189 research outputs found
Hevosille maistuu terveellinen pellavarehu
Pellavarehu tekee hyvää hevosen suolistolle. Kun rehuun lisätään valkosipulia, saattaa myös hengitysteiden limaneritys vähentyä. Lisäksi rehu on maittavaa ja hyvin sulavaa.vo
Turvetta hevosen kuivikkeeksi
Turvekuivike parantaa tallin ilmanlaatua ja pitää hevosen hengitystiet terveinä. Kumpikaan käytetyistä kuivikkeista, turve ja kutterinlastu, ei heikentänyt kavioterveyttä. Turve osoittautui kavioiden kosteuspitoisuuden kannalta paremmaksi vaihtoehdoksi. Turve on riittoisampaa kuin kutterinlastua.vo
Blood glucose in the horse at rest and exercise
This paper reviews different aspects affecting equine blood glucose concentration and contrasts them with those in man. The effects of feeding, exercise and disease on blood glucose are also discussed. Glucose is an energy substrate for all cells and the principal fuel for the brain. Maintenance of glucose supply to working skeletal muscle from muscle glycogen and blood glucose is critical to sustain work output during exercise. Glucose metabolism has been intensively studied in human athletes due to the crucial roles of muscle glycogen stores and blood glucose. The changes in equine blood glucose concentration are qualitatively very similar to those in humans. However, regardless of many similarities, the results of such human studies cannot be directly applied to horses, because different animal species are specifically adapted to meet their own unique requirements. It is known that horses do have many species specific-features in their carbohydrate metabolism which are still incompletely understood. Further research is needed both in healthy horses and in horses with disturbances in their carbohydrate metabolism to give a more comprehensive understanding of metabolic responses and regulation in horses.vokMyynti: MTT, Tietopalvelut 31600 Jokioine
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