230 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Implementasi Asesmen Autentik terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika dan Motivasi Berprestasi (Eksperimen pada Peserta Didik Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Gianyar)

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    This study aimed at knowing and analyzing the influence of implementation of authentic assessment the mathematic learning achievement and motivation of achievement. This study was carried out at SMP Negeri 3 Gianyar through an experiment with Post Test Only Control Group Design. The sample of this study was 144 eight year student which were selected by Random Sampling Technique. The data of this study was conducted from the learning achievement and questionnaire of achievement then was analysed by multivariate analysis of variance(manova). The result of this study are follows: (1) There was of significant difference in mathematic learning achievement between the student who were given authentic assessment and those who given conventional assessment with thitung = 3,7938 more than the ttable (142:0,05) = 1,982. The average of experiment group (=76,1667) higher than the average of control group (=69,1667) (2) There was of significant difference in achievement motivation between the student who were given authentic assessment and those who given conventional with thitung = 3,1132 more than the ttable (142:0,05) = 1,982. The average of experiment group (=138,4306) higher than the average of control group (=132,6389). (3) There was of significant difference in mathematic learning achievement and achievement motivation between the student who were given authentic assessment and those who given conventional assessment with Fhitung = 10,5603 > Ftable = 3,04. Based on the findings of the study it could be concluded that authentic assessment in mathematic teaching and learning influence the mathematic learning achievement and motivation of achievement. The implementation of authentic assessment in mathematic teaching and learning could increase the mathematic learning achievement and motivation of achievement

    Artikel Karya seni Gerahing Medang Kemulan

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    Karya seni tidak bisa lahir tanpa adanya sebuah proses kreativitas dari pencipta sendiri yang melibatkan seniman pendukungnnya. Di dalam prosesnya diperlukan usaha yang sungguh-sungguh agar garapan dapat terwujud. Pada umumnya para seniman tidak membiarkan kesenian tradisional menjadi beku, dan setiap generasi terus berusaha berkreativitas melahirkan karya untuk menghasilkan inovasi terhadap kesenian tradisi milik mereka. Para seniman secara sadar akan selektif memasukkan ide-ide baru ke dalam kesenian tradisional yang mereka warisi sejak jaman lampau dengan tujuan untuk memberi nafas baru yang dapat mendekatkan diri dengan masyarakat sekarang Garapan Gerahing Medang Kemulan sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan di atas, merupakan garapan pakeliran inovatif dengan menggabungkan tokoh dari WA dengan tokoh penari Arja. Penggabungan antara WA dengan tokoh penari Arja dalam garapan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan nuansa yang lebih kekinian dalam berkesenian, sebagai suatu usaha pelestarian budaya dan pemberian tuntunan kepada masyarakat. Berkaitan dengan fungsinya dalam memberikan tuntunan masyarakat, garapan Gerahing Medang Kemulan ini mengandung ajaran-ajaran kepemimpinan serta ajaran kerohanian yang disajikan lewat retorika antara tokoh-tokoh dalam garapan ini yang tetap berlandaskan konsep estetika, etika dan logika Sebagai sebuah garapan inovasi, garapan Gerahing Medang Kemulan ini tidak mengikuti sepenuhnya kaidah-kaidah baku dalam pertunjukan tradisi. Inovasi yang dilakukan dalam garapan Gerahing Medang Kemulan ini sebagai suatu sarana penyampaian ide-ide penggarap dalam garapan agar mampu menampilkan garapan yang maksimal

    A scaling law for light scattering from dense and cold atomic ensembles

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    We calculate the differential cross section of polarized light scattering from a cold and dense atomic ensemble. The regularities in the transformation of the cross section when increasing the size of the atomic ensemble are analyzed numerically. We show that for typical experimental conditions, an approximate scaling law can be obtained. Very good agreement is found in a comparison with experimental data on the size dependence of a dense and cold cloud of 87$Rb atoms.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Modern Optics, Special issue on the Proceedings of the Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronic

    Potensi Kanker Usus Besar dan Kandung Kemih Akibat Penyinaran CT Scan Abdomen Merek Siemens Somatom 128 Slice di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

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    Research has been carried out on the potential for colon and urinery bladder cancer as a result of irradiating a 128 slice Siemens Somatom abdominal CT Scan at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. The data used in this study are secondary data from abdominal CT Scan medical records from January 2021 to June 2022, namely, CTDIvol and DLP adult patients who are female and male with an exposure factor of 110 kV X-ray tube voltage and current. Irradiation time starts from 600 mAs to 1200 mAs. This study aims to determine the potential risk of cancer  of the colon and urinery bladder from the results of the CT Scan examination brand Siemens Somatom 128 Slice and to compare the potential risks of colon and bladder cancer in men. and women. The magnitude of is done by calculating the estimated dose equivalent of yang diterima pasien dikalikan dengan faktor risiko kanker organ kritis pada pasien dewasa, sedangkan analisis komparatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan Independent Sample T Test. Hasil perhitungan rata-rata usus besar pada wanita dan pria masing-masing adalah 0,0044 ± 0,00062% dan 0,0045 ± 0,00079% sedangkan rata-rata  kandung kemih pada wanita dan pria masing-masing adalah -0,0034±0,00049% dan 0,0035±0,00061%. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna potensi kanker usus besar dan kandung kemih antara wanita dan pria dengan nilai P0,050 pada usus besar dan kandung kemih yaitu masing-masing 0,026 dan 0,025. Perbedaan rata-rata kanker usus besar dan kandung kemih antara wanita dan pria adalah masing-masing 0,0001±0,00017% dan 0,0001±0,00012%, dimana potensi terjadinya kanker baru pada pasien pria lebih besar dibandingkan pasien wanita

    Penentuan Dosis Efektif Pada Pemeriksaan CT Scan Kepala Anak Dengan Software Indose CT

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    CT Scan for head data for children have been processed by using a software name IndoseCT. CT Scan usually use for diagnose part of human body, but CT Scan for head is the most. Data processing was carried out with the IndoseCT software to obtain effective dose values. The highest effective dose value with contrast and non contrast received by 1 until 5 years old patients. Examination with contrast has an effective dose value of 1.29 mSv and for non contrast examination has an effective dose value od 1.16 mSv, meanwhile the lowest effective dose for examination with contrast received by 0 until 1 years old patients with value of 0.94 mSv and for non contrast examination of 0.9 mSv received by 16 until 18 years old patient

    Spectral Dependence of Coherent Backscattering of Light in a Narrow-Resonance Atomic System

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    We report a combined theoretical and experimental study of the spectral and polarization dependence of near resonant radiation coherently backscattered from an ultracold gas of 85Rb atoms. Measurements in an approximately 6 MHz range about the 5s^{2}S_{1/2}- 5p^{2}P_{3/2}, F=3 - F'=4 hyperfine transition are compared with simulations based on a realistic model of the experimental atomic density distribution. In the simulations, the influence of heating of the atoms in the vapor, magnetization of the vapor, finite spectral bandwidth, and other nonresonant hyperfine transitions are considered. Good agreement is found between the simulations and measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figur

    Pengaruh Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) Terhadap Besar Dosis Yang Diterima Bagian Kepala Pasien Kanker Otak

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    Research has been conducted on the effect of Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) on the dose received by the head of brain cancer patients at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. This analysis aims to determine the effect of using MLC on dosing to brain cancer patients using Cobalt 60 (Co-60) teletheraphy. The dose given at TPS was 200 cGy but after using MLC the dose was received because MLC protects healthy organs around the irradiation field. If the dose given is still within the range of -5  % and +7  %, it is still acceptable. The amount of radiation dose that can be reduced by using MLC in this study was 1,35 % for brain cases and 0,12 % for Glioblastoma cases.

    Penentuan Dosis Efektif Organ at Risk terhadap Penyinaran Kepala dengan Pesawat CT-Scan Merek Siemens 128 Slice di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

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    Research has been carried out on determining the effective dose of organ at risk for head irradiation using a Siemens 128 slice CT-Scan at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. The data used in this study are secondary data from medical records or CT-Scan archives irradiating the head, namely CTDIVOL and DLP data for male and female patients aged 26-45 years. This study aims to determine the amount of DE and Deff received by male and female patients and to determine the feasibility of using CT-Scan in the installation. The DE value for the head section is obtained by multiplying the DLP value by the conversion factor (k). The DE analysis in the head was carried out using the standard value of the Regulation of the Head of Bapeten No. Rek: LT/STI/KN 01/P2STPFRZR1/077/2016, while Deff is obtained from the CTDIVOL value multiplied by Wt. The results of the calculation of Deff received by male patients were 0.51 ± 0.01 mGy and female patients were 0.48 ± 0.01 mGy. The results of the DE calculation for male patients were 2.38 ± 0.08 mGy and female patients were 2.28 ± 0.08 mGy. The result of the head DE calculation according to BAPETEN guidelines is 2.94 mGy. Based on the results of the DE calculation on the head, the DE value is still within the normal limits issued by the BAPETEN guidelines so that the Siemens 128 Slice CT-Scan in the installation is still suitable for use for CT-Scan examination of the head
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