14 research outputs found

    Geographic Research on Hate Crimes and Incidents: Approaches for Advancing Inclusive Practices

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    COVID-19, originally reported in China, has brought an increase in anti-Asian and Asian American hate incidents and crimes in the United States. However, research on hate incidents and crimes are relatively new in the field of geography. To provide better ways to investigate hate crime incidents against Asians and Asian Americans during COVID-19, this article draws on various research methods from existing studies on hate crimes. Geographers have focused attention on minority groups linked to different geographic scales, and non-geographic studies have focused mainly on psychological symptoms and impacts on health. Even though existing studies have helped broaden the knowledge of the subject, the geographic aspects of the issue require further examination. This article suggests that geographers should pay more attention to four aspects of research in hate crimes and incidents for future research: avoiding oversimplified concepts, reconsidering relational aspects within the local community, identifying intersectionality and everydayness of people, and engaging more with the practice of the law enforcement and the local communities

    TimeKit: A Time-series Forecasting-based Upgrade Kit for Collaborative Filtering

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    Recommender systems are a long-standing research problem in data mining and machine learning. They are incremental in nature, as new user-item interaction logs arrive. In real-world applications, we need to periodically train a collaborative filtering algorithm to extract user/item embedding vectors and therefore, a time-series of embedding vectors can be naturally defined. We present a time-series forecasting-based upgrade kit (TimeKit), which works in the following way: it i) first decides a base collaborative filtering algorithm, ii) extracts user/item embedding vectors with the base algorithm from user-item interaction logs incrementally, e.g., every month, iii) trains our time-series forecasting model with the extracted time-series of embedding vectors, and then iv) forecasts the future embedding vectors and recommend with their dot-product scores owing to a recent breakthrough in processing complicated time-series data, i.e., neural controlled differential equations (NCDEs). Our experiments with four real-world benchmark datasets show that the proposed time-series forecasting-based upgrade kit can significantly enhance existing popular collaborative filtering algorithms.Comment: Accepted at IEEE BigData 202

    Relationship Bonds and Service Provider’s Emotional Labor: Moderating Effects of Collectivism

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    Since service providers directly conduct emotional labor to customers, it is important to identify the factors influencing emotional labor of service providers. Even though the studies identifying the predisposing factors influencing emotional labor are taking place, there is no empirical evidence confirming how relationship bonds, which have been established between corporations and service providers, are related to emotional labor. This study examined the influences of relationship bonds on emotional labor through person-organization fit (P-O fit) and the moderating effects of collectivism between P-O fit and emotional labor. Analysis was conducted by performing questionnaire surveys targeting 350 employees in the financial industry. As a result of the analysis, it has been found that financial bonds, social bonds, and structural bonds enhanced P-O fit and P-O fit improved deep acting. In addition, this study identified that collectivism of service providers strengthened the influence of P-O fit toward deep acting. This study not only suggested the empirical evidence identifying the process of relationship bonds influencing emotional labor but also expanded the scope of study by examining moderating roles of collectivism in cultural psychology aspect

    Ontology-Based Unified Robot Knowledge for Service Robots in Indoor Environments

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    A significant obstacle for service robots is the execution of complex tasks in real environments. For example, it is not easy for service robots to find objects that are partially observable and are located at a place which is not identical but near the place where the robots saw them previously. To overcome the challenge effectively, robot knowledge represented as a semantic network can be extremely useful. This paper presents an ontology-based unified robot knowledge framework that integrates low-level data with high-level knowledge for robot intelligence. This framework consists of two sections: knowledge description and knowledge association. Knowledge description includes comprehensively integrated robot knowledge derived from low-level knowledge regarding perceptual features, part objects, metric maps, and primitive behaviors, as well as high-level knowledge about perceptual concepts, objects, semantic maps, tasks, and contexts. Knowledge association uses logical inference with both unidirectional and bidirectional rules. This characteristic enables reasoning to be performed even when only a partial information is available. The experimental results that demonstrate the advantages of using the proposed knowledge framework are also presented

    An Effective Algorithm to Find a Cost Minimizing Gateway Deployment for Node-Replaceable Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, we present an efficient way to find a gateway deployment for a given sensor network topology. We assume that the expired sensors and gateways can be replaced and the locations of the gateways are chosen among the given sensor nodes. The objective is to find a gateway deployment that minimizes the cost per unit time, which consists of the maintenance and installation costs. The proposed algorithm creates a cost reference and uses it to find the optimal deployment via a divide and conquer algorithm. Comparing all cases is the most reliable way to find the optimal gateway deployment, but this is practically impossible to calculate, since its computation time increases exponentially as the number of nodes increases. The method we propose increases linearly, and so is suitable for large scale networks. Additionally, compared to stochastic algorithms such as the genetic algorithm, this methodology has advantages in computational speed and accuracy for a large number of nodes. We also verify our methodology through several numerical experiments

    Development of a Convenient and Quantitative Method for Evaluating Photosensitizing Activity Using Thiazolyl Blue Formazan Dye

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    Photosensitizers cause oxidative damages in various biological systems under light. In this study, the method for analyzing photosensitizing activity of various dietary and medicinal sources was developed using 1-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-3,5-diphenylformazan (thiazolyl blue formazan; MTT-F) as a probe. Significant and quantitative decolorization of MTT-F was observed in the presence of photosensitizers used in this study under light but not under dark conditions. The decolorization of MTT-F occurred irradiation time-, light intensity-, and photosensitizer concentration-dependently. The decolorized MTT-F was reversibly reduced by living cells; the LC-MS/MS results indicated the formation of oxidized products with −1 m/z of base peak from MTT-F, suggesting that MTT-F decolorized by photosensitizers was its corresponding tetrazolium. The present results indicate that MTT-F is a reliable probe for the quantitative analysis of photosensitizing activities, and the MTT-F-based method can be an useful tool for screening and evaluating photosensitizing properties of various compounds used in many industrial purposes

    Actin remodelling factors control ciliogenesis by regulating YAP/TAZ activity and vesicle trafficking

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    Primary cilia exert a profound impact on cell signalling and cell cycle progression. Recently, actin cytoskeleton destabilization has been recognized as a dominant inducer of ciliogenesis, but the exact mechanisms regulating ciliogenesis remain poorly understood. Here we show that the actin cytoskeleton remodelling controls ciliogenesis by regulating transcriptional coactivator YAP/TAZ as well as ciliary vesicle trafficking. Cytoplasmic retention of YAP/TAZ correlates with active ciliogenesis either in spatially confined cells or in cells treated with an actin filament destabilizer. Moreover, knockdown of YAP/TAZ is sufficient to induce ciliogenesis, whereas YAP/TAZ hyperactivation suppresses serum starvation-mediated ciliogenesis. We also identify actin remodelling factors LIMK2 and TESK1 as key players in the ciliogenesis control network in which YAP/TAZ and directional vesicle trafficking are integral components. Our work provides new insights for understanding the link between actin dynamics and ciliogenesis. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited138451sciescopu