734 research outputs found

    Methods for characterising microphysical processes in plasmas

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    Advanced spectral and statistical data analysis techniques have greatly contributed to shaping our understanding of microphysical processes in plasmas. We review some of the main techniques that allow for characterising fluctuation phenomena in geospace and in laboratory plasma observations. Special emphasis is given to the commonalities between different disciplines, which have witnessed the development of similar tools, often with differing terminologies. The review is phrased in terms of few important concepts: self-similarity, deviation from self-similarity (i.e. intermittency and coherent structures), wave-turbulence, and anomalous transport.Comment: Space Science Reviews (2013), in pres

    The rewriting discourse

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    The author studies modern rewriting discourse that appeared in media language due to the development of digital technologies. The formation of this type of discourse has occurred in the last fifteen years. Currently it has already developed in a linguistically stable form, where has such features as polyphony (on intentional and stylistic levels), polycodeness, hypertextuality, dialogism, narrativity, multimediation, creolization could be mentioned. The author considers the key features of rewrite-discourse.Объектом исследования в статье стал современный рерайт-дискурс, появившийся в медиаречи благодаря развитию цифровых технологий. Становление этого вида дискурса происходило в последние пятнадцать лет. В настоящее время он уже сложился в лингвистически устойчивую форму, обладающую такими признаками, как полифоничность (на интенциональном и стилистическом уровнях), поликодовость, гипертекстуальность, диалогичность, нарративность, мультимедийность, креолизованность. Автор статьи на конкретном примере рассматривает свойства рерайт-дискурса

    GPU-based calculations in electromagnetic wave diffraction problems

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    © 2014 IEEE. The diffraction problem on a thin conducting screen in a rectangular waveguide is considered. This problem is reduced to a regular set of linear algebraic equations. GPU-based parallel algorithm of an approximate solution of this problem is constructed


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    Held socio-psychological analysis of the phenomenon of consumer perceptions of the brand. The author's definition of «consumer perception of the brand», «brand semantic space». The author's projective technique of qualitative social research, aimed at the reconstruction of the semantic space of the brand

    Electromagnetic wave transmission issue in cylindrical waveguide

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    © Research India Publications. In this article we consider the diffraction and transmission issue for an electromagnetic waves in a cylindrical waveguide on a perfectly conducting thin screen. A waveguide is limited with an perfectly conducting surface, the screen is located in a cross section of the waveguide. The issue of transmission: there is an electromagnetic field on one side of the screen, the field is searched on the other side of it. The problem of transmission is a kind of an inverse problem to the problem of diffraction. First of all the solution of diffraction problem is presented, which is obtained by the method of an over determined boundary problem. It is shown how the problem of an electromagnetic wave on a thin screen can be reduced to the pair summatory functional equation concerning the coefficients of a required wave in a series according to eigenfunctions of a waveguide. The pair equation with the use an integral-summation identity is reduced to an infinite system of linear algebraic equations. Then, on the basis of diffraction problem solution to the transmission problem is solved. The task of transmission may also be reduced to an infinite system of linear algebraic equations for the expansion coefficients of a desired wave in a series according to eigenfunctions. At an approximate solution of linear algebraic equations infinite system it is proposed to use the method of truncation


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    Held socio-psychological analysis of the phenomenon of consumer perceptions of the brand. The author's definition of «consumer perception of the brand», «brand semantic space». The author's projective technique of qualitative social research, aimed at the reconstruction of the semantic space of the brand

    Developing the Business Processes to Improve the Quality and Security of the Enterprise’s Products

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    The article is aimed at elaborating more effective approaches to the construction of business processes by synthesizing the theoretical basis of previous researches with practical experience. Definitions of business processes are provided, types and ways of managing them are described. The main objectives of implementation of business processes related to objective neurophysiologic limitations of human cognitive abilities are indicated. The programs of development, analysis and formalization of business-processes are presented. By means of the cost analysis of business processes, ways of reducing the self-cost of manufactured products and increasing the efficiency of production in general are highlighted. Various approaches to constructing business processes are considered and the main stages for self-construction of business processes at enterprise are allocated. On the basis of one of the efficient models, construction of business processes is described and a correction of the existing classical model is proposed. The most common errors in constructing business processes are allocated and practical recommendations on description of business processes of enterprise are suggested


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    The problem of communicative efficiency of the Russian online stores in the context of current trends in development of electronic commerce in Russia has been considered. The empirical study, conducted by the author, aimed to identify the features of perception by Moscow student youth of marketing communication process of online purchase, has been described. In the process of achieving this aim following circumstances have been revealed: 1) the frequency of purchases of goods and services by students in online stores; 2) the reasons for low purchasing activity in online stores, as well as the complete rejection of online shopping; 3) typical goods/services, the purchase of which is carried out in online stores; 4) characteristic communicative failures of the online shopping process, which are the cause of psychological discomfort of a young online buyer. The obtained results of the study can be used by the Russian developers of online stores in order to improve efficiency of marketing web communication process

    Analytical solution to the equations of a two-phase layer with allowance for the convective heat and mass transfer in a binary liquid

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    The model equations describing directional crystallization of a binary system with a two-phase layer and taking into account the convective heat and mass transfer mechanism in the liquid phase are formulated. The system of formulated nonlinear heat and mass transfer equations is solved analytically in the case of steady-state crystallization scenario. The temperature and concentration distributions, the solid phase fraction, the two-phase layer thickness and its boundaries, solid phase - mushy layer and mushy layer - liquid phase, are found. The steady-state crystallization velocity is determined as a function of fixed model parameters. The developed model and its analytical solutions describe the case of intensive motions of a binary liquid (the case of turbulent flows in the ocean, for example). © 2019 Author(s)

    Analytical solutions of mushy layer equations describing directional solidification in the presence of nucleation

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    The processes of particle nucleation and their evolution in a moving metastable layer of phase transition (supercooled liquid or supersaturated solution) are studied analytically. The transient integro-differential model for the density distribution function and metastability level is solved for the kinetic and diffusionally controlled regimes of crystal growth. The Weber–Volmer–Frenkel–Zel’dovich and Meirs mechanisms for nucleation kinetics are used. We demonstrate that the phase transition boundary lying between the mushy and pure liquid layers evolves with time according to the following power dynamic law: at + eZ1(t), where Z1(t) = ßt7/2 and Z1(t) = ßt2 in cases of kinetic and diffusionally controlled scenarios. The growth rate parameters a, ß and e are determined analytically. We show that the phase transition interface in the presence of crystal nucleation and evolution propagates slower than in the absence of their nucleation. This article is part of the theme issue ‘From atomistic interfaces to dendritic patterns’. © 2018 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.Российский Фонд Фундаментальных Исследований (РФФИ), RFBRData accessibility. This article has no additional data. Authors’ contributions. All authors contributed equally to the present research article. Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Funding. This work was supported by project no. 16-08-00932 from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research