51 research outputs found

    High frequency magnetic oscillations of the organic metal θ\theta-(ET)4_4ZnBr4_4(C6_6H4_4Cl2_2) in pulsed magnetic field of up to 81 T

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    De Haas-van Alphen oscillations of the organic metal θ\theta-(ET)4_4ZnBr4_4(C6_6H4_4Cl2_2) are studied in pulsed magnetic fields up to 81 T. The long decay time of the pulse allows determining reliable field-dependent amplitudes of Fourier components with frequencies up to several kiloteslas. The Fourier spectrum is in agreement with the model of a linear chain of coupled orbits. In this model, all the observed frequencies are linear combinations of the frequency linked to the basic orbit α\alpha and to the magnetic-breakdown orbit β\beta.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    An online spike detection and spike classification algorithm capable of instantaneous resolution of overlapping spikes

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    For the analysis of neuronal cooperativity, simultaneously recorded extracellular signals from neighboring neurons need to be sorted reliably by a spike sorting method. Many algorithms have been developed to this end, however, to date, none of them manages to fulfill a set of demanding requirements. In particular, it is desirable to have an algorithm that operates online, detects and classifies overlapping spikes in real time, and that adapts to non-stationary data. Here, we present a combined spike detection and classification algorithm, which explicitly addresses these issues. Our approach makes use of linear filters to find a new representation of the data and to optimally enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. We introduce a method called “Deconfusion” which de-correlates the filter outputs and provides source separation. Finally, a set of well-defined thresholds is applied and leads to simultaneous spike detection and spike classification. By incorporating a direct feedback, the algorithm adapts to non-stationary data and is, therefore, well suited for acute recordings. We evaluate our method on simulated and experimental data, including simultaneous intra/extra-cellular recordings made in slices of a rat cortex and recordings from the prefrontal cortex of awake behaving macaques. We compare the results to existing spike detection as well as spike sorting methods. We conclude that our algorithm meets all of the mentioned requirements and outperforms other methods under realistic signal-to-noise ratios and in the presence of overlapping spikes

    Novel Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha Agonists for Treatment of Kidney Disease

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    Development of pharmacologic agents that protect podocytes from injury is a critical strategy for the treatment of kidney glomerular diseases. Retinoic acid reduces proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in multiple animal models of kidney diseases. However, clinical studies are limited because of significant side effects of retinoic acid. Animal studies suggest that all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) attenuates proteinuria by protecting podocytes from injury. The physiological actions of ATRA are mediated by binding to all three isoforms of the nuclear retinoic acid receptors (RARs): RARα, RARβ, and RARγ. We have previously shown that ATRA exerts its renal protective effects mainly through the agonism of RARα. Here, we designed and synthesized a novel boron-containing derivative of the RARα-specific agonist Am580. This new derivative, BD4, binds to RARα receptor specifically and is predicted to have less toxicity based on its structure. We confirmed experimentally that BD4 binds to RARα with a higher affinity and exhibits less cellular toxicity than Am580 and ATRA. BD4 induces the expression of podocyte differentiation markers (synaptopodin, nephrin, and WT-1) in cultured podocytes. Finally, we confirmed that BD4 reduces proteinuria and improves kidney injury in HIV-1 transgenic mice, a model for HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN). Mice treated with BD4 did not develop any obvious toxicity or side effect. Our data suggest that BD4 is a novel RARα agonist, which could be used as a potential therapy for patients with kidney disease such as HIVAN

    Effects of dietary carotenoids on mouse lung genomic profiles and their modulatory effects on short-term cigarette smoke exposures

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    Male C57BL/6 mice were fed diets supplemented with either β-carotene (BC) or lycopene (LY) that were formulated for human consumption. Four weeks of dietary supplementations results in plasma and lung carotenoid (CAR) concentrations that approximated the levels detected in humans. Bioactivity of the CARs was determined by assaying their effects on the activity of the lung transcriptome (~8,500 mRNAs). Both CARs activated the cytochrome P450 1A1 gene but only BC induced the retinol dehydrogenase gene. The contrasting effects of the two CARs on the lung transcriptome were further uncovered in mice exposed to cigarette smoke (CS) for 3 days; only LY activated ~50 genes detected in the lungs of CS-exposed mice. These genes encoded inflammatory-immune proteins. Our data suggest that mice offer a viable in vivo model for studying bioactivities of dietary CARs and their modulatory effects on lung genomic expression in both health and after exposure to CS toxicants

    Xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes in the skin of rat, mouse, pig, guinea pig, man, and in human skin models

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    Alteration of endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations in porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium

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    The present study was designed to test the ability of regenerated endothelium to evoke endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations. Hyperpolarizations induced by serotonin and bradykinin were compared in isolated porcine coronary arteries with native or regenerated endothelium, 4 weeks after balloon endothelial denudation. The experiments were performed in the presence of inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (N(ω)-nitro-L-arginine) and cyclooxygenase (indomethacin). The transmembrane potential was measured using conventional glass microelectrodes. Smooth muscle cells from coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium were depolarized in comparison with control coronary arteries from the same hearts. Spontaneous membrane potential oscillations of small amplitude or spikes were observed in some of these arteries but never in arteries with native endothelium. In coronary arteries from control pigs, both serotonin and bradykinin induced concentration-dependent hyperpolarizations. In the presence of ketanserin, 10 μmol/L serotonin induced a transient hyperpolarization in control coronary arteries. Four weeks after balloon denudation, the response to serotonin was normal in arteries with native endothelium, but the hyperpolarization was significantly lower in coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium. In control arteries, the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization obtained with bradykinin (30 nmol/L) was reproducible. Four weeks after balloon denudation, comparable hyperpolarizations were obtained in coronary arteries with native endothelium. By contrast, in arteries with regenerated endothelium, the hyperpolarization to bradykinin became voltage-dependent. In the most depolarized cells, the hyperpolarization to bradykinin was augmented. The changes in resting membrane potential and the alteration in endothelium- dependent hyperpolarizations observed in the coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium may contribute to the reduced response to serotonin and the unchanged relaxation to bradykinin described previously.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Phenotypic and functional changes in regenerated porcine coronary endothelial cells: Increased uptake of modified LDL and reduced production of NO

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    Porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium exhibit impaired endothelium-dependent relaxations. Experiments were designed to analyze the structural and functional changes occurring in regenerated endothelial cells. Primary cultures from regenerated endothelium contained giant endothelial cells, with an increased number of cells with diameter > 14.5 μm, a reduced ability to proliferate, and signs of apoptosis. The uptake of fluorescent acetylated LDL was increased 2-fold in cultures from regenerated endothelium. The increased uptake of acetylated LDL was confirmed ex vivo in injured coronary arteries. In cultures from regenerated endothelium, cGMP production was decreased under basal conditions and during stimulation with serotonin, bradykinin, and A23187. Thus, during regeneration, there is accelerated senescence of endothelial cells accompanied by increased incorporation of modified LDL and reduction of NO production without decrease in endothelial NO synthase expression. These alterations help to explain the altered endothelium-dependent responses 28 days after balloon injury.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    The Belgian ten-center open label trial of topical 2% minoxidil solution in early male pattern alopecia

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    In this 24-week, open-label study, the safety and efficacy of topically applied 2% minoxidil solution were evaluated in the treatment of early male pattern alopecia. One hundred forty-nine male patients applied 1 ml of the test solution twice daily throughout the study. From baseline to week 24, statistically significant increases in all hair counts were observed. Nearly half (47%) of the patients achieving new hair growth believed that they had achieved cosmetically acceptable moderate to dense hair growth. Investigators believed that 44% of the patients achieving new hair growth had a similar response. Little change was observed in vital signs, and no abnormal findings were observed in electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, or chest roentgenograms. Two patients dropped out during the final week of the study due to dermatologic events. This study supports previous findings on the safe and effective use of minoxidil solution in the treatment of early male pattern alopecia.SCOPUS: NotDefined.jFLWNAinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    A Model-Based Spike Sorting Algorithm for Removing Correlation Artifacts in Multi-Neuron Recordings

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    Jonathan W. Pillow is with UT Austin, Jonathon Shlens is with the Salk Institute, E. J. Chichilnisky is with the Salk Institute, and Eero P. Simoncelli is with New York University.We examine the problem of estimating the spike trains of multiple neurons from voltage traces recorded on one or more extracellular electrodes. Traditional spike-sorting methods rely on thresholding or clustering of recorded signals to identify spikes. While these methods can detect a large fraction of the spikes from a recording, they generally fail to identify synchronous or near-synchronous spikes: cases in which multiple spikes overlap. Here we investigate the geometry of failures in traditional sorting algorithms, and document the prevalence of such errors in multi-electrode recordings from primate retina. We then develop a method for multi-neuron spike sorting using a model that explicitly accounts for the superposition of spike waveforms. We model the recorded voltage traces as a linear combination of spike waveforms plus a stochastic background component of correlated Gaussian noise. Combining this measurement model with a Bernoulli prior over binary spike trains yields a posterior distribution for spikes given the recorded data. We introduce a greedy algorithm to maximize this posterior that we call “binary pursuit”. The algorithm allows modest variability in spike waveforms and recovers spike times with higher precision than the voltage sampling rate. This method substantially corrects cross-correlation artifacts that arise with conventional methods, and substantially outperforms clustering methods on both real and simulated data. Finally, we develop diagnostic tools that can be used to assess errors in spike sorting in the absence of ground truth.This work was supported by: Royal Society Society USA/Canada Research Fellowship (JWP) (http://royalsociety.org/grants/); Center for Perceptual Systems, startup funding (JP) (http://www.utexas.edu/cola/centers/cps/); Sloan Research Fellowship (JWP) (http://www.sloan.org/); Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science (JS) (http://millerinstitute.berkeley.edu/); National Eye Institute (NEI) grant EY018003 (EJC, EPS); National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant EY017736 (EJC); and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (EPS) (http://www.hhmi.org/). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Psycholog