1,133 research outputs found

    Valuation Perspectives and Decompositions for Variable Annuities with GMWB riders

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    The guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB) rider, as an add on to a variable annuity (VA), guarantees the return of premiums in the form of peri- odic withdrawals while allowing policyholders to participate fully in any market gains. GMWB riders represent an embedded option on the account value with a fee structure that is different from typical financial derivatives. We consider fair pricing of the GMWB rider from a financial economic perspective. Particular focus is placed on the distinct perspectives of the insurer and policyholder and the unifying relationship. We extend a decomposition of the VA contract into components that reflect term-certain payments and embedded derivatives to the case where the policyholder has the option to surrender, or lapse, the contract early.Comment: 18 pages, proof of Lemma A.1 expanded for clarit

    Deep Learning in a Generalized HJM-type Framework Through Arbitrage-Free Regularization

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    We introduce a regularization approach to arbitrage-free factor-model selection. The considered model selection problem seeks to learn the closest arbitrage-free HJM-type model to any prespecified factor-model. An asymptotic solution to this, a priori computationally intractable, problem is represented as the limit of a 1-parameter family of optimizers to computationally tractable model selection tasks. Each of these simplified model-selection tasks seeks to learn the most similar model, to the prescribed factor-model, subject to a penalty detecting when the reference measure is a local martingale-measure for the entire underlying financial market. A simple expression for the penalty terms is obtained in the bond market withing the affine-term structure setting, and it is used to formulate a deep-learning approach to arbitrage-free affine term-structure modelling. Numerical implementations are also performed to evaluate the performance in the bond market.Comment: 23 Pages + Reference

    Statistical Methodological Issues in Studies of Air Pollution and Respiratory Disease.

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    Epidemiological studies have consistently shown short term associations between levels of air pollution and respiratory disease in countries of diverse populations, geographical locations and varying levels of air pollution and climate. The aims of this paper are: (1) to assess the sensitivity of the observed pollution effects to model specification, with particular emphasis on the inclusion of seasonally adjusted covariates; and (2) to study the effect of air pollution on respiratory disease in Melbourne, Australia.Air pollution; Autocorrelation; Generalized additive models; Seasonal adjustment; Respiratory disease

    Unmasking the Theta Method.

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    The Theta method of forecasting performed particularly well in the M3-competition and is therefore of interest to forecast practitioners. The description of the method given by Assimakopoulos and Nikolopoulos (2000) involves several pages of algebraic manipulation and is difficult to comprehend. We show that the method can be expressed much more simply; furthermore we show that the forecasts obtained are equivalent to simple exponential smoothing with drift.exponential smoothing; forecasting competitions; state space models

    Another Look at Measures of Forecast Accuracy

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    We discuss and compare measures of accuracy of univariate time series forecasts. The methods used in the M-competition and the M3-competition, and many of the measures recommended by previous authors on this topic, are found to be inadequate, and many of them are degenerate in commonly occurring situations. Instead, we propose that the mean absolute scaled error become the standard measure for comparing forecast accuracy across multiple time series.Forecast accuracy, Forecast evaluation, Forecast error measures, M-competition, Mean absolute scaled error.

    Empirical Information Criteria for Time Series Forecasting Model Selection

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    In this paper, we propose a new Empirical Information Criterion (EIC) for model selection which penalizes the likelihood of the data by a function of the number of parameters in the model. It is designed to be used where there are a large number of time series to be forecast. However, a bootstrap version of the EIC can be used where there is a single time series to be forecast. The EIC provides a data-driven model selection tool that can be tuned to the particular forecasting task. We compare the EIC with other model selection criteria including Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwarz's Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). The comparisons show that for the M3 forecasting competition data, the EIC outperforms both the AIC and BIC, particularly for longer forecast horizons. We also compare the criteria on simulated data and find that the EIC does better than existing criteria in that case also.Exponential smoothing; forecasting; information criteria; M3 competition; model selection.

    Exponential Smoothing for Inventory Control: Means and Variances of Lead-Time Demand

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    Exponential smoothing is often used to forecast lead-time demand for inventory control. In this paper, formulae are provided for calculating means and variances of lead-time demand for a wide variety of exponential smoothing methods. A feature of many of the formulae is that variances, as well as the means, depend on trends and seasonal effects. Thus, these formulae provide the opportunity to implement methods that ensure that safety stocks adjust to changes in trend or changes in season.Forecasting; inventory control; lead-time demand; exponential smoothing; forecast variance.