1,255 research outputs found

    Nonuniversal prefactors in correlation functions of 1D quantum liquids

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    We develop a general approach to calculating "nonuniversal" prefactors in static and dynamic correlation functions of 1D quantum liquids at zero temperature, by relating them to the finite size scaling of certain matrix elements (form factors). This represents a new, powerful tool for extracting data valid in the thermodynamic limit from finite-size effects. As the main application, we consider weakly interacting spinless fermions with an arbitrary pair interaction potential, for which we perturbatively calculate certain prefactors in static and dynamic correlation functions. We also non-perturbatively evaluate prefactors of the long-distance behavior of correlation functions for the exactly solvable Lieb-Liniger model of 1D bosons


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    Tulisan ini membahas pemahaman tentang perilaku konsumen, produksi dan pasar yang sangat berhubungan erat dengan kegiatan perekonomian yang ada di Indonesia. Kegiatan ekonomi yaitu kegiatan yang dilakukan manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Didalam kegiatan ekonomi terdapat prilaku konsumen dan produsen yang saling membutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Terjadinya pertemuan tersebut menimbulkan adanya kegiatan permintaan dan penawaran untuk menemukan harga yang disepakati oleh keduanya dan memperoleh barang atau jasa yang dilandasi dengan nilai-nilai Islam


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    Abstract:Indonesia is a country with a majority of the population is moslem. That conditions in our society is showing a trends change, where previously the conventional banking system tends to be preferred, and become switch using sharia-based banking system. People tends to use brand image as a direction to evaluate a product. On the other hand the bank will implement a marketing strategy aimed to influencing public, one through sales promotions. This research aims to discuss and analyze the influence of brand image and sales promotions on customers choosing decisions of Bank Syariah Mandiri’s saving. The sample in this research is customer who get sales promotion services for a savings product categories amount to 200 respondent with accidental sampling technique. Data collected with questionnaire, while technique analyse data used multiple regression analysis. Based on the test result known that brand image and sales promotion has significant influence to purchase decision. Keywords: brand image, sales promotion, purchase decision

    Politeness Strategies In Drumline Movie

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    Keywords: politeness strategies, movie, DrumlinePoliteness strategies use in communication between speaker and hearer has power tomaintain relationship, and decrease the threatening face and message that happens during the interaction. That became the point of departure in this study, in which politeness strategies were used to analyze the characters' relationship development in a Drumline movie. The purpose of this study were (1) to identify type of negative and positive politeness strategies used by the character for the communication, and (2) to find out characters' relationship development influenced by the politeness strategies.To answer those questions, Brown & Levinson's politeness strategies were used as thetheoretical framework, and the research design was descriptive qualitative. Data collection was done through watching movie, classifying politeness strategies, and analyzing the classification.The result showed the Drumline's characters tend to use negative politeness ratherthan the positive. It reveals that there were 28 data containing politeness strategies, they are 20 negative politeness strategies and 8 positive politeness strategies. At the beginning the characters mostly use positive politeness as introduction or as a socialization starting point, then they frequently use negative politeness strategy to maintain their relationship and it also triggers the character relationship development.This research is expected to contribute to the body of knowledge related to theapplication of Brown & Levinson's politeness strategy which is used in the movie. It isalso suggested that the next researchers who want to conduct research in politeness strategy use other types of theory for example Leech or Folley, and apply it to other object of the study such as speech, novel, short story, etc. Thus, there will be more variation and knowledge sources related to politeness strategy

    Analisis Pengaruh Employee Engagement Dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior Terhadap Kinerja Individu Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Inti (Persero))

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    As a State Owned Company, PT INTI (Persero) has obligations to support national growth and development, carried out in Master plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development (MP3EI) stated in 2011. Thecompany also facing upcoming regional challenge, that is ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Millenium Development Goals (MDG). Company performance from 2010 to 2013 has shows positive trend on company sales effectiveness which is one of company achievement that should be maintained andimproved. What factors presumably can maintain company performance become substance for this research by looking deeper into company’s human resource factor,identifying employee engagement and organizational citizenship variables effect on individual work performance variable, partially and simultaneously. Eighty ninesamples were gathered from company’s employee, the results show that there’s a significant employee engagement variable effect with R square 52,4% and organizational citizenship behavior variable effect with R square 53,3% onindividual work performance variable partially and with R square 63,5% simultaneously

    The Effect of Blockbusters Game and Gender on Grade Ten Students' Listening Comprehension of SMAN 1 Melaya in the Academic Year 2010/2011. Thesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Program Pascasarjana UniversitasPendidikan Ganesha Singaraja.

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    Septirino, I Komang Aditya (2012). The Effect of Blockbusters Game and Gender on Grade Ten Students' Listening Comprehension of SMAN 1 Melaya in the Academic Year 2010/2011. Thesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Program Pascasarjana UniversitasPendidikan Ganesha Singaraja.Keywords:blockbusters game,gender,listening comprehensionThe main objective of this study was to investigate whether there was a significant difference in listeningcomprehension amongmale and female students who were treated differently by using Blockbusters game and conventional technique. The subjects of the study were 4 classes of grade ten students of SMAN 1 Melaya determined by using random sampling. The study involved 6 sessions of treatments and a post test at the end of the treatment. This study used “The Posttest Only Control Group Design” as the research design. The gathered data were analyzed by usingdescriptiveand inferential statistics. The result of the data analysis showed that: (1) there was significant difference in listening comprehension between the students who were taught by using Blockbusters game and those who were treated with the conventional technique, (2) there was significant difference of students' listening comprehension between female and male students, (3) There was no interaction between the teaching techniquesappliedand gender difference. Based on the finding above, it is recommended for English teacher to consider Blockbusters game as an alternative listening technique applied in teaching listening inorder to optimize students'listeningcomprehension.
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