56 research outputs found

    Stellar activity cycles in a model for magnetic flux generation and transport

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    We present results from a model for magnetic flux generation and transport in cool stars and a qualitative comparison of models with observations. The method combines an alpha-omega dynamo at the base of the convection zone, buoyant rise of magnetic flux tubes, and a surface flux transport model. Based on a reference model for the Sun, numerical simulations were carried out for model convection zones of G- and K-type main sequence and subgiant stars. We investigate magnetic cycle properties for stars with different rotation periods, convection zone depths, and dynamo strengths. For a Sun-like star with P_rot=9 d, we find that a cyclic dynamo can underly an apparently non-cyclic, 'flat' surface activity, as observed in some stars. For a subgiant K1 star with P_rot=2.8 d the long-term activity variations resemble the multi-periodic cycles observed in V711 Tau, owing to high-latitude flux emergence, weak transport effects and stochastic processes of flux emergence.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 286: Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing Quiet Times in the Sun and Star

    Represantation of Women in the Cinema of Nadine Labaki

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    Nadine Labaki, Lübnan’ın yetiştirdiği önemli yönetmenlerden birisidir. Eğitimini Lübnan’da tamamlaması ve filmlerini burada yapması, onu diğer Lübnanlı ve Ortadoğulu yönetmenlerden ayırmaktadır. Labaki’nin filmlerindeki kadın temsilinin incelenmesi, kadın sorunlarının genelde Ortadoğu özelde ise Lübnan sinemasında nasıl işlendiğinin ortaya konulması açısından önemli veriler sunar. Bu çalışmada Labaki’nin çektiği üç uzun metraj film olan Karamel (2007), Peki Şimdi Nereye? ve Kefernahum (2018) filmlerinde kadınların ve kadın sorunlarının nasıl temsil edildiği incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizler neticesinde incelenen filmlerin, toplumsal cinsiyet rol kalıplarını ve ataerkil ahlaki normları onayan bir anlatı yapısına sahip olması nedeniyle ana akım sinemaya benzer özellikler taşımakla birlikte; aktif, mücadeleci ve çözümler üreten kadın karakterlere yer vererek ana akım sinema filmlerinden farklılaştığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. İncelenen filmlerdeki kadınların genellikle güçlü karakterler olduğu ve çoğu zaman diğer kadınlarla dayanışma içerisinde, birlikte hareket ederek başarıya ulaştıkları; bunun mümkün görünmediği durumlarda kaderlerine razı olmadıkları ve mücadeleyi sürdürdükleri, erkek egemenliğine boyun eğen pasif kadın karakterlerin ise genellikle kaybeden taraf olarak konumlandırıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca filmler boyunca ele alınan kadın sorunlarının ekonomik nedenleri üzerinde durulmadığı; sorunların bireyselleştirilerek kolay çözülebilir hale getirildiği belirlenmiştir.Nadine Labaki is one of the most significant directors raised by Lebanon. She is distinguished from other Middle Eastern and Lebanese directors because she completed her education in Lebanon and made her films there. Analyzing female representation in Labaki’s films reveals important data in terms of explaining how women’s problems are handled in the Middle East in general and in Lebanese cinema in particular. In this study, how women and issues of women are represented in Labaki’s three full-length films, Caramel (2007), Where Do We Go Now? (2011), and Capernaum (2018) are examined. As a result of the analyses, it is concluded that although the films have similar features with mainstream cinema in that they approve gender role patterns and patriarchal moral codes, they differ from mainstream cinema films in terms of placing emphasis on active, combative, problem-solver female characters. It is determined that the women in the analyzed films are generally strong characters and they often succeed in solidarity with other women by acting together; in cases where this is not possible, they do not accept their destiny, and they struggle; passive female characters who are submissive to male domination are generally positioned as the losing side. In addition, it is determined that the economic causes of women’s problems handled throughout the films are not emphasized, and the problems are made easy to solve by individualizing them

    Glass Bowls from Sanctuary of Apollon Klarios Excavations in Western Anatolia

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    Taştemur Emre, Şahin Işık. Glass Bowls from Sanctuary of Apollon Klarios Excavations in Western Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 16, 2008. pp. 95-106

    Supervised link prediction developed for bipartite social networks

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    © 2019 ACM.Link prediction is a prominent issue that involves predicting the occurrence of future relationships between nodes in a social network. Our work proposes similarity metrics that are extended for a weighted bipartite social network to predict prospective links in the social network by applying a supervised machine learning scheme. Link (edge) weights in the network could provide valuable information for prediction as they express the strength of relationships between nodes (person, item etc.). The target attribute of prediction is a label that shows the existence or absence of a link between two nodes in the network. The feature attributes of the machine learning model are similarity/centrality metrics calculated from the current social network. Particularly, a weighted bipartite graph was built from the MovieLens dataset by connecting users to movies via the users' movie ratings; then new links were attempted to predict for a later time. Several types of machine learning algorithms for link prediction on this bipartite graph were applied by using network similarity metrics and a binary supervised classifier. The combination of four network centrality metrics provided higher prediction performance compared their individual performances on the bipartite movie ratings network. Our preliminary experiments led satisfactory results when link weights were considered, which encourages us for further analysis on bipartite and weighted social networks