247 research outputs found

    Motivating factors in online language teacher education in southern Argentina

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    Online teacher education is of growing interest and so is the study of motivation as a key factor in technology-mediated learning environments. This study is based on a pre-service language teacher education programme in Patagonia, a southern Argentinian region with no face-to-face training offers, limited Internet access and a large number of unqualified teachers. Our goal is to broaden the understanding of online teacher education programmes at undergraduate level in contexts where most trainees are practicing teachers and where online education is the only possibility for holding a teaching qualification. We focused on the motivating factors that led 71 trainees to enrol and to remain in this online teacher training course. Through a mixed methods approach, the trainees completed an online survey (n = 71) and participated in a follow-up interview (n = 24). Results showed that obtaining a teaching degree, autonomy, and individual activities were key factors in initial and sustaining motivation. Participants' experiences challenged collaborative learning in an online environment

    Functional and neurometabolic asymmetry in SHR and WKY rats following vasoactive treatments

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    A lateralized distribution of neuropeptidase activities in the frontal cortex of normotensive and hypertensive rats has been described depending on the use of some vasoactive drugs and linked to certain mood disorders. Asymmetrical neuroperipheral connections involving neuropeptidases from the left or right hemisphere and aminopeptidases from the heart or plasma have been suggested to play a role in this asymmetry. We hypothesize that such asymmetries could be extended to the connection between the brain and physiologic parameters and metabolic factors from plasma and urine. To assess this hypothesis, we analyzed the possible correlation between neuropeptidases from the left and right frontal cortex with peripheral parameters in normotensive (Wistar Kyoto [WKY]) rats and hypertensive rats (spontaneously hypertensive rats [SHR]) untreated or treated with vasoactive drugs such as captopril, propranolol and L-nitro-arginine methyl ester. Neuropeptidase activities from the frontal cortex were analyzed fluorometrically using arylamide derivatives as substrates. Physiological parameters and metabolic factors from plasma and urine were determined using routine laboratory techniques. Vasoactive drug treatments differentially modified the asymmetrical neuroperipheral pattern by changing the predominance of the correlations between peripheral parameters and central neuropeptidase activities of the left and right frontal cortex. The response pattern also differed between SHR and WKY rats. These results support an asymmetric integrative function of the organism and suggest the possibility of a different neurometabolic response coupled to particular mood disorders, depending on the selected vasoactive drug.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through project no. SAF 2008 04685 C02 01

    Acute pulmonary non-cardiogenic edema after extubation with laryngospasm: a case report

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    Acute pulmonary edema post extubation due to negative pressure with laryngospasm in the early postoperative period has been reported and may occur at any time during anesthesia. The usual treatment consists of respiratory support and diuretics. We present the clinical case of a 15-year-old patient who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy, who presented acute non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema in the postoperative period. This complication can be presented in any surgical patient intubated, so it is important to know the pathophysiological basis to be able to diagnose and treat this pathology

    Decerebration induced by surgical transection of cerebral ganglion of crayfish

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    Background: Since the neural structures of the crayfish brain closely resemble their equivalent in the mammals. This can be suggested by observing the similarity that exists in the brain divided by the surgical transection of the crayfish brain in which the protocerebrum remains attached to the first two cranial nerves, findings also described by Frederic Bremer in 1935 in cats with cerebral transection.Methods: Total 11 Adult male crayfish were trained to respond with defense reflex, the animals were placed in water at 0°C, remained without any movement, and subsequently through a small incision of 3 mm in diameter in the medial antero region and dorsal cephalothorax region, a surgical section of the cerebral ganglion was performed. Immediately after surgery, metal microelectrodes were implanted to collect the activity of the photoreceptors and visual fibers.Results: Once the defense reflex begins to recover in previously decerebrated crayfish, it means that it shows signs of reconnection. The isolated protocerebrum with the deutocerebrum olfactory lobe remain alive for several days and the neuronal connections were reestablished, as measured throughout the bilateral defense activity. The defense reflex was observed in all animals and then recovered after surgery.Conclusions: The crayfish is an excellent model to work the visual activity, all coding of visual information was suppressed in de-cerebrated crayfish. The recovery of the neural disconnection is observed from 40 days, where the defence reflex appears again before visual stimuli.

    Surgical management of enchondroma with joint transfer: a case report

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    The enchondromas are the most common benign bone tumor in the hands, mainly in young patients and its treatment is surgical in most cases due to its possible complications avoided through different procedures such as joint transfer, which allows to maintain a good quality of life for the patient. We present the case of a 42-year-old woman who came to the clinic for blunt trauma in the right hand where she was incidentally diagnosed with enchondroma on the third finger of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the right hand. Articular transfer of the proximal interphalangeal joint was performed. Second toe on the right, at 6 weeks corroborates correct evolution with bone consolidation of the articular transfer grade III and donor zone grade II, without infection complications, the correct recovery of the extensor movement range of this joint improving so their state of life should be the main objective of these procedures

    Affordable laparoscopic simulator to acquire basic skills in undergraduate surgery students

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    Background: The simulation emerges as an option that allows students to practice in a safe environment, all this in a scenario that resembles the real situation.Methods: We developed a prototype of a low-cost simulator that mimics the dimensions of the abdominal cavity and allows the undergraduate students to acquire the basic skills in minimally invasive surgery.Results: In the 10 competencies evaluated, statistically significant improvement was found in both groups being higher in the students who were trained by our simulator of laparoscopic surgery compared with students who attended surgeries and participated as seconds assistants, taking as reference a value of p ≤0.05.Conclusions: The simulation as new teaching strategy generates a real environment and scenarios that can be recreated in multiple occasions, being able to change depending on the objectives for the acquisition of skills. This simulator gives the user skills for more types of simulation as it progresses in its surgical training

    An international comparative study of blood pressure in populations of European vs. African descent

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    Background: The consistent finding of higher prevalence of hypertension in US blacks compared to whites has led to speculation that African-origin populations are particularly susceptible to this condition. Large surveys now provide new information on this issue. Methods: Using a standardized analysis strategy we examined prevalence estimates for 8 white and 3 black populations (N = 85,000 participants). Results: The range in hypertension prevalence was from 27 to 55% for whites and 14 to 44% for blacks. Conclusions: These data demonstrate that not only is there a wide variation in hypertension prevalence among both racial groups, the rates among blacks are not unusually high when viewed internationally. These data suggest that the impact of environmental factors among both populations may have been under-appreciated

    Current treatment of difficult airway: a practical review of advanced techniques for airway management

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    The airway by definition is a conduit through which the air passes; or it is the route by which the air travels from the nose or mouth to the lungs. An exhaustive review was performed with the available literature using the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Cochrane databases from 2009 to 2021. The search criteria were formulated to identify reports related to difficult airway management. To allow controlled ventilation, the airway must meet two characteristics in priority order, be permeable and airtight. In assessing risk, in addition to looking for predictors of difficult airway, it was important to understand the global clinical circumstances. Faced with a patient with a difficult airway, decision-making must be agile and correct since any decision can modify the clinical outcome

    Heparin-induced bleeding treatment in microsurgery

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    Microsurgery is associated with prolonged surgical times with an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction. The use of antithrombotic means is a commonly employed tactic to prevent vascular thrombosis after microvascular free flap surgery. Flap loss is a devastating complication of microsurgical procedures that leads to detrimental outcomes. A 32-year-old male patient has a ruptured calcaneal tendon. He underwent 5 surgical cleanings with multiple failed sequential attempts at wound closure. Traumatology department in its microsurgery division where it is proposed to perform neo-tendon with graft of palmaris longus of the right thoracic extemity and radial antebrachial microvascular flap. The neo tendon was performed in addition to the micro surgical coverage with the radial antebrachial flap.When having vascular control with micro-clamps, 6000 U of unfractionated heparin was initiated, approximately 20 minutes after the end of the microvascular anastomosis, there was incoercible bleeding, which is initially treated with spray fibrin. Continued bleeding after 3 hours, so it was decided to reverse the effect of heparin with transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, 10 mg of vitamin K and fibrinogen. The effect of heparin was reversed without having thrombotic complications of microvascular anastomoses. The flap was not reexplored since they showed no signs of vascular compromise. If anticoagulants have been used and an incoercible hemorrhage is found, the effect of heparin must be reversed. In the transfer of tissues with microsurgery, the recommended and safe anticoagulation are prophylactic doses and not therapeutic doses
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