538 research outputs found

    Dimeric configuration of SeqA protein bound to a pair of hemi-methylated GATC sequences

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    The binding of SeqA protein to hemi-methylated GATC sequences (hemi-sites) regulates chromosome initiation and the segregation of replicated chromosome in Escherichia coli. We have used atomic force microscopy to examine the architecture of SeqA and the mode of binding of one molecule of SeqA to a pair of hemi-sites in aqueous solution. SeqA has a bipartite structure composed of a large and a small lobe. Upon binding of a SeqA molecule to a pair of hemi-sites, the larger lobe becomes visibly separated into two DNA binding domains, each of which binds to one hemi-site. The two DNA binding domains are held together by association between the two multimerization domains that make up the smaller lobe. The binding of each DNA binding domain to a hemi-site leads to bending of the bound DNA inwards toward the bound protein. In this way, SeqA adopts a dimeric configuration when bound to a pair of hemi-sites. Mutational analysis of the multimerization domain indicates that, in addition to multimerization of SeqA polypeptides, this domain contributes to the ability of SeqA to bind to a pair of hemi-sites and to its cooperative behavior

    Mitochondrial-Targeting Anticancer Agent Conjugates and Nanocarrier Systems for Cancer Treatment

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    The mitochondrion is an important intracellular organelle for drug targeting due to its key roles and functions in cellular proliferation and death. In the last few decades, several studies have revealed mitochondrial functions, attracting the focus of many researchers to work in this field over nuclear targeting. Mitochondrial targeting was initiated in 1995 with a triphenylphosphonium-thiobutyl conjugate as an antioxidant agent. The major driving force for mitochondrial targeting in cancer cells is the higher mitochondrial membrane potential compared with that of the cytosol, which allows some molecules to selectively target mitochondria. In this review, we discuss mitochondria-targeting ligand-conjugated anticancer agents and their in vitro and in vivo behaviors. In addition, we describe a mitochondria-targeting nanocarrier system for anticancer drug delivery. As previously reported, several agents have been known to have mitochondrial targeting potential; however, they are not sufficient for direct application for cancer therapy. Thus, many studies have focused on direct conjugation of targeting ligands to therapeutic agents to improve their efficacy. There are many variables for optimal mitochondria-targeted agent development, such as choosing a correct targeting ligand and linker. However, using the nanocarrier system could solve some issues related to solubility and selectivity. Thus, this review focuses on mitochondria-targeting drug conjugates and mitochondria-targeted nanocarrier systems for anticancer agent delivery

    FBXW7-mediated ERK3 degradation regulates the proliferation of lung cancer cells

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    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3 (ERK3) is an atypical member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family, members of which play essential roles in diverse cellular processes during carcinogenesis, including cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, and invasion. Unlike other MAPKs, ERK3 is an unstable protein with a short half-life. Although deubiquitination of ERK3 has been suggested to regulate the activity, its ubiquitination has not been described in the literature. Here, we report that FBXW7 (F-box and WD repeat domain-containing 7) acts as a ubiquitination E3 ligase for ERK3. Mammalian two-hybrid assay and immunoprecipitation results demonstrated that ERK3 is a novel binding partner of FBXW7. Furthermore, complex formation between ERK3 and the S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 (SKP1)-cullin 1-F-box protein (SCF) E3 ligase resulted in the destabilization of ERK3 via a ubiquitination-mediated proteasomal degradation pathway, and FBXW7 depletion restored ERK3 protein levels by inhibiting this ubiquitination. The interaction between ERK3 and FBXW7 was driven by binding between the C34D of ERK3, especially at Thr417 and Thr421, and the WD40 domain of FBXW7. A double mutant of ERK3 (Thr417 and Thr421 to alanine) abrogated FBXW7-mediated ubiquitination. Importantly, ERK3 knockdown inhibited the proliferation of lung cancer cells by regulating the G1/S-phase transition of the cell cycle. These results show that FBXW7-mediated ERK3 destabilization suppresses lung cancer cell proliferation in vitro

    Second Serial Transverse Enteroplasty Procedure in an Infant with Extreme Short Bowel Syndrome

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    The serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP) procedure is a novel technique to lengthen and taper the bowel in patients with short bowel syndrome. The advantages of STEP include not only technical ease and simplicity, but also the ability to repeat the procedure. Herein, we report a case of extreme short bowel syndrome that was successfully treated by the second STEP procedure. A 3-day old newborn girl underwent STEP because of jejunal atresia with the small bowel length of 15 cm, but her bowel elongation was not enough to escape from short bowel syndrome. At the age of 6 months, she underwent a second STEP procedure. The bowel lengthening by the second STEP made her tolerable to enteral feeding with body weight gain and rescued her from short bowel syndrome. This case showed that second STEP is very helpful in treatment of extreme short bowel syndrome

    Home intravenous antibiotic treatment for intractable cholangitis in patients with biliary atresia following Kasai portoenterostomies

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    PURPOSE: Patients with biliary atresia (BA) treated with Kasai portoenterostomy may later develop intractable cholangitis (IC) that is unresponsive to routine conservative treatment. It may cause biliary cirrhosis and eventually hepatic failure with portal hypertension. Control of IC requires prolonged hospitalization for the administration of intravenous antibiotics. To reduce the hospitalization period, we designed a home intravenous antibiotic treatment (HIVA) which can be administered after initial inpatient treatment. In this study, we reviewed the effects of this treatment. METHODS: We reviewed medical records of 10 patients treated with HIVA for IC after successful Kasai portoenterostomies performed for BA between July 1997 and June 2009. RESULTS: The duration of HIVA ranged from 8 to 39 months (median, 13.5 months). The median length of hospital stay was 5.7 days per month for conventional treatments to manage IC before HIVA and, 1.5 days per month (P = 0.012) after HIVA. The median amount of medical expenses per month was reduced by about one tenth with HIVA. One patient underwent liver transplantation due to uncontrolled esophageal variceal bleeding, but the other nine patients had acceptable hepatic function with native livers. CONCLUSION: HIVA may be an effective primary treatment for IC after Kasai portoenterostomies for BA, and reduce length of hospital stay and medical expenseope

    Magnolin targeting of ERK1/2 inhibits cell proliferation and colony growth by induction of cellular senescence in ovarian cancer cells

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    Ras/Raf/MEKs/ERKs and PI3 K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways have key roles in cancer development and growth processes, as well as in cancer malignance and chemoresistance. In this study, we screened the therapeutic potential of magnolin using 15 human cancer cell lines and combined magnolin sensitivity with the CCLE mutaome analysis for relevant mutation information. The results showed that magnolin efficacy on cell proliferation inhibition were lower in TOV‐112D ovarian cancer cells than that in SKOV3 cells by G1 and G2/M cell cycle phase accumulation. Notably, magnolin suppressed colony growth of TOV‐112D cells in soft agar, whereas colony growth of SKOV3 cells in soft agar was not affected by magnolin treatment. Interestingly, phospho‐protein profiles in the MAPK and PI3 K signaling pathways indicated that SKOV3 cells showed marked increase of Akt phosphorylation at Thr308 and Ser473 and very weak ERK1/2 phosphorylation levels by EGF stimulation. The phospho‐protein profiles in TOV‐112D cells were the opposite of those of SKOV3 cells. Importantly, magnolin treatment suppressed phosphorylation of RSKs in TOV‐112D, but not in SKOV3 cells. Moreover, magnolin increased SA‐β‐galactosidase‐positive cells in a dose‐dependent manner in TOV‐112D cells, but not in SKOV3 cells. Notably, oral administration of Shin‐Yi fraction 1, which contained magnolin approximately 53%, suppressed TOV‐112D cell growth in athymic nude mice by induction of p16Ink4a and p27Kip1. Taken together, targeting of ERK1 and ERK2 is suitable for the treatment of ovarian cancer cells that do not harbor the constitutive active P13 K mutation and the loss‐of‐function mutations of the p16 and/or p53 tumor suppressor proteins

    Fargesin Inhibits EGF-Induced Cell Transformation and Colon Cancer Cell Growth by Suppression of CDK2/Cyclin E Signaling Pathway

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    Although the lignan compound fargesin is a major ingredient in Shin-Yi, the roles of fargesin in carcinogenesis and cancer cell growth have not been elucidated. In this study, we observed that fargesin inhibited cell proliferation and transformation by suppression of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated G1/S-phase cell cycle transition in premalignant JB6 Cl41 and HaCaT cells. Unexpectedly, we found that signaling pathway analyses showed different regulation patterns in which fargesin inhibited phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT signaling without an alteration of or increase in mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) in JB6 Cl41 and HaCaT cells, while both signaling pathways were abrogated by fargesin treatment in colon cancer cells. We further found that fargesin-induced colony growth inhibition of colon cancer cells was mediated by suppression of the cyclin dependent kinase 2 (CDK2)/cyclin E signaling axis by upregulation of p21WAF1/Cip1, resulting in G1-phase cell cycle accumulation in a dose-dependent manner. Simultaneously, the suppression of CDK2/cyclin E and induction of p21WAF1/Cip1 were correlated with Rb phosphorylation and c-Myc suppression. Taken together, we conclude that fargesin-mediated c-Myc suppression inhibits EGF-induced cell transformation and colon cancer cell colony growth by the suppression of retinoblastoma (Rb)-E2F and CDK/cyclin signaling pathways, which are mainly regulated by MAPK and PKB signaling pathways