94 research outputs found

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Usahatani Jeruk di Desa Kerta Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran usahatani jeruk di Desa kerta tahun 2013 dengan mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran yang terbentuk, menghitung jumlah marjin pemasaran dan farmer share, serta menghitung efisiensi pemasaran pada masing-masing lembaga pemasaran. Data yang digunakan berupa data kulitatif dan kuantitatif, sedangkan berdasarkan sumbernya ada data primer dan data sekunder. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang digunakan berupa data kulitatif dan kuantitatif, sedangkan berdasarkan sumbernya ada data primer dan data sekunder. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat lima pola saluran pemasaran jeruk di Desa Kerta yaitu: (1) pola saluran I: petanipedagang pengecerkonsumen, (2) pola saluran II: petanipedagang pengepulpedagang pengecerkonsumen, (3) pola saluran III: petanipedagang pengepulpasar Jawa (Jakarta), (4) pola saluran IV: petanipedagang pengepulpasar (Solo), (5) pola saluran V: petanipedagang pengepul pasar (Surabaya). Pola I memiliki jumlah marjin sebesar Rp.5.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 61,53%, pola II memiliki marjin sebesar Rp.8.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 42,85%, saluran III, IV dan saluran V memiliki margin yang sama yaitu sebesar Rp.7.500,00/kg dan untuk farmer share sebesar 48,27%. Tingkat efisiensi dari lembaga pemasaran belum efisien karena persentasenya >5%. Pada pola II untuk pedagang pengepul sebesar 14,71%, dan pada pola III, IV dan V sebesar 13,79%. Pada saluran I untuk pedagang pengecer sebesar 8,46%, sedangkan pada saluran II untuk pedagang pengecer sudah efisien dengan jumlah persentase 1,42%. Dilihat secara keseluruhan saluran I memiliki persentase paling kecil yaitu sebesar 8,46% dibandingkan saluran II sebesar 16,13%, dan saluran III, IV dan V masing-masing memiliki persentase sebesar 13,79% hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa saluran yang pendek lebih efisien dari saluran yang panjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat lima pola saluran pemasaran jeruk di Desa Kerta yaitu: (1) pola saluran I: petanipedagang pengecerkonsumen, (2) pola saluran II: petanipedagang pengepulpedagang pengecerkonsumen, (3) pola saluran III: petanipedagang pengepulpasar Jawa (Jakarta), (4) pola saluran IV: petanipedagang pengepulpasar (Solo), (5) pola saluran V: petanipedagang pengepul pasar (Surabaya). Pola I memiliki jumlah marjin sebesar Rp.5.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 61,53%, pola II memiliki marjin sebesar Rp.8.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 42,85%, saluran III, IV dan saluran V memiliki margin yang sama yaitu sebesar Rp.7.500,00/kg dan untuk farmer share sebesar 48,27%. Tingkat efisiensi dari lembaga pemasaran belum efisien karena persentasenya >5%. Pada pola II untuk pedagang pengepul sebesar 14,71%, dan pada pola III, IV dan V sebesar 13,79%. Pada saluran I untuk pedagang pengecer sebesar 8,46%, sedangkan pada saluran II untuk pedagang pengecer sudah efisien dengan jumlah persentase 1,42%. Dilihat secara keseluruhan saluran I memiliki persentase paling kecil yaitu sebesar 8,46% dibandingkan saluran II sebesar 16,13%, dan saluran III, IV dan V masing-masing memiliki persentase sebesar 13,79% hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa saluran yang pendek lebih efisien dari saluran yang panjang. Kata Kunci : saluran pemasaran, efisiensi pemasaran This study aims to determine the marketing channel citrus farm in the village of Kerta in 2013 by identifying marketing channels are formed, calculate the amount of marketing margin and farmer share, and compute efficiency for each marketing agencies. Kata Kunci : saluran pemasaran, efisiensi pemasaran This study aims to determine the marketing channel citrus farm in the village of Kerta in 2013 by identifying marketing channels are formed, calculate the amount of marketing margin and farmer share, and compute efficiency for each marketing agencies. Subjects in this study is a citrus farmer, merchant collector, and retailers while becoming the object of this study is the citrus marketing channel, which assessed the level of efficiency of the marketing margin and farmer share. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. The data used in the form of data with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Subjects in this study is a citrus farmer, merchant collector, and retailers while becoming the object of this study is the citrus marketing channel, which assessed the level of efficiency of the marketing margin and farmer share. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. The data used in the form of data with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. In 2013 the results showed that the pattern of orange marketing channels in Kerta village, there are five patterns of marketing channels, namely: (1) channel patterns I: Farmers Retailer Consumer, (2) channel Pattern II: Farmers Merchant Collectors Retailers Consumers, (3) channel pattern III: Farmers Merchant Collectors Market Java (Jakarta), (4) channel pattern IV: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Solo), (5) V channel patterns: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Surabaya). In channel pattern I the marketing margin is Rp. 5000.00/ kg and the farmer share is 61.53 %, channel II has a marketing margin of Rp. 8000.00/ kg and the farmer share of 42.85 %, in channels III, IV and V have the same amount of margin is Rp. 7,500.00/ kg and for the farmer share of 48.27 %. The level of efficiency of the marketing agency is not efficient because the percentage is >5 %. In the second channel for merchants collectors of 14.71 %, and the channel III, IV and V of 13.79 %. In the first channel to retailers by 8.46 %, while the second channel for retailers has been streamlined with the total percentage of 1.42 %. Viewed as a whole citrus marketing channel in the Village Kerta yet efficient. The most efficient marketing channel is the first channel that has the smallest percentage of the amount by 8.46 % as compared to the other channel is the channel II was 16.13 %, and the channel III, IV and V each have a percentage of 13.79%. This is to tell the short marketing channel more effecien than the long marketing channel. In 2013 the results showed that the pattern of orange marketing channels in Kerta village, there are five patterns of marketing channels, namely: (1) channel patterns I: Farmers Retailer Consumer, (2) channel Pattern II: Farmers Merchant Collectors Retailers Consumers, (3) channel pattern III: Farmers Merchant Collectors Market Java (Jakarta), (4) channel pattern IV: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Solo), (5) V channel patterns: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Surabaya). In channel pattern I the marketing margin is Rp. 5000.00/ kg and the farmer share is 61.53 %, channel II has a marketing margin of Rp. 8000.00/ kg and the farmer share of 42.85 %, in channels III, IV and V have the same amount of margin is Rp. 7,500.00/ kg and for the farmer share of 48.27 %. The level of efficiency of the marketing agency is not efficient because the percentage is >5 %. In the second channel for merchants collectors of 14.71 %, and the channel III, IV and V of 13.79 %. In the first channel to retailers by 8.46 %, while the second channel for retailers has been streamlined with the total percentage of 1.42 %. Viewed as a whole citrus marketing channel in the Village Kerta yet efficient. The most efficient marketing channel is the first channel that has the smallest percentage of the amount by 8.46 % as compared to the other channel is the channel II was 16.13 %, and the channel III, IV and V each have a percentage of 13.79%. This is to tell the short marketing channel more effecien than the long marketing channel. keyword : marketing channels, marketing efficiency keyword : marketing channels, marketing efficienc

    Analisis Perbandingan Perolehan Laba Bertani Tembakau dengan Bertani Sayur di Desa Pemaron, Kecamatan Buleleng, Kabupaten Buleleng Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) perbandingan biaya produksi bertani tembakau dan bertani sayur (2) perbandingan pendapatan bertani tembakau dan bertani sayur, dan (3) perbandingan perolehan laba atau rugi bertani tembakau dan bertani sayur di Desa Pemaron. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah petani tembakau dan petani sayur di Desa Pemaron tahun 2013. Objek penelitian ini adalah biaya produksi, pendapatan, dan laba atau rugi bertani tembakau dengan bertani sayur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan wawancara. Dianalisis dengan analisis deskriftif kuantitatif dengan menghitung perbandingan biaya produksi, pendapatan, dan laba atau rugi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Perbandingan biaya produksi bertani tembakau dan bertani sayur di Desa Pemaron tahun 2013 sebesar Rp 37.638.000,00. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari biaya produksi bertani tembakau sebesar Rp 46.447.000,00 per hektar, sedangkan biaya produksi bertani sayur sebesar Rp 8.809.000,00 per hektar. (2) Perbandingan Pendapatan bertani tembakau dan bertani sayur di Desa Pemaron tahun 2013 sebesar Rp 35.000.000,00. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pendapatan bertani tembakau Rp 53.000.000,00 per hektar, sedangkan pendapatan bertani sayur Rp 18.000.000,00 per hektar. (3) Perbandingan Laba bertani tembakau dan bertani sayur di Desa Pemaron tahun 2013 sebesar Rp 2.658.000,00. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari laba bertani tembakau Rp 6.533.000,00 per hektar, sedangkan laba bertani sayur Rp 9.191.000,00 per hektar.Kata Kunci : Biaya produksi, pendapatan, dan perolehan laba. The aims of this research are (1) to know the comparison of cost production between tobacco farmer and vegetables farmer (2) comparison of income acquisition between tobacco farmer and vegetables farmer and (3) comparison of profit or loss acquisition between tobacco farmer and vegetables farmer at Pemaron village. This research is a descriptive quantitative research. The subjects on this research were the tobacco farmers and vegetables farmers at Pemaron village, in the year 2013. The objects of this research were : cost production, income acquisition and profit or loss acquisition between tobacco farmers and vegetables farmers. The methods that were being used to collect the data were : documentation method and interview method. The analiyzd will be descriptive quantitative analyzed by counting the comparison of cost production, income acquisition and profit or loss acquisition. The results of the reaserch showed that (1) the comparison of cost production between tobacco farmer and vegetables farmer at Pemaron village, in the year 2013 was Rp 37.638.000,00. This can seen from the cost production of tobacco farmer was Rp 46.447.000,00 per hectare while the cost production of vegetables farmers was Rp 8.809.000,00 per hectare. (2) comparison income acquisition between tobacco farmer and vegetables farmer at Pemaron village in the year 2013 was Rp 35.000.000,00. This can be seen from the income acquisition of tobacco farmer was Rp 53.000.000,00 per hectare while the income acquisition of vegetables farmer was Rp 18.000.000,00 per hectare. (3) comparison of profit acquisition between tobacco farmer an vegetables farmer at Pemaron village in the year 2013 was Rp 2.658.000,00. This can be seen from the profit acquisition of tobacco farmer was Rp 6.533.000,00 per hectare while the profit acqisition of vegetables farmer was Rp 9.191.000,00 per hectare. keyword : cost production, income acquisition, and profit acquisition. keyword : cost production, income acquisition, and profit acquisition

    Analisis Sosial-ekonomi Penambang Galian C di Desa Sebudi Kecamatan Selat Kabupaten Karangasem Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sosial-ekonomi penambang galian C di Desa Sebudi ditinjau dari (1) tingkat pendapatan, (2) tingkat pendidikan, (3) keadaan rumah tinggal, dan (4) kedudukan di dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 83 orang penambang galian C, sedangkan sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 52 orang penambang galian C. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosial-ekonomi penambang galian C (1) ditinjau dari tingkat pendapatan termasuk klasifikasi sangat kurang, (2) ditinjau dari tingkat pendidikan termasuk klasifikasi sangat kurang, (3) ditinjau dari keadaan rumah tinggal termasuk klasifikasi kurang, dan (4) ditinjau dari kedudukan di dalam masyarakat termasuk klasifikasi sangat kurang. Kata Kunci : sosial-ekonomi, penambang galian C The purpose of this research is to know social-economy of miner C in Sebudi Village observe from (1) income rate, (2) education level, (3) condition of house, (4) the position in community. This research can be categorised as descriptive research. The population of this research is 83 miner C, where as the sample is 52 miner C. The data were collected through interview, observation and documentation and were analyzed by descriptive technique. The result of this research showed that the social-economy of miner C which is (1) observed through income rate was very low, (2) observed trough education level was very less, (3) observed through the condition of house still less, and (4) observed through the position in society was also very less. The result showing it social-economy of dig ground C peoples (1) observe from income very less, (2) observe from education degree very less, (3) observe from condition of house still less, and (4) observe from position in community also very less. The result showing it social-economy of dig ground C peoples (1) observe from income very less, (2) observe from education degree very less, (3) observe from condition of house still less, and (4) observe from position in community also very less. keyword : social-economy, dig ground C people keyword : social-economy, dig ground C peopl

    Analisis Kelayakan Bisnis pada Usaha Game On-line di Desa Dalung,kecamatan Kuta Utara Kabupaten Badung Tahun 2013

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    ÃãããPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kelayakan Bisnis Game On-line (GO) di Desa Dalung ditinjau dari aspek Hukum, aspek Pemasaran, aspek Keuangan, aspek Operasional, aspek Manajemen, aspek Ekonomi, dan aspek AMDAL.Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metodemetode dokumentasi, metode observasi dan metode wawancara dan menggunakan kuisioner.Kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. ããããHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ditinjau dari aspek hukum usaha Game On-line di Desa Dalung rata-rata kelayakan bisnis sebesar 59.29%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (2) Ditinjau dari aspek pemasaran menunjukkan rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line sebesar 62,38%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (3) Ditinjau dari aspek keuangan menunjukkan bahwa dari 35 binis Game On-line maka rata-rata kelayakan binis Game On-line adalah sebesar 55,71% yang berada pada kategori layak, (4) Ditinjau dari aspek operasional rata-rata kelayakan bisnisnya adalah sebesar 42,14%, yang berada pada kategori tidaklayak, (5) Ditinjau dari aspek manajemen rata-rata kelayakan bisnis yang bisa dicapai adalah sebesar 55,71%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (6) Ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line di Desa Dalung adalah sebesar 60,48%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (7) Ditinjau dari aspek AMDAL menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan usaha Game On-line yang ada di desaDalung adalah sebesar 64,29%, yang berada pada kategori Layak.Kata Kunci : Studi, Kelayakan, Bisnis ããããThis research aims to determine the Business feasibility of Game Online (GO) in Dalung review of the Law aspects, Marketing aspects, financial aspects, operational aspects, management aspects, economic aspects, and the EIA aspects. The research isused descriptive research. Collecting data in this research is conducted by methods of documentation, methods of observation,interview method and questionnaire. Then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques with a qualitative approach. ããããHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ditinjau dari aspek hukum usaha Game On-line di Desa Dalung rata-rata kelayakan bisnis sebesar 59.29%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (2) Ditinjau dari aspek pemasaran menunjukkan rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line sebesar 62,38%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (3) Ditinjau dari aspek keuangan menunjukkan bahwa dari 35 binis Game On-line maka rata-rata kelayakan binis Game On-line adalah sebesar 55,71% yang berada pada kategori layak, (4) Ditinjau dari aspek operasional rata-rata kelayakan bisnisnya adalah sebesar 42,14%, yang berada pada kategori tidaklayak, (5) Ditinjau dari aspek manajemen rata-rata kelayakan bisnis yang bisa dicapai adalah sebesar 55,71%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (6) Ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line di Desa Dalung adalah sebesar 60,48%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (7) Ditinjau dari aspek AMDAL menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan usaha Game On-line yang ada di desaDalung adalah sebesar 64,29%, yang berada pada kategori Layak.Kata Kunci : Studi, Kelayakan, Bisnis ããããThis research aims to determine the Business feasibility of Game Online (GO) in Dalung review of the Law aspects, Marketing aspects, financial aspects, operational aspects, management aspects, economic aspects, and the EIA aspects. The research isused descriptive research. Collecting data in this research is conducted by methods of documentation, methods of observation,interview method and questionnaire. Then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques with a qualitative approach. The results show that (1)the average of the business feasibility by the legal aspects of GO in Dalung is 59.29%, which is at decent category, (2)Judging from the marketing aspect shows the average business feasibility Games On-line is 62.38%, which is in the decent category, (3)the average of the business feasibility by the financial aspects of GO in Dalung is 55,71%, which is at decent category,(4) the average of operational aspects is 42.14%, which is not appropriate,(5) Judging from the average of the management aspects of the feasibility of a business that can be achieved is by 55.71%, which is the category of decent, (6) the average of the business feasibility by the economic aspects is about 60.48%, which is in the feasible category, (7) Judging from the aspect of the EIA shows that the mean average feasibility Games on-line is in desa Dalung amounted to 64.29%, which is in the category Worthy.keyword : Research, Feasibility, Business The results show that (1)the average of the business feasibility by the legal aspects of GO in Dalung is 59.29%, which is at decent category, (2)Judging from the marketing aspect shows the average business feasibility Games On-line is 62.38%, which is in the decent category, (3)the average of the business feasibility by the financial aspects of GO in Dalung is 55,71%, which is at decent category,(4) the average of operational aspects is 42.14%, which is not appropriate,(5) Judging from the average of the management aspects of the feasibility of a business that can be achieved is by 55.71%, which is the category of decent, (6) the average of the business feasibility by the economic aspects is about 60.48%, which is in the feasible category, (7) Judging from the aspect of the EIA shows that the mean average feasibility Games on-line is in desa Dalung amounted to 64.29%, which is in the category Worthy.keyword : Research, Feasibility, Busines

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan pada Perusahaan Air Minum (Pam) Desa Pakraman Tabola di Kecamatan Sidemen Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) harapan pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, (2) persepsi pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, dan (3) kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 1.245 orang pelanggan, sedangkan sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 103 pelanggan. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan teknik kuantitataf. Hasil penelitian mnunjukkan (1) harapan pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola berada pada kategori sangat penting, dengan nilai total harapan pelanggan sebesar 10853 dan berada pada rentang skor 9949,8-11845, (2) persepsi pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola berada pada kategori cukup puas dengan nilai total sebesar 7219 dan berada pada rentang skor 6159,4-8053,6, dan (3) kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola berada pada kategori puas dengan nilai 0,66 dan berada pada rentang 0,61-0,80.Kata Kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola This study aimed to determine, (1) customer expectation of service quality dimensions PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, (2) the fact of service quality dimensions PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, and (3) the service quality of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola. This research was a descriptive study. The population of the research was 1,245 people, while the sample of the research was 103 people. Data were collected by questionnaire method. It was analyzed by quantitative technique. The results showed (1) the customer expectation of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola was in very important category with the total value of customer expectations was 10853. It was in the range of 9949,8-11845 score (2) The fact of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola services was in quite satisfaction category with the total score was 7219. It was in the range of 6159,4-8053,6 score. (3) The the service quality of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola was in satisfaction category with the total value was 0,66. It was in the range of 0,61-0,80. keyword : Service quality PAM Desa Pakraman Tabol

    Pulpotomy versus root canal treatment in permanent teeth with spontaneous pain: comparable clinical and patient outcomes, but insufficient evidence.

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    DESIGN A systematic appraisal and statistical aggregation of primary studies. DATA SOURCES Scopus/ELSEVIER, PubMed/MEDLINE, Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science (i.e., Web of Science Core Collection-WoS, Korean Journal Database-KJD, Russian Science Citation Index-RSCI, SciELO Citation Index-SCIELO), and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) via the Cochrane Library.The complementary searches consisted of OpenGrey, Google Scholar (first 100 returns), Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, Open Access Theses and Dissertations, DART-Europe E-theses Portal-DEEP, Opening access to UK theses-EThOS. STUDY SELECTION Human clinical trials studies in English language with at least 10 patients with mature or immature permanent teeth with pulpitis characterized by spontaneous pain in each arm (i.e., root canal treatment [RCT] and pulpotomy) at the end of the study, comparing the patient- (Primary: survival, pain, tenderness, swelling assessed by clinical history, clinical examination, and pain scales; Secondary: tooth function, need for further intervention, adverse effects; OHRQoL using a validated questionnaire) and clinical-reported outcomes (Primary: emerging apical radiolucency as per intraoral periapical radiograph or limited FOV CBCT scan; Secondary: radiological evidence of continued root formation and presence of sinus tract). DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS Two independent review authors conducted study selection, data extraction and risk of bias (RoB) assessment and a third reviewer was consulted for solving disagreements. When insufficient or absent information, the corresponding author was reached out to for further explanation. The Cochrane RoB tool for randomized trials (RoB 2.0) was evaluated the quality of studies.The meta-analysis was performed on a fixed-effect model to estimate pooled effect size such as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were performed using the R software. The quality of evidence assessed by the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) approach (GRADEpro GDT: GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool [software], McMaster University, 2015). RESULTS Five primary studies were included. Four studies referred to a multicentre trial assessing postoperative pain and long-term success rate after pulpotomy compared with one-visit RCT in 407 mature molars. The other study was a multicentre trial assessing postoperative pain in 550 mature molars treated with pulpotomy and pulp capping with the calcium-enriched mixture (CEM), pulpotomy and pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and one-visit RCT. Both trials primarily reported first molars from young adults. When looking at the results of postoperative pain, all the trials included had a low RoB. However, when evaluating the clinical and radiographic outcomes of the included reports, it was determined that there was a high RoB. The meta-analysis found that the likelihood of experiencing pain (i.e., mild, moderate, or severe) at the 7th postoperative day was not affected by the type of intervention (OR = 0.99, 95% CI 0.63-1.55, I2 = 0%).The study design, risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and publication bias domains were used to grade the quality of evidence for postoperative pain between RCT and full pulpotomy, resulting in a 'High' grade. In the first year, clinical success was high for both interventions, with a rate of 98%. However, the success rate declined over time, with pulpotomy showing a 78.1% success rate and RCT showing a 75.3% success rate at the 5-year follow up. CONCLUSIONS This systematic review was limited by the inclusion of only two trials, indicating a lack of sufficient evidence to draw definitive conclusions. Nonetheless, the available clinical data suggests that patient-reported pain outcomes do not differ significantly between RCT and pulpotomy at Day 7 postoperatively, and that the long-term clinical success rate of both treatments is comparable, as demonstrated by a single randomized control trial. However, to establish a more robust evidence base, additional high-quality randomized clinical trials, conducted by diverse research groups, are needed in this field. In conclusion, this review underscores the insufficiency of current evidence to draw solid recommendations

    Influencia de la humedad en el ensayo de resistencia de los ladrillos de suelo-cemento

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    The article seeks to show the influence of humidity on the compression test of the soil-cement bricks through an adapted experimental design. The equations showing this relation are obtained. The subsequent generalization provides the possibility of making a pattern of correlation of strengths with different test humidities. Thus, the tests could be performed with a given humidity and the strength of the particular specimen for different humidity values could be estimated with a high degree of certainty. This makes possible the comparison of strength between tested elements in different humidity conditions, verification of fulfillment of recommended strength values and their expressing in terms of a basic humidity value, which is what the currently valid Technical Instructions lack.A través de un diseño experimental adecuado se pretende mostrar la influencia de la humedad en el ensayo a compresión de los ladrillos de suelo-cemento, obteniendo las ecuaciones que muestran esta relación. Su generalización posterior permitió elaborar una matriz de correlación de las resistencias con las diferentes humedades de ensayo, de forma tal que se pueda ensayar con una humedad dada y estimar la resistencia que tendrá esa muestra para diferentes valores de humedad, con un buen nivel de confianza. Esto posibilita que se puedan realizar comparaciones de resistencia entre elementos ensayados en condiciones desiguales de humedad, verificar el cumplimiento de los valores recomendados de resistencia y referirlos a un valor de humedad base, defecto actual de las Instrucciones Técnicas vigentes

    Lens connexins α3Cx46 and α8Cx50 interact with zonula occludens protein-1 (ZO-1)

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    Connexin α1Cx43 has previously been shown to bind to the PDZ domain–containing protein ZO-1. The similarity of the carboxyl termini of this connexin and the lens fiber connexins α3Cx46 and α8Cx50 suggested that these connexins may also interact with ZO-1. ZO-1 was shown to be highly expressed in mouse lenses. Colocalization of ZO-1 with α3Cx46 and α8Cx50 connexins in fiber cells was demonstrated by immunofluorescence and by fracture-labeling electron microscopy but showed regional variations throughout the lens. ZO-1 was found to coimmunoprecipitate with α3Cx46 and α8Cx50, and pull-down experiments showed that the second PDZ domain of ZO-1 was involved in this interaction. Transiently expressed α3Cx46 and α8Cx50 connexins lacking the COOH-terminal residues did not bind to the second PDZ domain but still formed structures resembling gap junctions by immunofluorescence. These results indicate that ZO-1 interacts with lens fiber connexins α3Cx46 and α8Cx50 in a manner similar to that previously described for α1Cx43. The spatial variation in the interaction of ZO-1 with lens gap junctions is intriguing and is suggestive of multiple dynamic roles for this association