18 research outputs found

    Zeeman-limited Superconductivity in Crystalline Al Films

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    We report the evolution of the Zeeman-mediated superconducting phase diagram (PD) in ultra-thin crystalline Al films. Parallel critical field measurements, down to 50 mK, were made across the superconducting tricritical point of films ranging in thickness from 7 ML to 30 ML. The resulting phase boundaries were compared with the quasi-classical theory of a Zeeman-mediated transition between a homogeneous BCS condensate and a spin polarized Fermi liquid. Films thicker than ∼\sim20 ML showed good agreement with theory, but thinner films exhibited an anomalous PD that cannot be reconciled within a homogeneous BCS framework.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Interrogating the superconductor Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2-xPtxAs2)5 Layer-by-layer

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    Ever since the discovery of high-Tc superconductivity in layered cuprates, the roles that individual layers play have been debated, due to difficulty in layer-by-layer characterization. While there is similar challenge in many Fe-based layered superconductors, the newly-discovered Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2As2)5 provides opportunities to explore superconductivity layer by layer, because it contains both superconducting building blocks (Fe2As2 layers) and intermediate Pt4As8 layers. Cleaving a single crystal under ultra-high vacuum results in multiple terminations: an ordered Pt4As8 layer, two reconstructed Ca layers on the top of a Pt4As8 layer, and disordered Ca layer on the top of Fe2As2 layer. The electronic properties of individual layers are studied using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S), which reveals different spectra for each surface. Remarkably superconducting coherence peaks are seen only on the ordered Ca/Pt4As8 layer. Our results indicate that an ordered structure with proper charge balance is required in order to preserve superconductivity

    Epitaxial Growth of Two-dimensional Insulator Monolayer Honeycomb BeO

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    The emergence of two-dimensional (2D) materials launched a fascinating frontier of flatland electronics. Most crystalline atomic layer materials are based on layered van der Waals materials with weak interlayer bonding, which naturally leads to thermodynamically stable monolayers. We report the synthesis of a 2D insulator comprised of a single atomic sheet of honeycomb structure BeO (h-BeO), although its bulk counterpart has a wurtzite structure. The h-BeO is grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on Ag(111) thin films that are conveniently grown on Si(111) wafers. Using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S), the honeycomb BeO lattice constant is determined to be 2.65 angstrom with an insulating band gap of 6 eV. Our low energy electron diffraction (LEED) measurements indicate that the h-BeO forms a continuous layer with good crystallinity at the millimeter scale. Moir\'e pattern analysis shows the BeO honeycomb structure maintains long range phase coherence in atomic registry even across Ag steps. We find that the interaction between the h-BeO layer and the Ag(111) substrate is weak by using STS and complimentary density functional theory calculations. We not only demonstrate the feasibility of growing h-BeO monolayers by MBE, but also illustrate that the large-scale growth, weak substrate interactions, and long-range crystallinity make h-BeO an attractive candidate for future technological applications. More significantly, the ability to create a stable single crystalline atomic sheet without a bulk layered counterpart is an intriguing approach to tailoring novel 2D electronic materials.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ACS Nano, equal contribution by Hui Zhang and Madisen Holbroo

    Geometric quenching of orbital pair breaking in a single crystalline superconducting nanomesh network

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    In a superconductor Cooper pairs condense into a single state and in so doing support dissipation free charge flow and perfect diamagnetism. In a magnetic field the minimum kinetic energy of the Cooper pairs increases, producing an orbital pair breaking effect. We show that it is possible to significantly quench the orbital pair breaking effect for both parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields in a thin film superconductor with lateral nanostructure on a length scale smaller than the magnetic length. By growing an ultra-thin (2 nm thick) single crystalline Pb nanowire network, we establish nm scale lateral structure without introducing weak links. Our network suppresses orbital pair breaking for both perpendicular and in-plane fields with a negligible reduction in zero-field resistive critical temperatures. Our study opens a frontier in nanoscale superconductivity by providing a strategy for maintaining pairing in strong field environments in all directions with important technological implications

    Ultrathin two-dimensional superconductivity with strong spin-orbit coupling

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    We report on a study of epitaxially grown ultrathin Pb films that are only a few atoms thick and have parallel critical magnetic fields much higher than the expected limit set by the interaction of electron spins with a magnetic field, that is, the Clogston-Chandrasekhar limit. The epitaxial thin films are classified as dirty-limit superconductors because their mean-free paths, which are limited by surface scattering, are smaller than their superconducting coherence lengths. The uniformity of superconductivity in these thin films is established by comparing scanning tunneling spectroscopy, scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry, double-coil mutual inductance, and magneto-transport, data that provide average superfluid rigidity on length scales covering the range from microscopic to macroscopic. We argue that the survival of superconductivity at Zeeman energies much larger than the superconducting gap can be understood only as the consequence of strong spin-orbit coupling that, together with substrate-induced inversionsymmetry breaking, produces spin splitting in the normal-state energy bands that is much larger than the superconductor\u27s energy gap

    Visualizing landscapes of the superconducting gap in heterogeneous superconductor thin films: geometric influences on proximity effects

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    The proximity effect is a central feature of superconducting junctions as it underlies many important applications in devices and can be exploited in the design of new systems with novel quantum functionality. Recently, exotic proximity effects have been observed in various systems, such as superconductor-metallic nanowires and graphene-superconductor structures. However, it is still not clear how superconducting order propagates spatially in a heterogeneous superconductor system. Here we report intriguing influences of junction geometry on the proximity effect for a 2D heterogeneous superconductor system comprised of 2D superconducting islands on top of a surface metal. Depending on the local geometry, the superconducting gap induced in the surface metal region can either be confined to the boundary of the superconductor, in which the gap decays within a short distance (~ 15 nm), or can be observed nearly uniformly over a distance of many coherence lengths due to non-local proximity effects.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    PTCDA molecular monolayer on Pb thin films: An unusual π-electron Kondo system and its interplay with a quantum-confined superconductor

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    The hybridization of magnetism and superconductivity has been an intriguing playground for correlated electron systems, hosting various novel physical phenomena. Usually, localized d- or f-electrons are central to magnetism. In this study, by placing a PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic dianhydride) molecular monolayer on ultra-thin Pb films, we built a hybrid magnetism/superconductivity (M/SC) system consisting of only sp electronic levels. The magnetic moments reside in the unpaired molecular orbital originating from interfacial charge-transfers. We reported distinctive tunneling spectroscopic features of such a Kondo screened pi-electron impurity lattice on a superconductor in the regime of TK>>delta suggesting the formation of a two-dimensional bound states band. Moreover, moiré superlattices with tunable twist angle and the quantum confinement in the ultra-thin Pb films provide easy and flexible implementations to tune the interplay between the Kondo physics and the superconductivity, which are rarely present in M/SC hybrid systems.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material