117 research outputs found

    Disk Detective: Discovery of New Circumstellar Disk Candidates through Citizen Science

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    The Disk Detective citizen science project aims to find new stars with 22 micron excess emission from circumstellar dust using data from NASA's WISE mission. Initial cuts on the AllWISE catalog provide an input catalog of 277,686 sources. Volunteers then view images of each source online in 10 different bands to identify false-positives (galaxies, background stars, interstellar matter, image artifacts, etc.). Sources that survive this online vetting are followed up with spectroscopy on the FLWO Tillinghast telescope. This approach should allow us to unleash the full potential of WISE for finding new debris disks and protoplanetary disks. We announce a first list of 37 new disk candidates discovered by the project, and we describe our vetting and follow-up process. One of these systems appears to contain the first debris disk discovered around a star with a white dwarf companion: HD 74389. We also report four newly discovered classical Be stars (HD 6612, HD 7406, HD 164137, and HD 218546) and a new detection of 22 micron excess around a previously known debris disk host star, HD 22128.Comment: 50 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa


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    Abstract This paper presents development of a new tag supply system for the data-acquisition (DAQ) system for SACLA user experiments. The X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility in SPring-8, SACLA, has delivered X-ray laser beams to users since March 2012. For the user experiments at SACLA, a dedicated DAQ system has been developed. The DAQ system is currently capable to operate with maximum twelve sensors of multiport charge-coupled device (MPCCD) for X-ray detection. The data of twelve sensors are read out with individual readout modules. We implement a new tag supply system to ensure the reconstruction of the diffraction image of the user experiments. The tag data are used to synchronize the data obtained by SACLA user experiments. One master server receives a signal given by accelerator and the delivery of the tag data follows to five experimental halls at SACLA and some of monitors at SACLA accelerator. We employ dedicated communication lines to deliver the tag data. The longest distance to deliver the tag data is about one kilometre. The new tag supply system has been operating stably since April, 2014

    Serum levels of toxic AGEs (TAGE) may be a promising novel biomarker in development and progression of NASH

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    a b s t r a c t Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) ranges from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), leads to fibrosis and potentially cirrhosis, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma, and is one of the most common causes of liver disease worldwide. NAFLD has also been implicated in other medical conditions such as insulin resistance, obesity, metabolic syndrome, hyperlipemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Continuous hyperglycemia has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic micro-and macro-vascular complications via various metabolic pathways, and numerous hyperglycemiainduced metabolic and hemodynamic conditions exist, including the increased generation of various types of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). We recently demonstrated that glyceraldehyde-derived AGEs (Glycer-AGEs), the predominant components of toxic AGEs (TAGE), played an important role in the pathogenesis of angiopathy in diabetic patients. Moreover, a growing body of evidence suggests that the interaction between TAGE and the receptor for AGEs may alter intracellular signaling, gene expression, and the release of pro-inflammatory molecules and also elicits the generation of oxidative stress in numerous types of cells including hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells. Serum levels of TAGE were significantly higher in NASH patients than in those with simple steatosis and healthy controls. Moreover, serum levels of TAGE inversely correlated with adiponectin (adiponectin is produced by adipose tissue and is an anti-inflammatory adipokine that can increase insulin sensitivity). Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining of TAGE showed intense staining in the livers of patients with NASH. Serum levels of TAGE may be a useful biomarker for discriminating NASH from simple steatosis. The administration of atorvastatin (10 mg daily) for 12 months significantly improved NASH-related metabolic parameters and significantly decreased serum levels of TAGE. The steatosis grade and NAFLD activity score were also significantly improved. These results demonstrated that atorvastatin decreased the serum levels of TAGE in NASH patients with dyslipidemia and suggest the usefulness of TAGE as a biomarker for the attenuation of NASH. Serum levels of TAGE were significantly higher in non-B or non-C hepatocellular carcinoma (NBNC-HCC) patients than in NASH subjects without HCC or control subjects. TAGE may be involved in the pathogenesis of NBNC-HCC, and could, therefore, be a biomarker that could discriminate NBNC-HCC from NASH. We propose that serum levels of TAGE are promising novel targets for the diagnosis of and therapeutic interventions against NASH

    The TESS Triple-9 Catalog II: a new set of 999 uniformly-vetted exoplanet candidates

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    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission is providing the scientific community with millions of light curves of stars spread across the whole sky. Since 2018 the telescope has detected thousands of planet candidates that need to be meticulously scrutinized before being considered amenable targets for follow-up programs. We present the second catalog of the Plant Patrol citizen science project containing 999 uniformly-vetted exoplanet candidates within the TESS ExoFOP archive. The catalog was produced by fully exploiting the power of the Citizen Science Planet Patrol project. We vetted TESS Objects of Interest (TOIs) based on the results of Discovery And Vetting of Exoplanets DAVE pipeline. We also implemented the Automatic Disposition Generator, a custom procedure aimed at generating the final classification for each TOI that was vetted by at least three vetters. The majority of the candidates in our catalog, 752752 TOIs, passed the vetting process and were labelled as planet candidates. We ruled out 142142 candidates as false positives and flagged 105105 as potential false positives. Our final dispositions and comments for all the planet candidates are provided as a publicly available supplementary table.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Follow-up Imaging of Disk Candidates from the Disk Detective Citizen Science Project: New Discoveries and False Positives in WISE Circumstellar Disk Surveys

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    The Disk Detective citizen science project aims to find new stars with excess 22 m emission from circumstellar dust in the All WISE data release from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. We evaluated 261 Disk Detective objects of interest with imaging with the Robo-AO adaptive optics instrument on the 1.5 m telescope at Palomar Observatory and with RetroCam on the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory to search for background objects at 0 1512 separations from each target. Our analysis of these data leads us to reject 7% of targets. Combining this result with statistics from our online image classification efforts implies that at most7.9%0.2% of All WISE-selected infrared excesses are good disk candidates. Applying our false-positive rates to other surveys, we find that the infrared excess searches of McDonald et al. and Marton et al. all have false-positiverates >70%. Moreover, we find that all 13 disk candidates in Theissen & West with W4 signal-to-noise ratio >3are false positives. We present 244 disk candidates that have survived vetting by follow-up imaging. Of these,213 are newly identified disk systems. Twelve of these are candidate members of comoving pairs based on Gaia astrometry, supporting the hypothesis that warm dust is associated with binary systems. We also note the discovery of 22 m excess around two known members of the ScorpiusCentaurus association, and we identifyknown disk host WISEA J164540.79-310226.6 as a likely Sco-Cen member. Thirty of these disk candidates arecloser than 125 pc (including 26 debris disks), making them good targets for both direct-imaging exoplanetsearches

    AGEs Secreted by Bacteria Are Involved in the Inflammatory Response

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    Advanced Glycated End Products (AGEs) are formed by non-enzymatic protein glycation and are implicated in several physiological aspects including cell aging and diseases. Recent data indicate that bacteria – although short lived – produce, metabolize and accumulate AGEs. Here we show that Escherichia coli cells secret AGEs by the energy-dependent efflux pump systems. Moreover, we show that in the presence of these AGEs there is an upshift of pro-inflammatory cytokins by mammalian cells. Thus, we propose that secretion of AGEs by bacteria is a novel avenue of bacterial-induced inflammation which is potentially important in the pathophysiology of bacterial infections. Moreover, the sensing of AGEs by the host cells may constitute a warning system for the presence of bacteria

    Effect of Dietary Advanced Glycation End Products on Mouse Liver

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    The exact pathophysiology of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is not known. Previous studies suggest that dietary advanced glycation end products (AGEs) can cause oxidative stress in liver. We aim to study the effects of dietary AGEs on liver health and their possible role in the pathogenesis of NASH. METHODS: Two groups of mice were fed the same diet except the AGE content varied. One group was fed a high AGE diet and the second group was fed a regular AGE diet. Liver histology, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, insulin resistance and glucose tolerance were assessed. RESULTS: Histology revealed that neutrophil infiltration occurred in the livers of the high AGE group at week 26; steatosis did not accompany liver inflammation. At week 39 livers from both groups exhibited macro- or micro-steatosis, yet no inflammation was detected. Higher insulin levels were detected in the regular AGE group at week 26 (P = 0.034), compared to the high AGE group. At week 39, the regular AGE group showed higher levels of alanine aminotransferase (P<0.01) and aspartate aminotransferase (P = 0.02) than those of the high AGE group. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that a high AGE diet can cause liver inflammation in the absence of steatosis. Our results show that dietary AGEs could play a role in initiating liver inflammation contributing to the disease progression of NASH. Our observation that the inflammation caused by high AGE alone did not persist suggests interesting future directions to investigate how AGEs contribute to pro-oxidative and anti-oxidative pathways in the liver

    Validation of the FIB4 index in a Japanese nonalcoholic fatty liver disease population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A reliable and inexpensive noninvasive marker of hepatic fibrosis is required in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). FIB4 index (based on age, aspartate aminotransferase [AST] and alanine aminotransferase [ALT] levels, and platelet counts) is expected to be useful for evaluating hepatic fibrosis. We validated the performance of FIB4 index in a Japanese cohort with NAFLD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROC) for FIB4 and six other markers were compared, based on data from 576 biopsy-proven NAFLD patients. Advanced fibrosis was defined as stage 3-4 fibrosis. FIB4 index was assessed as: age (yr) × AST (IU/L)/(platelet count (10<sup>9</sup>/L) × √ALT (IU/L))</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Advanced fibrosis was found in 64 (11%) patients. The AUROC for FIB4 index was superior to those for the other scoring systems for differentiating between advanced and mild fibrosis. Only 6 of 308 patients with a FIB4 index below the proposed low cut-off point (< 1.45) were under-staged, giving a high negative predictive value of 98%. Twenty-eight of 59 patients with a FIB4 index above the high cut-off point (> 3.25) were over-staged, giving a low positive predictive value of 53%. Using these cutoffs, 91% of the 395 patients with FIB-4 values outside 1.45-3.25 would be correctly classified. Implementation of the FIB4 index in the Japanese population would avoid 58% of liver biopsies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The FIB4 index was superior to other tested noninvasive markers of fibrosis in Japanese patients with NAFLD, with a high negative predictive value for excluding advanced fibrosis. The small number of cases of advanced fibrosis in this cohort meant that this study had limited power for validating the high cut-off point.</p
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