8 research outputs found

    Complementary substrate specificity and distinct quaternary assembly of the Escherichia coli aerobic and anaerobic beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme complexes

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    The trifunctional enzyme (TFE) catalyzes the last three steps of the fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle. Two TFEs are present in Escherichia coli, EcTFE and anEcTFE. EcTFE is expressed only under aerobic conditions, whereas anEcTFE is expressed also under anaerobic conditions, with nitrate or fumarate as the ultimate electron acceptor. The anEcTFE subunits have higher sequence identity with the human mitochondrial TFE (HsTFE) than with the soluble EcTFE. Like HsTFE, here it is found that anEcTFE is a membrane-bound complex. Systematic enzyme kinetic studies show that anEcTFE has a preference for medium- and long-chain enoyl-CoAs, similar to HsTFE, whereas EcTFE prefers short chain enoyl-CoA substrates. The biophysical characterization of anEcTFE and EcTFE shows that EcTFE is heterotetrameric, whereas anEcTFE is purified as a complex of two heterotetrameric units, like HsTFE. The tetrameric assembly of anEcTFE resembles the HsTFE tetramer, although the arrangement of the two anEcTFE tetramers in the octamer is different from the HsTFE octamer. These studies demonstrate that EcTFE and anEcTFE have complementary substrate specificities, allowing for complete degradation of long-chain enoyl-CoAs under aerobic conditions. The new data agree with the notion that anEcTFE and HsTFE are evolutionary closely related, whereas EcTFE belongs to a separate subfamily.Peer reviewe

    "Todellinen tulevaisuuteen suuntaava sivilisaatiohanke” : Venäjän valtiojohdon argumentit ja retoriikka Suur-Euraasian puolesta kriittisen geopolitiikan näkökannasta

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    Tutkimuksessa tutkitaan ulkopoliittista Suur-Euraasian käsitettä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putinin ja ulkoministeri Sergei Lavrovin käsitettä koskevista puheista ja kirjoituksista aikavälillä 2016–2020. Tutkimuksen mielenkiinnonkohteena on, miten Venäjä argumentoi Suur-Euraasian puolesta, millaista geopoliittista kuvastoa ja maailmankuvaa käsitteestä puhumisen yhteydessä tuotetaan, sekä millaisia retorisia keinoja puheissa on läsnä. Tutkimus tarkastelee käsitettä sekä löydettyjä argumentteja erityisesti kriittisen geopolitiikan teorian näkökulmasta. Samalla käsitettä peilataan kansainvälistä politiikkaa ja suurvaltasuhteita käsittelevään akateemiseen kirjallisuuteen. Perustellessaan Suur-Euraasiaa muille valtioille Venäjä hyödyntää argumentteja maantieteestä, historiasta sekä geopoliittisen painopisteen muutoksesta. Tällä tavalla maa pyrkii muokkaamaan kansainvälisen politiikan diskursseja itselleen suotuisaksi. Samalla käsite rakentaa Venäjän omakuvaa ja havaittavissa on viitteitä historiallisista venäläisistä poliittisista hankkeista ja ajattelusta. Poliittisessa retoriikassa valtiojohto myös käyttää jo antiikista tuttuja retorisia keinoja pyrkiessään vakuuttamaan yleisön käsitteen hyödyistä. Suur-Euraasian käsitettä voidaan tarkastella osana Venäjän suhteita Kiinaan ja toisaalta myös lännen suuntaan. Kiinan suhteen Venäjän intressiksi on muodostumassa linkittäytyminen Uusi silkkitie -hankkeen kanssa ja on viitteitä, että Suur-Euraasia toimisi mahdollisesti keinona tasapainottaa Kiinan kasvavaa painoarvoa maailmanpolitiikassa. Suhteessa Eurooppaan käsitteen avulla pystytään tarjoamaan mahdollisuus yhteistyöhön, luomaan kiilaa Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltain välille sekä perustelemaan uudenlaista kansainvälisen politiikan järjestelmää nykyisen tilall

    Structural basis for the different membrane binding properties of the Escherichia coli anaerobic and human mitochondrial β-oxidation trifunctional enzyme complexes

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    Facultative anaerobic bacteria such as Escherichia coli have two α2β2 heterotetrameric trifunctional enzymes (TFE), catalyzing the last three steps of the β-oxidation cycle: soluble aerobic TFE (EcTFE) and membrane-associated anaerobic TFE (anEcTFE), closely related to the human mitochondrial TFE (HsTFE). The cryo-EM structure of anEcTFE and crystal structures of anEcTFE-α show that the overall assembly of anEcTFE and HsTFE is similar. However, their membrane-binding properties differ considerably. The shorter A5-H7 and H8 regions of anEcTFE-α result in weaker α-β as well as α-membrane interactions, respectively. The protruding H-H region of anEcTFE-β is therefore more critical for membrane-association. Mutational studies also show that this region is important for the stability of the anEcTFE-β dimer and anEcTFE heterotetramer. The fatty acyl tail binding tunnel of the anEcTFE-α hydratase domain, as in HsTFE-α, is wider than in EcTFE-α, accommodating longer fatty acyl tails, in good agreement with their respective substrate specificities.Peer reviewe

    Structural insights into the substrate-binding proteins Mce1A and Mce4A from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Abstract Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which is responsible for more than a million deaths annually, uses lipids as the source of carbon and energy for its survival in the latent phase of infection. Mtb cannot synthesize all of the lipid molecules required for its growth and pathogenicity. Therefore, it relies on transporters such as the mammalian cell entry (Mce) complexes to import lipids from the host across the cell wall. Despite their importance for the survival and pathogenicity of Mtb, information on the structural properties of these proteins is not yet available. Each of the four Mce complexes in Mtb (Mce1–4) comprises six substrate-binding proteins (SBPs; MceA–F), each of which contains four conserved domains (N-terminal transmembrane, MCE, helical and C-terminal unstructured tail domains). Here, the properties of the various domains of Mtb Mce1A and Mce4A, which are involved in the import of mycolic/fatty acids and cholesterol, respectively, are reported. In the crystal structure of the MCE domain of Mce4A (MtMce4A39–140) a domain-swapped conformation is observed, whereas solution studies, including small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), indicate that all Mce1A and Mce4A domains are predominantly monomeric. Further, structural comparisons show interesting differences from the bacterial homologs MlaD, PqiB and LetB, which form homohexamers when assembled as functional transporter complexes. These data, and the fact that there are six SBPs in each Mtb mce operon, suggest that the MceA–F SBPs from Mce1–4 may form heterohexamers. Also, interestingly, the purification and SAXS analysis showed that the helical domains interact with the detergent micelle, suggesting that when assembled the helical domains of MceA–F may form a hydrophobic pore for lipid transport, as observed in EcPqiB. Overall, these data highlight the unique structural properties of the Mtb Mce SBPs

    Insights into the stability and substrate specificity of the E. coli aerobic β-oxidation trifunctional enzyme complex

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    Abstract Degradation of fatty acids by the β-oxidation pathway results in the formation of acetyl-CoA which enters the TCA cycle for the production of ATP. In E. coli, the last three steps of the β-oxidation are catalyzed by two heterotetrameric α₂β₂ enzymes namely the aerobic trifunctional enzyme (EcTFE) and the anaerobic TFE (anEcTFE). The α-subunit of TFE has 2E-enoyl-CoA hydratase (ECH) and 3S-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD) activities whereas the β-subunit is a thiolase with 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (KAT) activity. Recently, it has been shown that the two TFEs have complementary substrate specificities allowing for the complete degradation of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs into acetyl-CoA under aerobic conditions. Also, it has been shown that the tetrameric EcTFE and anEcTFE assemblies are similar to the TFEs of Pseudomans fragi and human, respectively. Here the properties of the EcTFE subunits are further characterized. Strikingly, it is observed that when expressed separately, EcTFE-α is a catalytically active monomer whereas EcTFE-β is inactive. However, when mixed together active EcTFE tetramer is reconstituted. The crystal structure of the EcTFE-α chain is also reported, complexed with ATP, bound in its HAD active site. Structural comparisons show that the EcTFE hydratase active site has a relatively small fatty acyl tail binding pocket when compared to other TFEs in good agreement with its preferred specificity for short chain 2E-enoyl-CoA substrates. Furthermore, it is observed that millimolar concentrations of ATP destabilize the EcTFE complex, and this may have implications for the ATP-mediated regulation of β-oxidation in E. coli

    Structural basis for different membrane-binding properties of E. coli anaerobic and human mitochondrial β-oxidation trifunctional enzymes

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    Abstract Facultative anaerobic bacteria such as Escherichia coli have two α₂β₂ heterotetrameric trifunctional enzymes (TFE), catalyzing the last three steps of the β-oxidation cycle: soluble aerobic TFE (EcTFE) and membrane-associated anaerobic TFE (anEcTFE), closely related to the human mitochondrial TFE (HsTFE). The cryo-EM structure of anEcTFE and crystal structures of anEcTFE-α show that the overall assembly of anEcTFE and HsTFE is similar. However, their membrane-binding properties differ considerably. The shorter A5-H7 and H8 regions of anEcTFE-α result in weaker α-β as well as α-membrane interactions, respectively. The protruding H-H region of anEcTFE-β is therefore more critical for membrane-association. Mutational studies also show that this region is important for the stability of the anEcTFE-β dimer and anEcTFE heterotetramer. The fatty acyl tail binding tunnel of the anEcTFE-α hydratase domain, as in HsTFE-α, is wider than in EcTFE-α, accommodating longer fatty acyl tails, in good agreement with their respective substrate specificities

    Complementary substrate specificity and distinct quaternary assembly of the Escherichia coli aerobic and anaerobic β-oxidation trifunctional enzyme complexes

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    Abstract The trifunctional enzyme (TFE) catalyzes the last three steps of the fatty acid β-oxidation cycle. Two TFEs are present in Escherichia coli, EcTFE and anEcTFE. EcTFE is expressed only under aerobic conditions, whereas anEcTFE is expressed also under anaerobic conditions, with nitrate or fumarate as the ultimate electron acceptor. The anEcTFE subunits have higher sequence identity with the human mitochondrial TFE (HsTFE) than with the soluble EcTFE. Like HsTFE, here it is found that anEcTFE is a membrane-bound complex. Systematic enzyme kinetic studies show that anEcTFE has a preference for medium- and long-chain enoyl-CoAs, similar to HsTFE, whereas EcTFE prefers short chain enoyl-CoA substrates. The biophysical characterization of anEcTFE and EcTFE shows that EcTFE is heterotetrameric, whereas anEcTFE is purified as a complex of two heterotetrameric units, like HsTFE. The tetrameric assembly of anEcTFE resembles the HsTFE tetramer, although the arrangement of the two anEcTFE tetramers in the octamer is different from the HsTFE octamer. These studies demonstrate that EcTFE and anEcTFE have complementary substrate specificities, allowing for complete degradation of long-chain enoyl-CoAs under aerobic conditions. The new data agree with the notion that anEcTFE and HsTFE are evolutionary closely related, whereas EcTFE belongs to a separate subfamily