266 research outputs found

    Gebog Domas

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    Gebog diartikan tatanan kawasan yang besar dan domas diartikan delapan ratus. Gebog Domas Pura Dalem Gede Tamanbali merupakan sebuah cakupan atau kawasan besar yang terdiri dari beberapa wilayah yang dijadikan satu kesatuan pokok. Dalam kesatuan tersebut sudah barang tentu terdapat perbedaan (harmonis non harmonis). Terkadang perbedaan itu dijadikan sebuah ukuran, namun sebenarnya perbedaan itu harus dijadikan dasar pemikiran untuk mewujudkan suatu keharmonisan. Realita sosial ini memberikan inspirasi penata untuk mentransformasikan ke dalam komposisi karawitan Selonding kreasi dengan judul “GEBOG DOMAS”


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi yang dilakukan pihak sekolah dalam menanamkan sikap cinta tanah air pada peserta didik di SMPN 1 Tarik. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian berada di SMPN 1 Tarik Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan melalui mereduksi data, menyajikan data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strategi yang dilakukan untuk menanamkan sikap cinta tanah air pada peserta didik yaitu melalui : (1) kegiatan belajar mengajar, berupa pembiasaan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, menyanyikan lagu nasional, menjaga kebersihan kelas dan mengajarkan materi yang mendukung cinta tanah air. (2) budaya sekolah, berupa upacara bendera, jum’at bersih, peringatan hari nasional dan pahlawan. (3) ekstrakurikuler, berupa kegiatan pramuka dan ekstrakurikuler angklung. (4) kegiatan outdoor learning, berupa pembelajaran di luar sekolah. Kata Kunci: Strategi, Sikap, Cinta tanah air. Abstract This study aims to describe the strategies carried out by schools in instilling an attitude of nationalism at SMPN 1 Tarik. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques are used through reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of the research indicate the strategies used to instill attitude of nationalism in students through : (1) teaching and learning activities, in the form of habituation in using Indonesian, singing national songs, maintaining class clealiness, and teaching supporting material of nationalism. (2) school culture, in the form of flag ceremonies, clean Fridays, commemoration of national days dan hero days. (3) extracurricular, in the form of scout and angklung axtracurricular activities. (4) outdoor learning activities, in the form of learning outside of school Keywords: Strategy, Attitude, Nationalism   &nbsp

    Peranan UNICEF dalam Menangani Masalah Tentara Anak di Afrika Tengah Tahun 2007-2012

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    This research identifies the role of UNICEF in dealing with child soldiers in the Central African country. The research also explains in detail the root causes of conflict and the consequences of the conflict occurred in the Central African country. UNICEF as one of the world institutions that fight for childrens rights, has made many changes, working with communities and influencing governments. in Central Africa. UNICEF has provided significant funding to build facilities for the protection of child victims of conflict in central Africa. UNICEF also strive to connect and engage all parties to the conflict to not use children as soldiers as well as the target of violence. Protection and legal training for actors involved in the legal handling of the child. UNICEF has also been working with the African Union regional institutions UN agencies monitor violations.Keywords: UNICEF, Central Africa, child soldiers


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    This study aims to find out the implementation of strategies applied by PPKn SMA Negeri 1 Ngadirojo teachers in improving students' nationalism attitudes through PPKn learning and its obstacles. The type of research used in this study is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive method. Data collection was carried out through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The source of the data from this study was obtained from ppkn teachers of SMA Negeri 1 Ngadirojo. The location of the study was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Ngadirojo, Pacitan Regency. The results showed that the learning strategies carried out by teachers include the preparation of a Learning Implementation Plan with the determination of indicators, objectives, learning models and teaching media. In addition, it also involves students in activities outside the classroom with several conditions. In the implementation of learning, PPKn teachers apply in accordance with the Learning Implementation Design which has previously been designed based on the results of observations in the classroom. Teachers also practice habituation such as singing the song Indonesia Raya before starting the learning process. The teacher evaluates at the end of each lesson, at the time of midterm and the end of the semester. Evaluation is based on daily scores in the form of pop quizzes, midterm exams and end-of-semester exams, while to measure the success of implementing strategies is to look at changes in student attitudes and responses based on achievement indicators. There are several obstacles in implementing the strategy including, class conditions that are not conducive, limited student activities outside the classroom that can be followed, lack of learning concentration, and lack of student enthusiasm. Keywords: strategy, PPKn teachers, nationalism.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi strategi yang diterapkan oleh guru PPKn SMA Negeri 1 Ngadirojo dalam meningkatkan sikap nasionalisme siswa melalui pembelajaran PPKn beserta hambatannya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode dekskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Sumber data dari penelitian ini diperoleh dari guru PPKn SMA Negeri 1 Ngadirojo. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Ngadirojo, Kabupaten Pacitan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru meliputi penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dengan penentuan indikator, tujuan, model pembelajaran dan media ajar. Selain itu juga dengan melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan di luar kelas dengan beberapa ketentuan. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran guru PPKn menerapkan sesuai dengan Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran yang sebelumnya telah dirancang hal tersebut berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di kelas. Guru juga melakukan praktek pembiasaan seperti menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya sebelum memulai proses pembelajaran. Guru melakukan evaluasi pada setiap akhir pembelajaran, pada saat tengah semester dan akhir semester. Evaluasi berdasarkan nilai harian berupa pop quiz, ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir semester, sedangkan untuk mengukur keberhasilan dari penerapan strategi adalah dengan melihat perubahan sikap dan respon siswa yang didasarkan pada indikator capaian. Terdapat beberapa hambatan dalam penerapan strategi diantaranya adalah, kondisi kelas yang tidak kondusif, keterbatasan kegiatan siswa di luar kelas yang dapat diikuti, kurangnya konsentrasi belajar, dan kurangnya antusias siswa. Kata Kunci: strategi, guru PPKn, nasionalisme

    Hubungan Kualitas Fisik Rumah terhadap Kejadian Ispa Pasca Bencana Erupsi Gunung Sinabung di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Tiganderket Karo Sumatera Utara pada Tahun 2015

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    Tiganderket sub-district is one of the districts that were less than 10 km from Mount Sinabung that erupted since 2010 until now. The problem in this research is the increasing cases of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in the Primary Health Care (PHC) Tiganderket sub-district in 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the relation between the physical quality of houses with ARI incidents after eruption of Mount Sinabung in the PHC Tiganderket sub-district Karo Sumatera Utara in 2015. This study is observational analytic study with case control study design. The population is suffering from ARI and was treated at the PHC Tiganderket during 2014 as many as 3,504 people, with a sample of 124 peoples were obtained by proportional random sampling. Data were analyzed with Chi Square test statistic 95% CI (p = 0,05) and Odds Ratio value. Based on the results of research in the Puskesmas Tiganderket sub-district concluded respondent characteristics related to ARI is a job (p value = 0,010). Physical conditions related to the ARI is the condition of the floor (p value = 0,000, OR = 5,697). Occupant behavior characteristics related to ARI is to open a window every day (p value = 0,001, OR = 3,838) and smoking (p value = 0,000, OR = 7,091). There is no relation between age (p value = 1,000), sex (p value = 0,463), marital status (p value = 1,000), education (p value = 0,407), village address (p value = 1,000), spacious room ventilation (p value = 0,769), type of wall (p value = 0,402), room air humidity (p value = 0, 15), room temperature, room density (p value = 0,094), the occupants sweep the house every day (p value = 0,697 , OR = 0,737), mop the house every week (p value = 0,243) with ARI in the PHC Tiganderket sub-district. It is suggested to the community to keeping house clean, opening the windows only in the morning, avoiding smoking inside the house, and using mask when outside the hous

    Biosorpsi Tembaga (Cu) dan Merkuri (Hg) oleh Omphalina SP Menggunakan Metode Batch, Rotary, Biotray, dan Pack Bed Flow

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan metode yang paling efektif pada biosorpsi logam oleh Omphalina. Biomassa yang masih hidup dapat menyerap logam lebih banyak dari pada biomassa yang sudah mati, sehingga perlu dilakukan optimalisasi penggunaan biomasa dengan membandingkan metode batch, Rotary, packbed flow, biotray. Penelitian dilakukan pada larutan Cu 100 dan 200 ppm, dan Hg 3 dan 5 ppm, dengan variasi waktu kontak 1, 3, 5, 7, dan 24 jam , masing-masing sampel diukur kandungan logamnya dengan menggunakan spektrofotometri serapan atom. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hg dengan konsentrasi awal 3 ppm dapat berkurang hingga 91.38 % pada metode Rotary, 83.98% biotray, 87.14% pack bed flow, 32.94% batch, sedangkan pada Cu dengan konsentrasi awal 100 ppm dapat berkurang hingga 23.58% pada metode Rotary, 22.66%. biotray, 10.53% pack bed flow, dan 10.17% pada batch. Penyerapan optimal Hg dan Cu terjadi pada 1 jam pertama dan kapasitas serapan logam lebih tinggi pada metode rotary

    Semakin Beragam Semakin Baik? Isu Keberagaman Gender, Keuangan, Dan Investasi Perusahaan

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    This research aimed at investigating the impact of gender diversity on financial performance and investment efficiency in public companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. As there was an increase in the number of women on board of directors and commissioners in several countries including Indonesia, it was important to know whether there was an influence to evaluate the role of gender diversity. The sample consisted of 282 and 253 public companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012 (for two different models). Using secondary data and regression tests to analyze the data, this study did not find the significant impact of gender diversity on financial performance and investment efficiency. This could be interpreted as there were still many things to do to improve the role of gender diversity and women capabilities in board of commissioners and directors. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh keberagaman gender pada dewan komisaris dan dewan direksi terhadap kinerja keuangan Perusahaan dan efisiensi investasi pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan publik di Indonesia. Menimbang adanya kenaikan jumlah wanita yang menempati posisi di dewan direksi dan komisaris maka penting untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya guna mengevaluasi peran keberagaman gender. Metode pengujian menggunakan regresi linear berganda dengan data sampel sejumlah 282 dan 253 Perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2012 (untuk dua model yang berbeda). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberagaman gender pada dewan komisaris dan dewan direksi tidak berpengaruh signifikan, baik terhadap kinerja keuangan Perusahaan maupun terhadap efisiensi investasi Perusahaan. Hal ini mengimplikasikan bahwa masih banyak yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan peran keberagaman gender dan kapasitas wanita di dewan direksi dan komisaris

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Pembelajaran Berbasis Ict terhadap Kreativitas Guru dalam Membuat Media Pembelajaran

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    The aim of this research was find out the influence of the use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) to the teachers\u27 creativity in making learning media in XI grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung year of 2011-2012. As for the influence of the use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) or the use of Information and Communication Technologies, whether they already have been used maximally in SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung. The reserarcher used descriptive quantitative methods with question form as the principal technique, as well as the supporting techniques i.e. interview and documentation, while the population was XI grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Banyak who are totally 48 students. The results of data analysis were: students declared the use of ICT-learning based in SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Banyak had good influence were 28 students (60.42%) of 48 respondents. And the students who declared that the teachers were creative in making learning media were more than half of the respondents, who were 26 students (54.17%) of 48 respondents
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