30 research outputs found

    The Effect of Immigrant Peers in Vocational Schools

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    This paper provides new evidence on how the presence of immigrant peers in the classroom affects native student achievement. The analysis is based on longitudinal administrative data on two cohorts of vocational training students in Italy's largest region. Vocational training institutions provide the ideal setting for studying these effects because they attract not only disproportionately high shares of immigrants but also the lowest ability native students. We adopt a value added model, and exploit within-school variation both within and across cohorts for identification. Our results show small negative average effects on maths test scores that are larger for low ability native students, strongly non-linear and only observable in classes with a high (top 20%) immigrant concentration. These outcomes are driven by classes with a high average linguistic distance between immigrants and natives, with no apparent role played by ethnic diversity

    Engineering geological characterisation of the Barzaman Formation, with reference to coastal Dubai, UAE

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    This paper describes the pedogenically altered fluvial deposits comprising the Barzaman Formation, UAE. This formation is composed of a sequence of rocks dominated by variably cemented conglomerates thought to be middle Miocene to Pliocene in age. The well-established descriptive scheme currently used for describing the formation is reviewed and a simple visual descriptive lithological classification is proposed based on the three principal lithological components visible in a hand specimen: mottled white calcisiltite matrix/cement, palygorskite rich marl and clasts derived from the Oman Mountains (gabbro, chert and weathered ultramafic rock). Data on the mineralogy and microstructure of the rock constituents is presented and some implications for the geotechnical characterisation of the formation are briefly discussed