147 research outputs found

    Improved fractional Poincaré type inequalities in John domains

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    We obtain improved fractional Poincaré inequalities in John domains of a metric space (X,d)(X, d) endowed with a doubling measure μ\mu under some mild regularity conditions on the measure μ\mu. We also give sufficient conditions on a bounded domain to support fractional Poincaré type inequalities in this setting.Universidad Nacional de La Plata, under grant 11/X805 Universidad de Buenos Aires, under grant 20020120100050BA Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, under grant PICT 2014-177

    Lattice specific heat for the RMIn5_5 (R = Gd, La, Y, M = Co, Rh) compounds: non-magnetic contribution subtraction

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    We analyze theoretically a common experimental process used to obtain the magnetic contribution to the specific heat of a given magnetic material. In the procedure, the specific heat of a non-magnetic analog is measured and used to subtract the non-magnetic contributions, which are generally dominated by the lattice degrees of freedom in a wide range of temperatures. We calculate the lattice contribution to the specific heat for the magnetic compounds GdMIn5_5 (M = Co, Rh) and for the non-magnetic YMIn5_5 and LaMIn5_5 (M = Co, Rh), using density functional theory based methods. We find that the best non-magnetic analog for the subtraction depends on the magnetic material and on the range of temperatures. While the phonon specific heat contribution of YRhIn5_5 is an excellent approximation to the one of GdCoIn5_5 in the full temperature range, for GdRhIn5_5 we find a better agreement with LaCoIn5_5, in both cases, as a result of an optimum compensation effect between masses and volumes. We present measurements of the specific heat of the compounds GdMIn5_5 (M = Co, Rh) up to room temperature where it surpasses the value expected from the Dulong-Petit law. We obtain a good agreement between theory and experiment when we include anharmonic effects in the calculations

    Preliminary report on cross-species microsatellite amplification for bumblebee biodiversity and conservation studies

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    The Iberian Peninsula holds a high diversity of bumblebees but there is a general lack of information about their biodiversity in this area. To overcome this and facilitate conservation studies, we present two novel multiplex assays for the amplification of six and five microsatellite loci respectively. Both assays successfully amplified for most of the studied species in the Iberian populations. Sibling workers and population genetic parameters were analysed in the managed species B. terrestris and in the wild species B. monticola and B. mesomelas, demonstrating the capability of these multiplex assays for biodiversity studies of both managed and wild bumblebee species

    Phenotypic and molecular characterization of plants regenerated from non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved wild Solanum lycopersicum Mill. seeds

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    BACKGROUND: Before cryopreservation is routinely used, its effect on the trueness-to-type of the regenerated plant material needs to be evaluated. OBJECTIVE: In this work, we studied the effect of seed cryopreservation on the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of wild Solanum lycopersicum Mill. plants. METHODS: Thirty-five morphological traits of plants regenerated from cryopreserved seeds were compared to those measured on plants regenerated from non-cryopreserved seeds. RESULT: No statistically significant differences were observed between cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved samples, either in the first or in the second generation post-liquid nitrogen exposure. However, at the molecular level, the genetic analyses performed on the second generation plants germinated from control and cryopreserved seeds using 14 nuclear Simple Sequences Repeats (SSR) markers uncovered some changes in microsatellite length between control and cryopreserved samples. These results confirm at the botanical phenotype level the effectiveness of seed cryostorage for conservation and regeneration of true-to-type S. lycopersicum plants. CONCLUSION: Further experiments are required to clarify potential phenotypic effects of the changes observed in the DNA

    Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Phaseolus vulgaris plants from non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved seeds

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate if cryostorage of Phaseolus vulgaris L. seeds induced variations in regenerated plants at the phenotypic and molecular levels. A series of agricultural traits was measured on plants grown from control, non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved seeds, and the genetic stability of plants of the second generation was analysed at selected microsatellite loci. The phenotype of the second generation plants was evaluated as well. No statistically significant phenotypic differences were observed for the parameters measured, neither in the first nor in the second generations. Averaging both treatments, about 76% of the seeds had germinated 10 days after sowing. At harvest we recorded plants with about 73 cm in height, 13 stem internodes, 25 fruits, 103 grains and 4 grains per fruit. One hundred seeds weighted about 26 g. The genetic analyses performed on the second generation plants using six nuclear Simple Sequences Repeats (SSR) markers revealed no changes in microsatellite length between control and cryopreserved samples, implying that there was no effect of seed liquid nitrogen exposure on genome integrity. The phenotypic and molecular results reported here confirm that cryostorage is an efficient and reliable technique to conserve P. vulgaris seeds and regenerate true-to-type plants

    La relación entre el crecimiento económico y la degradación medioambiental

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    El fuerte incremento de la degradación medioambiental a causa del desarrollo humano y económico ha provocado el surgimiento de una gran preocupación por la preservación del medioambiente durante las últimas décadas. Esta preocupación se ha traducido en la elaboración de muchos estudios que intentan descubrir cuál es la relación entre el crecimiento económico y la degradación medioambiental. La hipótesis más comentada y contrastada es la de la Curva de Kuznets Ambiental (CKA) que prevé que en bajos niveles de renta per cápita el crecimiento económico aumentará la degradación medioambiental hasta llegar a un nivel de renta per cápita en el que empezará a caer esta degradación medioambiental con el crecimiento económico. Es decir, que el crecimiento económico y la degradación medioambiental guardan una relación en forma de U-invertida. En este trabajo se revisa la literatura acerca de esta hipótesis, los conceptos en los cuales se sustenta, la metodología usada para contrastarla, las hipótesis que la complementan, la controversia que genera y la evidencia empírica que la acompaña. Para complementar este último apartado también se realiza un pequeño estudio en el que se estima un modelo empírico para 11 países de 1990 a 2014. Las principales conclusiones a las que se llega es que, aunque haya evidencia empírica de la existencia de la CKA para algunos países e indicadores de degradación medioambiental, no parece ser una hipótesis generalizable a todos los países e indicadores. Además, no se garantiza que el crecimiento económico sea el causante de una disminución de la degradación medioambiental y por eso es necesaria la actuación de las instituciones públicas para asegurar la preservación del medioambiente
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