930 research outputs found

    Development of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors for the W-Band

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    We are developing a Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detector (LEKID) array able to operate in the W-band (75-110 GHz) in order to perform ground-based Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and mm-wave astronomical observations. The W-band is close to optimal in terms of contamination of the CMB from Galactic synchrotron, free-free, and thermal interstellar dust. In this band, the atmosphere has very good transparency, allowing interesting ground-based observations with large (>30 m) telescopes, achieving high angular resolution (<0.4 arcmin). In this work we describe the startup measurements devoted to the optimization of a W-band camera/spectrometer prototype for large aperture telescopes like the 64 m SRT (Sardinia Radio Telescope). In the process of selecting the best superconducting film for the LEKID, we characterized a 40 nm thick Aluminum 2-pixel array. We measured the minimum frequency able to break CPs (i.e. hÎœ=2Δ(Tc)=3.5kBTch\nu=2\Delta\left(T_{c}\right)=3.5k_{B}T_{c}) obtaining Îœ=95.5\nu=95.5 GHz, that corresponds to a critical temperature of 1.31 K. This is not suitable to cover the entire W-band. For an 80 nm layer the minimum frequency decreases to 93.2 GHz, which corresponds to a critical temperature of 1.28 K; this value is still suboptimal for W-band operation. Further increase of the Al film thickness results in bad performance of the detector. We have thus considered a Titanium-Aluminum bi-layer (10 nm thick Ti + 25 nm thick Al, already tested in other laboratories), for which we measured a critical temperature of 820 mK and a cut-on frequency of 65 GHz: so this solution allows operation in the entire W-band.Comment: 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, Grenoble 20-24 July 2015, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Accepte

    Unstable and stable regimes of polariton condensation

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    Modulational instabilities play a key role in a wide range of nonlinear optical phenomena, leading e.g. to the formation of spatial and temporal solitons, rogue waves and chaotic dynamics. Here we experimentally demonstrate the existence of a modulational instability in condensates of cavity polaritons, arising from the strong coupling of cavity photons with quantum well excitons. For this purpose we investigate the spatiotemporal coherence properties of polariton condensates in GaAs-based microcavities under continuous-wave pumping. The chaotic behavior of the instability results in a strongly reduced spatial and temporal coherence and a significantly inhomogeneous density. Additionally we show how the instability can be tamed by introducing a periodic potential so that condensation occurs into negative mass states, leading to largely improved coherence and homogeneity. These results pave the way to the exploration of long-range order in dissipative quantum fluids of light within a controlled platform.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Delayed Recombination and Standard Rulers

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    Measurements of Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations in galaxy surveys have been recognized as a powerful tool for constraining dark energy. However, this method relies on the knowledge of the size of the acoustic horizon at recombination derived from Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy measurements. This estimate is typically derived assuming a standard recombination scheme; additional radiation sources can delay recombination altering the cosmic ionization history and the cosmological inferences drawn from CMB and BAO data. In this paper we quantify the effect of delayed recombination on the determination of dark energy parameters from future BAO surveys such as BOSS and WFMOS. We find the impact to be small but still not negligible. In particular, if recombination is non-standard (to a level still allowed by CMB data), but this is ignored, future surveys may incorrectly suggest the presence of a redshift dependent dark energy component. On the other hand, in the case of delayed recombination, adding to the analysis one extra parameter describing deviations from standard recombination, does not significantly degrade the error-bars on dark energy parameters and yields unbiased estimates.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Renormalization-group running of the cosmological constant and its implication for the Higgs boson mass in the Standard Model

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    The renormalization-group equation for the zero-point energies associated with vacuum fluctuations of massive fields from the Standard Model is examined. Our main observation is that at any scale the running is necessarily dominated by the heaviest degrees of freedom, in clear contradistinction with the Appelquist & Carazzone decoupling theorem. Such an enhanced running would represent a disaster for cosmology, unless a fine-tuned relation among the masses of heavy particles is imposed. In this way, we obtain mH≃550GeVm_H \simeq 550 GeV for the Higgs mass, a value safely within the unitarity bound, but far above the more stringent triviality bound for the case when the validity of the Standard Model is pushed up to the grand unification (or Planck) scale.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex2

    Variations of the spectral index of dust emissivity from Hi-GAL observations of the Galactic plane

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern ObservatoryContext. Variations in the dust emissivity are critical for gas mass determinations derived from far-infrared observations, but also for separating dust foreground emission from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Hi-GAL observations allow us for the first time to study the dust emissivity variations in the inner regions of the Galactic plane at resolution below 1°. Aims. We present maps of the emissivity spectral index derived from the combined Herschel PACS 160 ÎŒm, SPIRE 250 ÎŒm, 350 ÎŒm, and 500 ÎŒm data, and the IRIS 100 ÎŒm data, and we analyze the spatial variations of the spectral index as a function of dust temperature and wavelength in the two science demonstration phase Hi-GAL fields, centered at l = 30° and l = 59°. Methods. Applying two different methods, we determine both dust temperature and emissivity spectral index between 100 and 500 ÎŒm, at an angular resolution (Ξ) of 4'. Results. Combining both fields, the results show variations of the emissivity spectral index in the range 1.8–2.6 for temperatures between 14 and 23 K. The median values of the spectral index are similar in both fields, i.e. 2.3 in the range 100–500 ÎŒm, while the median dust temperatures are equal to 19.1 K and 16.0 K in the l = 30° and l = 59° field, respectively. Statistically, we do not see any significant deviations in the spectra from a power law emissivity between 100 and 500 ÎŒm. We confirm the existence of an inverse correlation between the emissivity spectral index and dust temperature, found in previous analyses.Peer reviewe

    Scale Dependence of Dark Energy Antigravity

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    We investigate the effects of negative pressure induced by dark energy (cosmological constant or quintessence) on the dynamics at various astrophysical scales. Negative pressure induces a repulsive term (antigravity) in Newton's law which dominates on large scales. Assuming a value of the cosmological constant consistent with the recent SnIa data we determine the critical scale rcr_c beyond which antigravity dominates the dynamics (rc∌1Mpcr_c \sim 1Mpc ) and discuss some of the dynamical effects implied. We show that dynamically induced mass estimates on the scale of the Local Group and beyond are significantly modified due to negative pressure. We also briefly discuss possible dynamical tests (eg effects on local Hubble flow) that can be applied on relatively small scales (a few MpcMpc) to determine the density and equation of state of dark energy.Comment: Contributed talk at the 2nd Hellenic Cosmology Workshop at NOA (Athens) Jan. 2001.To appear in the proceedings. Based on work done in collaboration with M. Axenides and E. Florato

    Conceptul de permacultură ßn amenajarea peisagistică 3 D

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    Permaculture is a design system for creating sustainable human environments, that expands its applicabilaty also in agricultural landscaping.Permaculture is not limited to plant and animal agriculture, but also includes community planning and development, use of appropriate technologies (coupledwith an adjustment of life-style), and adoption of concepts and philosophies that are both earth-based and people-centered, such as bioregionalism.The general aim of this study is to emphesise the benefits of permaculture concept in the actual globalization context and serve as a guidepost to right livelihood in concert with the global community and the environment, rather than individualism and indifference.Whereas permaculture ethics are more akin to broad moral values or codes of behavior, the principles of permaculture provide a set of universally applicable guidelines which can be used in designing sustainable habitats. Distilled from multiple disciplines—ecology, energy conservation, landscape design, and environmental science—these principles are inherent in any permaculture design, in any climate, and at any scale

    Kinetic Inductance Detectors for the OLIMPO experiment: design and pre-flight characterization

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    We designed, fabricated, and characterized four arrays of horn--coupled, lumped element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs), optimized to work in the spectral bands of the balloon-borne OLIMPO experiment. OLIMPO is a 2.6 m aperture telescope, aimed at spectroscopic measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. OLIMPO will also validate the LEKID technology in a representative space environment. The corrected focal plane is filled with diffraction limited horn-coupled KID arrays, with 19, 37, 23, 41 active pixels respectively at 150, 250, 350, and 460 \:GHz. Here we report on the full electrical and optical characterization performed on these detector arrays before the flight. In a dark laboratory cryostat, we measured the resonator electrical parameters, such as the quality factors and the electrical responsivities, at a base temperature of 300 \:mK. The measured average resonator QQs are 1.7×104\times{10^4}, 7.0×104\times{10^4}, 1.0×104\times{10^4}, and 1.0×104\times{10^4} for the 150, 250, 350, and 460 \:GHz arrays, respectively. The average electrical phase responsivities on resonance are 1.4 \:rad/pW, 1.5 \:rad/pW, 2.1 \:rad/pW, and 2.1 \:rad/pW; the electrical noise equivalent powers are 45 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, 160 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, 80 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, and 140 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, at 12 Hz. In the OLIMPO cryostat, we measured the optical properties, such as the noise equivalent temperatures (NET) and the spectral responses. The measured NETRJ_{\rm RJ}s are 200 ΌKs200\:\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, 240 ΌKs240\:\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, 240 ΌKs240\:\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, and  340ÎŒKs\:340\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, at 12 Hz; under 78, 88, 92, and 90 mK Rayleigh-Jeans blackbody load changes respectively for the 150, 250, 350, and 460 GHz arrays. The spectral responses were characterized with the OLIMPO differential Fourier transform spectrometer (DFTS) up to THz frequencies, with a resolution of 1.8 GHz.Comment: Published on JCA

    CALDER - Neutrinoless double-beta decay identification in TeO2_2 bolometers with kinetic inductance detectors

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    Next-generation experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay must be sensitive to a Majorana neutrino mass as low as 10 meV. CUORE, an array of 988 TeO2_2 bolometers being commissioned at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, features an expected sensitivity of 50-130 meV at 90% C.L, that can be improved by removing the background from α\alpha radioactivity. This is possible if, in coincidence with the heat release in a bolometer, the Cherenkov light emitted by the ÎČ\beta signal is detected. The amount of light detected is so far limited to only 100 eV, requiring low-noise cryogenic light detectors. The CALDER project (Cryogenic wide-Area Light Detectors with Excellent Resolution) aims at developing a small prototype experiment consisting of TeO2_2 bolometers coupled to new light detectors based on kinetic inductance detectors. The R&D is focused on the light detectors that could be implemented in a next-generation neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, added reference to first result
