degeneracy, and the excitation spectrum derived using the linear spin-wave theory is gapless. The quantum (fluctuation) corrections to the order parameter and to the ground state energy restore the cubic symmetry of the model. By applying a uniaxial pressure orbital degeneracy is lifted in a tetragonal field and one finds an orbital-flop phase with a gap in the excitation spectrum. In two dimensions the classical order is more robust near the orbital degeneracy point and quantum effects are suppressed. The orbital excitation spectra obtained using finite temperature diagonalization of two-dimensional clusters consist of a quasiparticle accompanied by satellite structures. The orbital waves found within the linear spin-wave theory provide an excellent description of the dominant pole of these spectra.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Elementary excitations of the symmetric spin-orbital model: The XY limit

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    The elementary excitations of the 1D, symmetric, spin-orbital model are investigated by studying two anisotropic versions of the model, the pure XY and the dimerized XXZ case, with analytical and numerical methods. While they preserve the symmetry between spin and orbital degrees of freedom, these models allow for a simple and transparent picture of the low--lying excitations: In the pure XY case, a phase separation takes place between two phases with free--fermion like, gapless excitations, while in the dimerized case, the low-energy effective Hamiltonian reduces to the 1D Ising model with gapped excitations. In both cases, all the elementary excitations involve simultaneous flips of the spin and orbital degrees of freedom, a clear indication of the breakdown of the traditional mean-field theory.Comment: Revtex, two figure

    Orbital liquid in ferromagnetic manganites: The orbital Hubbard model for ege_g electrons

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    We have analyzed the symmetry properties and the ground state of an orbital Hubbard model with two orbital flavors, describing a partly filled spin-polarized ege_g band on a cubic lattice, as in ferromagnetic manganites. We demonstrate that the off-diagonal hopping responsible for transitions between x2y2x^2-y^2 and 3z2r23z^2-r^2 orbitals, and the absence of SU(2) invariance in orbital space, have important implications. One finds that superexchange contributes in all orbital ordered states, the Nagaoka theorem does not apply, and the kinetic energy is much enhanced as compared with the spin case. Therefore, orbital ordered states are harder to stabilize in the Hartree-Fock approximation (HFA), and the onset of a uniform ferro-orbital polarization and antiferro-orbital instability are similar to each other, unlike in spin case. Next we formulate a cubic (gauge) invariant slave boson approach using the orbitals with complex coefficients. In the mean-field approximation it leads to the renormalization of the kinetic energy, and provides a reliable estimate for the ground state energy of the disordered state. Using this approach one finds that the HFA fails qualitatively in the regime of large Coulomb repulsion UU\to\infty -- the orbital order is unstable, and instead a strongly correlated orbital liquid with disordered orbitals is realized at any electron filling.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Orbital order in classical models of transition-metal compounds

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    We study the classical 120-degree and related orbital models. These are the classical limits of quantum models which describe the interactions among orbitals of transition-metal compounds. We demonstrate that at low temperatures these models exhibit a long-range order which arises via an "order by disorder" mechanism. This strongly indicates that there is orbital ordering in the quantum version of these models, notwithstanding recent rigorous results on the absence of spin order in these systems.Comment: 7 pages, 1 eps fi

    Orbital order out of spin disorder: How to measure the orbital gap

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    The interplay between spin and orbital degrees of freedom in the Mott-Hubbard insulator is studied by considering an orbitally degenerate superexchange model. We argue that orbital order and the orbital excitation gap in this model are generated through the order-from-disorder mechanism known previously from frustrated spin models. We propose that the orbital gap should show up indirectly in the dynamical spin structure factor; it can therefore be measured using the conventional inelastic neutron scattering method

    Thermodynamics of the one-dimensional SU(4) symmetric spin-orbital model

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    The ground state properties and the thermodynamics of the one-dimensional SU(4) symmetric spin system with orbital degeneracy are investigated using the quantum Monte Carlo loop algorithm. The spin-spin correlation functions exhibit a 4-site periodicity, and their low temperature behavior is controlled by two correlation lengths that diverge like the inverse temperature, while the entropy is linear in temperature and its slope is consistent with three gapless modes of velocity π/2\pi/2. The physical implications of these results are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Exact Ground States in Spin Systems with Orbital Degeneracy

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    We present exact ground states in spin models with orbital generacy in one and higher dimensions. A method to obtain the exact ground states of the models when the Hamiltonians are composed of the products of two commutable operators is proposed. For the case of the spin-1/2 model with two-fold degeneracy some exact ground states are given, such as the Valence-Bond (VB), the magnetically ordered, and the orbitally ordered states under particular parameter regimes. We also find the models with the higher spin and degeneracy which have the new types of VB ground states in the spin and the orbital sectors.Comment: 4 pages(JPSJ.sty), 2 figures(EPS), to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, No.2 (1999) 32

    Suppression of static stripe formation by next-neighbor hopping

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    We show from real-space Hartree-Fock calculations within the extended Hubbard model that next-nearest neighbor (t') hopping processes act to suppress the formation of static charge stripes. This result is confirmed by investigating the evolution of charge-inhomogeneous corral and stripe phases with increasing t' of both signs. We propose that large t' values in YBCO prevent static stripe formation, while anomalously small t' in LSCO provides an additional reason for the appearance of static stripes only in these systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure