774 research outputs found

    A coherent synchrotron X-ray microradiology investigation of bubble and droplet coalescence

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    Microradiology with coherent X-rays is shown to be very effective in revealing interfaces in multiphase systems and in particular gas bubbles. Its use has been tested in the study of bubble colescence validating the results with a simple theoretical analysis based on mass conservation

    Nomenclature for the C60-Ih and C70-D5h(6) fullerenes (IUPAC Recommendations 2002)

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    Fullerenes are a new allotrope of carbon characterized by a closed-cage structure consisting of an even number of three-coordinate carbon atoms devoid of hydrogen atoms. This class was originally limited to closed-cage structures with 12 isolated five-membered rings, the rest being six-membered rings. Although it was recognized that existing organic ring nomenclature could be used for these structures, the resulting names would be extremely unwieldy and inconvenient for use. At the same time it was also recognized that established organic nomenclature principles could be used, or adapted, to provide a consistent nomenclature for this unique class of compounds based on the class name fullerene. However, it was necessary to develop an entirely new method for uniquely numbering closed-cage systems. This paper describes IUPAC recommendations for naming and uniquely numbering the two most common fullerenes with isolated pentagons, the icosahedral C60 fullerene and a D5h-C70 fullerene. It also describes recommendations for adapting organic nomenclature principles for naming fullerenes with nonclosed-cage structures, heterofullerenes, derivatives formed by substitution of hydrofullerenes, and the fusion of organic rings or ring systems to the fullerene cage. Finally, this paper suggests methods for describing structures consisting of two or more fullerene units and for denoting configurations of chiral fullerenes and their derivative

    Synchrotron radiography and x-ray topography studies of hexagonal habitus SiC bulk crystals

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    Phase-sensitive synchrotron radiation (SR) radiography was combined with x-ray diffraction topography to study structural defects of SiC crystals. The particular bulk SiC crystals examined had a low micropipe density and a hexagonal habitus composed of prismatic, pyramidal, and basal faces well developed. X-ray diffraction topography images of the sliced (0001) wafers, which were formed due to the complex lattice distortions associated with defective boundaries, demonstrated the existence of two-dimensional defective boundaries in the radial direction, normal to the (0001) planes. In particular, those parallel to the 〈1120〉 directions extended rather far from the seed. On the other hand, by phase-sensitive SR radiography the effect of micropipe collection was detected. Micropipes grouped mostly in the vicinities of the defective boundaries but rarely appeared between groups. Some general remarks about possible reasons for the development of such peculiar defect structures were mad

    Critical Properties in Photoemmision Spectra for One Dimensional Orbitally Degenerate Mott Insulator

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    Critical properties in photoemission spectra for the one-dimensional Mott insulator with orbital degeneracy are studied by exploiting the integrable {\it t-J} model, which is a supersymmetric generalization of the SU(nn) degenerate spin model. We discuss the critical properties for the holon dispersion as well as the spinon dispersions, by applying the conformal field theory analysis to the exact finite-size energy spectrum. We study the effect of orbital-splitting on the spectra by evaluating the momentum-dependent critical exponents.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX, 2 figures(available upon request), accepted for publication in JPSJ 68 (1999) No.

    Spectral function of the 1D Hubbard model in the U+U\to +\infty limit

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    We show that the one-particle spectral functions of the one-dimensional Hubbard model diverge at the Fermi energy like ωεF3/8|\omega-\varepsilon_F|^{-3/8} in the U+U\to +\infty limit. The Luttinger liquid behaviour ωεFα|\omega-\varepsilon_F|^\alpha, where α1/8\alpha \to 1/8 as U+U\to +\infty , should be limited to ωεFt2/U|\omega-\varepsilon_F| \sim t^2/U (for UU large but finite), which shrinks to a single point, ω=εF\omega=\varepsilon_F,in that limit. The consequences for the observation of the Luttinger liquid behaviour in photoemission and inverse photoemission experiments are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures on reques

    Interpretation of Photoemission Spectra of (TaSe4)2I as Evidence of Charge Density Wave Fluctuations

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    The competition between different and unusual effects in quasi-one-dimensional conductors makes the direct interpretation of experimental measurements of these materials both difficult and interesting. We consider evidence for the existence of large charge-density-wave fluctuations in the conducting phase of the Peierls insulator (TaSe4)2I, by comparing the predictions of a simple Lee, Rice and Anderson theory for such a system with recent angle-resolved photoemission spectra. The agreement obtained suggests that many of the unusual features of these spectra may be explained in this way. This view of the system is contrasted with the behaviour expected of a Luttinger liquid.Comment: Archive copy of published paper. 19 pages, 12 figures, uses IOP macro

    Properties of a Luttinger Liquid with Boundaries at Finite Temperature and Size

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    We use bosonization methods to calculate the exact finite-temperature single-electron Green's function of a spinful Luttinger liquid confined by open boundaries. The corresponding local spectral density is constructed and analyzed in detail. The interplay between boundary, finite-size and thermal effects are shown to dramatically influence the low-energy properties of the system. In particular, the well-known zero-temperature critical behavior in the bulk always crosses over to a boundary dominated regime in the vicinity of the Fermi level. Thermal fluctuations cause an enhanced depletion of spectral weight for small energies E, with the spectral density scaling as E^2 for E much less than the temperature. Consequences for photoemission experiments are discussed.Comment: 18 pages in revtex format including 5 embedded figures (using epsf). The latest complete postscript file is available from http://fy.chalmers.se/~eggert/papers/longlutt.ps or by request from [email protected]. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (Dec. 1997

    Microscopic theory of the pseudogap and Peierls transition in quasi-one-dimensional materials

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    The problem of deriving from microscopic theory a Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional to describe the Peierls or charge-density-wave transition in quasi-one-dimensional materials is considered. Particular attention is given to how the thermal lattice motion affects the electronic states. Near the transition temperature the thermal lattice motion produces a pseudogap in the density of states at the Fermi level. Perturbation theory diverges and the traditional quasi-particle or Fermi liquid picture breaks down. The pseudogap causes a significant modification of the coefficients in the Ginzburg-Landau functional from their values in the rigid lattice approximation, which neglects the effect of the thermal lattice motion. To appear in Physical Review B.Comment: 21 pages, RevTeX, 5 figures in uuencoded compressed tar fil

    Synchrotron radiography and x-ray topography studies of hexagonal habitus SiC bulk crystals

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    Phase-sensitive synchrotron radiation (SR) radiography was combined with x-ray diffraction topography to study structural defects of SiC crystals. The particular bulk SiC crystals examined had a low micropipe density and a hexagonal habitus composed of prismatic, pyramidal, and basal faces well developed. X-ray diffraction topography images of the sliced (0001) wafers, which were formed due to the complex lattice distortions associated with defective boundaries, demonstrated the existence of two-dimensional defective boundaries in the radial direction, normal to the (0001) planes. In particular, those parallel to the directions extended rather far from the seed. On the other hand, by phase-sensitive SR radiography the effect of micropipe collection was detected. Micropipes grouped mostly in the vicinities of the defective boundaries but rarely appeared between groups. Some general remarks about possible reasons for the development of such peculiar defect structures were made