2,640 research outputs found

    One-dimensional classical adjoint SU(2) Coulomb Gas

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    The equation of state of a one-dimensional classical nonrelativistic Coulomb gas of particles in the adjoint representation of SU(2) is given. The problem is solved both with and without sources in the fundamental representation at either end of the system. The gas exhibits confining properties at low densities and temperatures and deconfinement in the limit of high densities and temperatures. However, there is no phase transition to a regime where the string tension vanishes identically; true deconfinement only happens for infinite densities and temperatures. In the low density, low temperature limit, a new type of collective behavior is observed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Low temperature magnetization and the excitation spectrum of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings

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    Accurate results are obtained for the low temperature magnetization versus magnetic field of Heisenberg spin rings consisting of an even number N of intrinsic spins s = 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2, 5/2, 3, 7/2 with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange by employing a numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo method. A straightforward analysis of this data, in particular the values of the level-crossing fields, provides accurate results for the lowest energy eigenvalue E(N,S,s) for each value of the total spin quantum number S. In particular, the results are substantially more accurate than those provided by the rotational band approximation. For s <= 5/2, data are presented for all even N <= 20, which are particularly relevant for experiments on finite magnetic rings. Furthermore, we find that for s > 1 the dependence of E(N,S,s) on s can be described by a scaling relation, and this relation is shown to hold well for ring sizes up to N = 80 for all intrinsic spins in the range 3/2 <= s <= 7/2. Considering ring sizes in the interval 8 <= N <= 50, we find that the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state approaches zero proportional to 1/N^a, where a = 0.76 for s = 3/2 and a = 0.84 for s = 5/2. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our present results for E(N,S,s) by examining the Fe12 ring-type magnetic molecule, leading to a new, more accurate estimate of the exchange constant for this system than has been obtained heretofore.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B, 10 pages, 10 figure

    On the Spectrum of QCD(1+1) with SU(N_c) Currents

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    Extending previous work, we calculate in this note the fermionic spectrum of two-dimensional QCD (QCD_2) in the formulation with SU(N_c) currents. Together with the results in the bosonic sector this allows to address the as yet unresolved task of finding the single-particle states of this theory as a function of the ratio of the numbers of flavors and colors, \lambda=N_f/N_c, anew. We construct the Hamiltonian matrix in DLCQ formulation as an algebraic function of the harmonic resolution K and the continuous parameter \lambda. Amongst the more surprising findings in the fermionic sector chiefly considered here is that the fermion momentum is a function of \lambda. This dependence is necessary in order to reproduce the well-known 't Hooft and large N_f spectra. Remarkably, those spectra have the same single-particle content as the ones in the bosonic sectors. The twist here is the dramatically different sizes of the Fock bases in the two sectors, which makes it possible to interpret in principle all states of the discrete approach. The hope is that some of this insight carries over into the continuum. We also present some new findings concerning the single-particle spectrum of the adjoint theory.Comment: 21 pp., 13 figures, version published in PR

    The local structure of topological charge fluctuations in QCD

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    We introduce the Dirac eigenmode filtering of topological charge density associated with Ginsparg-Wilson fermions as a tool to investigate the local structure of topological charge fluctuations in QCD. The resulting framework is used to demonstrate that the bulk of topological charge in QCD does not appear in the form of unit quantized lumps. This means that the mixing of "would-be" zeromodes associated with such lumps is probably not the prevalent microscopic mechanism for spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. To characterize the coherent local behavior in topological charge density at low energy, we compute the charges contained in maximal coherent spheres enclosing non-overlapping peaks. We find a continuous distribution essentially ending at ~0.5. Finally, we study, for the first time, the overlap-operator topological-charge-density correlators and find consistency with non-positivity at nonzero physical distance. This represents a non-trivial check on the locality (in gauge paths) of the overlap Dirac operator for realistic gauge backgrounds.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, talk, Lattice2002(topology

    Protein Molecular Function Prediction by Bayesian Phylogenomics

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    We present a statistical graphical model to infer specific molecular function for unannotated protein sequences using homology. Based on phylogenomic principles, SIFTER (Statistical Inference of Function Through Evolutionary Relationships) accurately predicts molecular function for members of a protein family given a reconciled phylogeny and available function annotations, even when the data are sparse or noisy. Our method produced specific and consistent molecular function predictions across 100 Pfam families in comparison to the Gene Ontology annotation database, BLAST, GOtcha, and Orthostrapper. We performed a more detailed exploration of functional predictions on the adenosine-5′-monophosphate/adenosine deaminase family and the lactate/malate dehydrogenase family, in the former case comparing the predictions against a gold standard set of published functional characterizations. Given function annotations for 3% of the proteins in the deaminase family, SIFTER achieves 96% accuracy in predicting molecular function for experimentally characterized proteins as reported in the literature. The accuracy of SIFTER on this dataset is a significant improvement over other currently available methods such as BLAST (75%), GeneQuiz (64%), GOtcha (89%), and Orthostrapper (11%). We also experimentally characterized the adenosine deaminase from Plasmodium falciparum, confirming SIFTER's prediction. The results illustrate the predictive power of exploiting a statistical model of function evolution in phylogenomic problems. A software implementation of SIFTER is available from the authors

    Evidence for fine tuning of fermionic modes in lattice gluodynamics

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    We consider properties of zero and near-zero fermionic modes in lattice gluodynamics. The modes are known to be sensitive to the topology of the underlying gluonic fields in the quantum vacuum state of the gluodynamics. We find evidence that these modes are fine tuned, that is exhibit sensitivity to both physical (one can say, hadronic) scale and to the ultraviolet cutoff. Namely, the density of the states is in physical units while the localization volume of the modes tends to zero in physical units with the lattice spacing tending to zero. We discuss briefly possible theoretical implications and also include some general, review-type remarks.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figures, uses JETP Letters style (included); substantial stylistic changes, discussions added, conclusions unchanged. Supplementary materials and computer animations are available at http://lattice.itep.ru/overla