54 research outputs found

    Effect of starter cultures on microbial and physicochemical parameters of a dry fermented poultry meat sausage

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    The aim of this work was to study the effect of Staphylococcus xylosus and Lactobacillus plantarum on microbial and physicochemical characteristics of a dry fermented poultry meat sausage. The microbial results show that lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) represent the two predominant microflora in all stages of ripening. The number of enterobacteria decreased significantly in sausages previously inoculated respectively with L. plantarum and with a mixed starter cultures, due to the acidifying and antibacterial activities of lactic acid bacteria. The moisture content of control and inoculated sausages decreased in all stages of ripening which allows a good preservation and consequently, improved their shelf life. Moreover, total free amino acids content increased during ripening of dry fermented sausages. Their concentrations were higher in sausages previously inoculated with starter cultures than in control ones. The main amino acids present in all stages of ripening were aspartic and glutamic acids, arginine, glycine, threonine, alanine, tyrosine, phenylalaline, leucine and isoleucine.Keywords: Staphylococcus xylosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, ripening, dry fermented sausageAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(43) 4155-416

    Inventory of the free-living marine nematode species from el Bibane Lagoon (Tunisia)

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    A detailed inventory of the free-living nematodes of Tunisia has been made for the northern part of Tunisia, but the southern part of the country is unexplored. El Bibane is the second largest lagoon in Tunisia. It is thus of high importance for future conservation actions, but little is known about its biodiversity. In this study, we identified 71 nematode species, belonging to 68 genera and 22 families. Richness was lowest in the central area of the lagoon where the highest percentages of mud and organic matter were found. The number of species detected in this study is high compared to other transitional environments in the Mediterranean basin, but lower than those reported for North Europe. Most of the species are typical of transitional environments or sediments rich in the fine fraction and detritus. The richest families were Cyatholaimidae and Chromadoridae, but the most frequently found species were Xyalidae, Linhomoeidae and Cyatholaimidae. Six of the species collected are new to science, seven are new records for Tunisian waters, and four are new for the Mediterranean basin. This study adds also important information to the biogeography of the phylum because some of the species detected here were previously known only for other geographical regions. Species that currently appear endemic to the Mediterranean Sea include Chromadorina metulata, Synonchiella edax, Paralongicyatholaimus mastigodes, Trichotheristus setifer and Metalinhomoeus numidicus. Data published in GBIF (doi:10.15470/wuvqpg

    Inventory of the free-living marine nematode species from el Bibane Lagoon (Tunisia)

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    Inventari de les espècies de nematodes de vida lliure de la llacuna del Bibane (Tunísia) S’ha fet un inventari detallat dels nematodes de vida lliure de la part nord de Tunísia, però la part sud del país està inexplorada. La llacuna del Bibane és la segona més extensa de Tunísia, per la qual cosa té una importància fonamental per al desenvolupament de futures accions de conservació i cal avaluar-ne la biodiversitat. S’hi van trobar 71 espècies de nematodes, pertanyents a 68 gèneres i 22 famílies. La riquesa més baixa es va registrar a la zona central de la llacuna, on es concentren els percentatges més elevats de llot i matèria orgànica. El nombre d’espècies trobades en aquest estudi és alt si es compara amb el d’altres entorns de transició de la conca mediterrània, però més baix que els registrats al nord d’Europa. La major part de les espècies són típiques d’entorns de transició o de sediments rics en fracció fina i detrits. Les famílies més riques van ser Cyatholaimidae i Chromadoridae, però les trobades amb més freqüència van ser Xyalidae, Linhomoeidae i Cyatholaimidae. Cal posar en relleu que sis espècies recol·lectades són noves per a la ciència, set són nous registres en aigües tunisenques i quatre nous registres a la conca mediterrània. Aquest estudi també aporta informació important per a la biogeografia del fílum atès que fins ara algunes de les espècies registrades aquí només eren conegudes en altres regions geogràfiques. Entre les espècies que en aquest moment apareixen com a endèmiques al mar Mediterrani es troben Chromadorina metulata, Synonchiella edax, Paralongicyatholaimus mastigodes, Trichotheristus setifer i Metalinhomoeus numidicus. Dades publicades a GBIF (doi:10.15470/wuvqpg)A detailed inventory of the free-living nematodes of Tunisia has been made for the northern part of Tunisia, but the southern part of the country is unexplored. El Bibane is the second largest lagoon in Tunisia. It is thus of high importance for future conservation actions, but little is known about its biodiversity. In this study, we identified 71 nematode species, belonging to 68 genera and 22 families. Richness was lowest in the central area of the lagoon where the highest percentages of mud and organic matter were found. The number of species detected in this study is high compared to other transitional environments in the Mediterranean basin, but lower than those reported for North Europe. Most of the species are typical of transitional environments or sediments rich in the fine fraction and detritus. The richest families were Cyatholaimidae and Chromadoridae, but the most frequently found species were Xyalidae, Linhomoeidae and Cyatholaimidae. Six of the species collected are new to science, seven are new records for Tunisian waters, and four are new for the Mediterranean basin. This study adds also important information to the biogeography of the phylum because some of the species detected here were previously known only for other geographical regions. Species that currently appear endemic to the Mediterranean Sea include Chromadorina metulata, Synonchiella edax, Paralongicyatholaimus mastigodes, Trichotheristus setifer and Metalinhomoeus numidicus. Data published in GBIF (doi:10.15470/wuvqpg)Inventario de las especies de nematodos de vida libre de la laguna de El Bibane (Túnez) Se ha realizado un inventario detallado de los nematodos de vida libre de la parte norte de Túnez, pero la parte sur del país está inexplorada. La laguna de El Bibane es la segunda más extensa de Túnez, por lo que su importancia es fundamental para el desarrollo de futuras acciones de conservación y su biodiversidad debe ser evaluada. Se encontraron 71 especies de nematodos, pertenecientes a 68 géneros y 22 familias, registrándose la menor riqueza en la zona central de la laguna, donde se concentran los porcentajes más elevados de lodo y materia orgánica. El número de especies halladas en este estudio es elevado si se compara con el de otros entornos de transición de la cuenca mediterránea, pero más bajo que los registrados en el norte de Europa. La mayor parte de las especies son típicas de entornos de transición o de sedimentos ricos en fracción fina y detritos. Las familias más ricas fueron Cyatholaimidae y Chromadoridae, pero las halladas con mayor frecuencia fueron Xyalidae, Linhomoeidae y Cyatholaimidae. Merece destacarse que seis especies recolectadas son nuevas para la ciencia, siete son nuevos registros en aguas tunecinas y cuatro nuevos registros en la cuenca mediterránea. Este estudio aporta asimismo información importante para la biogeografía del filo puesto que hasta ahora algunas de las especies registradas aquí eran conocidas únicamente en otras regiones geográficas. Entre las especies que en este momento aparecen como endémicas en el mar Mediterráneo se encuentran Chromadorina metulata, Synonchiella edax, Paralongicyatholaimus mastigodes, Trichotheristus setifer y Metalinhomoeus numidicus. Datos publicados en GBIF (doi:10.15470/wuvqpg

    Phosphorus-Containing Bis-allenes: Synthesis and Heterocyclization Reactions Mediated by Iodine or Copper Dibromide

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    Bisphosphorylallenes were easily obtained in multigram scale from the Wittig-type rearrangement of bispropargyl alcohols. Unlike other conjugated bis-allenes, these reagents underwent a double cyclization mediated by iodine or copper dibromide leading to the formation of bis-1,2-oxaphospholenes

    Phosphorus-Containing Bis-allenes: Synthesis and Heterocyclization Reactions Mediated by Iodine or Copper Dibromide

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    Bisphosphorylallenes were easily obtained in multigram scale from the Wittig-type rearrangement of bispropargyl alcohols. Unlike other conjugated bis-allenes, these reagents underwent a double cyclization mediated by iodine or copper dibromide leading to the formation of bis-1,2-oxaphospholenes
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