194 research outputs found

    Deformation of the Dirac Equation

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    In this paper, we will first clarify the physical meaning of having a minimum measurable time. Then we will combine the deformation of the Dirac equation due to the existence of minimum measurable length and time scales with its deformation due to the doubly special relativity. We will also analyse this deformed Dirac equation in curved spacetime, and observe that this deformation of the Dirac equation also leads to a non-trivial modification of general relativity. Finally, we will analyse the stochastic quantization of this deformed Dirac equation on curved spacetime.Comment: 16 pages, 0 figures, Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Vesicles and lamella: outcome of the changing formation path of a sodium N-lauroylsarcosinate hydrate/1-decanol/water system

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    Vesicles are closed bilayers that enclose a part of the continuous phase inside the core. In spherical shape, they attain the minimum free energy state. Conversely, lamella with maximum free energy remain in planer bilayer shape in the colloidal dispersion. Even with the same amphiphile concentration the colloidal structures depend on different parameters, many of these already addressed in different reports. However, the effect of mixing procedure as a formation path is unidentified. Here we reported water in 1-decanol and 1-decanol in water; these two different mixing procedures yield vesicles and lamella at the same point of the phase diagram of a sodium N-lauroylsarcosinate hydrate/1-decanol/water system. It was found that the favorable and unfavorable contact of water with the weak tertiary ammonium cation in amino-acid head-group plays the crucial role in this process. Moreover, this weak cationic property of this amphoteric surfactant can be exploited to carry DNA for gene therapy with a nontoxic system instead of cationic

    Analisis Persediaan Suku Cadang Kritis dan Reliabilitas Mesin Water Injection Pump di PT. Pertamina EP UBEP Jambi

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    This Study was conducted at PT. Pertamina EP located at Jakarta in order to analyze reliability of machines that used in that company. This study is to suggest the company the picture of the aspect that still inefficient in the operational system. This study is using prime and secondary data with water injection pump type GASO 3364-7 as the study object that located in business, explorations and production unit (UBEP) Jambi. the data is collected from spare part changes within 2011-2012 period. Using ABC analysis, the critical parts within the machines will be sorted out and each of the critical parts will be measured the mean time between failure with comparing the total uptime of the spare part and total breakdown per critical component in that period of time. As the result of the study, can be concluded that water injection pump machine, with 3 month averages will have a breakdown that involving the critical parts. The recommendation is, the management has to pay attention at the inventory level of critical parts so it can be more efficient where is the inventory level is not bigger than usage level considering critical parts have high price above all parts that will make higher inventory cost if the supply is more than usage and lack of inventory will causing major shutdown that will cost company some costly opportunity.Keywords : Reliability, Maintenance

    Particulate structures produced by electrosprays of colloidal silica suspensions in both negative and positive zeta potentials

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    Interaction between surface charge (zeta potential) of colloidal silica nanoparticles and the charge-induced droplets suspended in the gas phase by electrospray is investigated for the first time based on the particle physical (morphology, size, and size distribution) and optical properties. Colloidal silica nanoparticles having negative and positive zeta potential were subjected to electrospray in both negative and positive mode, and deposited on a substrate (silicon wafer). Visual observation of the substrate with particle deposition shows various white shades, corresponding to the changes in optical properties, as supported by the ultraviolet-visible–near-infrared spectroscopy. Microscopic analysis revealed the strong correlation between the colloid surface charge and charging mode (positive or negative) of the sprayed droplets to the particle morphology and size. The findings of the present study demonstrate the capability of the electrospray method to tune the physical and optical properties of colloidal silica nanoparticles with different surface charges

    Sintesis Nanokristal Lapo4 yang Didoping Logam Tanah Jarang dan Sifat Luminisensinya

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    Lanthanum ortophosphate (LaPO4) yang didopingdengan ion logam tanah jarang (Ce3+, Eu3+ dan Gd3+)telah disintesis dengan metode larutan sederhana.Larutan prekursor yang disiapkan sebagai sumberion logam tanah jarang berasal dari golongangaram nitrat yang mudah larut dalam air. Dalamrangka mencegah aglomerasi yang kuat antarpartikel, dalam proses sintesis, polyethylene glycol(MW 20.000) telah ditambahkan ke dalam larutanprekursor. Struktur dan ukuran kristal dari pertikelyang dihasilkan telah diinvestigasi menggunakanpola difraksi sinar-x dengan bantuan persamaanScherrer. Derajat kekristalan yang tinggi darinanokristal LaPO4 hasil sintesis menunjukkankesesuaian dengan JCPDS 32-0493. Berdasarkanspektrum fotoluminisensi dapat diamati bahwaLaPO4 telah berhasil diaktivasi menjadi phosphororange-merah dengan penambahan ion Eu3+ dan ionCe3+. Sedangkan ion Gd3+ tidak berhasil mengaktivasiLaPO4


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    This study analyzes the problems related to the existence of Lampung Sebatin Indigenous Marriages. Where the Lampung indigenous people Sebatin started a new life order in marriage combining custom and Islamic law. Marriage is divided into two ways, namely Nyakak/ Jujokh and Semanda marriages. The traditional marriage procedures have values and norms or rules. The problem in this research is how the practice of marriage and how the description of the relationship between customary law and Islamic law as well as positive law in Indonesia in the marriage of the indigenous community of Lampung Sebatin. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about: first, the practice of marriage traditional Lampung Sebatin procedures; and Second, positive law and Islamic law in the traditional marriage customs of Lampung Sebatin. This study uses the qualitative research method with a sociological legal approach that focuses on the process of implementing marriage based on Islamic law and customary law with predetermined objectives. The research data were obtained using the interview method conducted on the object of research or respondents. The findings of this study indicate that first, the practice of marriage traditional Lampung Sebatin in its implementation uses Islamic law, but there are several processions such as pre-marriage and after-marriage. Marriage Lampung traditional customs are Sebatin divided into two, namely Nyakak/ Jujokh and Semanda with the traditional stages before, the implementation customary stages and the customary stages after marriage and the pattern of settling after marriage. Second, the law of marriage in the teachings of the Islamic religion with the law on marriage, in the procedure of marriage, in Nyakak/ Jujokh and Semanda is general it can be said that line, in practice it is in accordance with the basis and reference, namely the law on marriage is al-Quran, al-Sunnah, Qaidah Fighiyah and Consensus (Ijma) of Muslims in Indonesia.Keywords: Marriage, Tradition, Lampung, Sebatin, Islamic La

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Vibrio Harveyi secara In Vitro

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    Penyakit Vibriosis disebabkan serangan bakteri Vibrio sp. berupa penyakit kunang - kunang khususnya V. harveyi. Penggunaan obat dan antibiotik dilarang karena membahayakan manusia dan menimbulkan sifat resisten. Buah mengkudu mengandung zat aktif antibakteria yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak buah mengkudu dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri V. Harveyi secara in vitro, pengujian dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu metode tanam menggunakan media tumbuh TSA 2,5% NaCl dan metode sebar menggunakan media tumbuh TSB 2,5% NaCl dengan kepadatan bakteri 105 cfu/ml. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 3 perlakuan volume uji ekstrak buah mengkudu yaitu 0,25 ml ; 0,50 ml ; 0,75 ml dan 0 ml (kontrol), tiap perlakuan 4 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak buah mengkudu dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri V. harveyi secara in vitro (P < 0, 01). Perlakuan 0,5 ml dan 0,75 ml memiliki efektivitas yang sama dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri V. harveyi yaitu selama 48 jam waktu inkubasi. Volume optimum dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri V. harveyi secara in vitro adalah 0,50 ml ekstrak buah mengkudu dengan rerata zona hambat maksimum 5, 25 ± 0, 85 mm dan daya hambat selama 48 jam waktu inkubasi

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga: sebuah Studi di Kecamatan Sukarami Kota Palembang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga yang dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Sukarame Kota Palembang dengan mengambil Kelurahan Sukodadi sebagai kelurahan sampel. Kelurahan Sukodadi dipilih sebagai sampel secara "purposive" dikarenakan pada RT 24 Kelurahan Sukodadi pada tahun 2011 pernah menjadi "Wilayah Ramah Lingkungan". Pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai dengan September 2014. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara Proportinate Stratified Random Sampling. Pada Kelurahan Sukadadi terdapat 34 RT yang dapat dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu 24 RT dengan pengelolaan sampah yang kurang baik (Strata I), dan 10 RT dengan pengelolaan sampah yang baik (Strata II). Masing-masing strata diambil 2 RT, sehingga terdapat 4 RT sampel. Dari 4 RT tersebut diambil 10 % keluarga sampel, sehingga terdapat 54 sampel. Tingkat partisipasi masyarakat diukur dari segi pewadahan dan pengumpulan/pengangkutan sampah rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah tergolong tinggi (ratarata skor 73,46%), dengan skor Strata I (64,52%) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Strata II (85,51%). %). Menggunakan uji Chi-Square didapatkan hasil bahwa usia dan lama bermukim mempunyai hubungan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah. Pendidikan dan pekerjaan/penghasilan tidak dapat dibuktikan. Untuk menciptakan lingkungan bebas sampah dapat mengurangi beban pemerintah dengan partisipasi masyarakat yang tinggi
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