787 research outputs found

    Kinetic simulations of ladder climbing by electron plasma waves

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    The energy of plasma waves can be moved up and down the spectrum using chirped modulations of plasma parameters, which can be driven by external fields. Depending on whether the wave spectrum is discrete (bounded plasma) or continuous (boundless plasma), this phenomenon is called ladder climbing (LC) or autoresonant acceleration of plasmons. It was first proposed by Barth \textit{et al.} [PRL \textbf{115}, 075001 (2015)] based on a linear fluid model. In this paper, LC of electron plasma waves is investigated using fully nonlinear Vlasov-Poisson simulations of collisionless bounded plasma. It is shown that, in agreement with the basic theory, plasmons survive substantial transformations of the spectrum and are destroyed only when their wave numbers become large enough to trigger Landau damping. Since nonlinear effects decrease the damping rate, LC is even more efficient when practiced on structures like quasiperiodic Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) waves rather than on Langmuir waves \textit{per~se}

    Superfluidity and dimerization in a multilayered system of fermionic polar molecules

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    We consider a layered system of fermionic molecules with permanent dipole moments aligned by an external field. The dipole interactions between fermions in adjacent layers are attractive and induce inter-layer pairing. Due to competition for pairing among adjacent layers, the mean-field ground state of the layered system is a dimerized superfluid, with pairing only between every-other layer. We construct an effective Ising-XY lattice model that describes the interplay between dimerization and superfluid phase fluctuations. In addition to the dimerized superfluid ground state, and high temperature normal state, at intermediate temperature, we find an unusual dimerized "pseudogap" state with only short-range phase coherence. We propose light scattering experiments to detect dimerization.Comment: 4 pages main text + 3 pages supplemental Appendices, 4 figure

    Theory of the striped superconductor

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    We define a distinct phase of matter, a "pair density wave" (PDW), in which the superconducting order parameter ϕ\phi varies periodically as a function of position such that when averaged over the center of mass position, all components of ϕ\phi vanish identically. Specifically, we study the simplest, unidirectional PDW, the "striped superconductor," which we argue may be at the heart of a number of spectacular experimental anomalies that have been observed in the failed high temperature superconductor, La2x_{2-x} Bax_xCuO4_4. We present a solvable microscopic model with strong electron-electron interactions which supports a PDW groundstate. We also discuss, at the level of Landau theory, the nature of the coupling between the PDW and other order parameters, and the origins and some consequences of the unusual sensitivity of this state to quenched disorder.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Journal ref. adde

    The Fermi Problem in Discrete Systems

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    The Fermi two-atom problem illustrates an apparent causality violation in Quantum Field Theory which has to do with the nature of the built in correlations in the vacuum. It has been a constant subject of theoretical debate and discussions during the last few decades. Nevertheless, although the issues at hand could in principle be tested experimentally, the smallness of such apparent violations of causality in Quantum Electrodynamics prevented the observation of the predicted effect. In the present paper we show that the problem can be simulated within the framework of discrete systems that can be manifested, for instance, by trapped atoms in optical lattices or trapped ions. Unlike the original continuum case, the causal structure is no longer sharp. Nevertheless, as we show, it is possible to distinguish between "trivial" effects due to "direct" causality violations, and the effects associated with Fermi's problem, even in such discrete settings. The ability to control externally the strength of the atom-field interactions, enables us also to study both the original Fermi problem with "bare atoms", as well as correction in the scenario that involves "dressed" atoms. Finally, we show that in principle, the Fermi effect can be detected using trapped ions.Comment: Second version - minor change

    Violation of the zeroth law of thermodynamics for a non-ergodic interaction

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    The phenomenon described by our title should surprise no one. What may be surprising though is how easy it is to produce a quantum system with this feature; moreover, that system is one that is often used for the purpose of showing how systems equilibrate. The violation can be variously manifested. In our detailed example, bringing a detuned 2-level system into contact with a monochromatic reservoir does not cause it to relax to the reservoir temperature; rather, the system acquires the reservoir's level-occupation-ratio

    The Kibble-Zurek Problem: Universality and the Scaling Limit

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    Near a critical point, the equilibrium relaxation time of a system diverges and any change of control/thermodynamic parameters leads to non-equilibrium behavior. The Kibble-Zurek problem is to determine the dynamical evolution of the system parametrically close to its critical point when the change is parametrically slow. The non-equilibrium behavior in this limit is controlled entirely by the critical point and the details of the trajectory of the system in parameter space (the protocol) close to the critical point. Together, they define a universality class consisting of critical exponents-discussed in the seminal work by Kibble and Zurek-and scaling functions for physical quantities, which have not been discussed hitherto. In this article, we give an extended and pedagogical discussion of the universal content in the Kibble-Zurek problem. We formally define a scaling limit for physical quantities near classical and quantum transitions for different sets of protocols. We report computations of a few scaling functions in model Gaussian and large-N problems and prove their universality with respect to protocol choice. We also introduce a new protocol in which the critical point is approached asymptotically at late times with the system marginally out of equilibrium, wherein logarithmic violations to scaling and anomalous dimensions occur even in the simple Gaussian problem.Comment: 19 pages,10 figure