28,097 research outputs found

    Base manifolds for fibrations of projective irreducible symplectic manifolds

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    Given a projective irreducible symplectic manifold MM of dimension 2n2n, a projective manifold XX and a surjective holomorphic map f:MXf:M \to X with connected fibers of positive dimension, we prove that XX is biholomorphic to the projective space of dimension nn. The proof is obtained by exploiting two geometric structures at general points of XX: the affine structure arising from the action variables of the Lagrangian fibration ff and the structure defined by the variety of minimal rational tangents on the Fano manifold XX

    Gauge-invariant gravitational wave modes in pre-big bang cosmology

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    The t<0 branch of pre-big bang cosmological scenarios is subject to a gravitational wave instability. The unstable behaviour of tensor perturbations is derived in a very simple way in Hwang's covariant and gauge-invariant formalism developed for extended theories of gravity. A simple interpretation of this instability as the effect of an "antifriction" is given, and it is argued that a universe must eventually enter the expanding phase.Comment: 4 pages, latex, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Conserved cosmological structures in the one-loop superstring effective action

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    A generic form of low-energy effective action of superstring theories with one-loop quantum correction is well known. Based on this action we derive the complete perturbation equations and general analytic solutions in the cosmological spacetime. Using the solutions we identify conserved quantities characterizing the perturbations: the amplitude of gravitational wave and the perturbed three-space curvature in the uniform-field gauge both in the large-scale limit, and the angular-momentum of rotational perturbation are conserved independently of changing gravity sector. Implications for calculating perturbation spectra generated in the inflation era based on the string action are presented.Comment: 5 pages, no figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Light bulb heat exchanger for magnetohydrodynamic generator applications - Preliminary evaluation

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    The light-bulb heat-exchanger concept is investigated as a possible means of using a combustion heat source to supply energy to an inert gas MHD power generator system. In this concept, combustion gases flow through a central passage which consists of a duct with transparent walls through which heat is transferred by radiation to a radiation receiver which in turn heats the inert gas by convection. The effects of combustion-gas emissivity, transparent-wall-transmissivity, radiation-receiver emissivity, and the use of fins in the inert gas coolant passage are studied. The results indicate that inert gas outlet temperatures of 2500 K are possible for combustion temperatures of 3200 K and that sufficient energy can be transferred from the combustion gas to reduce its temperature to approximately 2000 K. At this temperature more conventional heat exchangers can be used

    The Origin of Structures in Generalized Gravity

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    In a class of generalized gravity theories with general couplings between the scalar field and the scalar curvature in the Lagrangian, we can describe the quantum generation and the classical evolution of both the scalar and tensor structures in a simple and unified manner. An accelerated expansion phase based on the generalized gravity in the early universe drives microscopic quantum fluctuations inside a causal domain to expand into macroscopic ripples in the spacetime metric on scales larger than the local horizon. Following their generation from quantum fluctuations, the ripples in the metric spend a long period outside the causal domain. During this phase their evolution is characterized by their conserved amplitudes. The evolution of these fluctuations may lead to the observed large scale structures of the universe and anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 5 pages, latex, no figur

    String theoretic axion coupling and the evolution of cosmic structures

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    We examine the effects of the axion coupling to RR~R\tilde{R} on the evolution of cosmic structures. It is shown that the evolutions of the scalar- and vector-type perturbations are not affected by this axion coupling. However the axion coupling causes an asymmetric evolution of the two polarization states of the tensor-type perturbation, which may lead to a sizable polarization asymmetry in the cosmological gravitational wave if inflation involves a period in which the axion coupling is important. The polarization asymmetry produced during inflation are conserved over the subsequent evolution as long as the scales remain in the large-scale limit, and thus this may lead to an observable trace in the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 10 pages, REVte

    COBE constraints on inflation models with a massive non-minimal scalar field

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    We derive power spectra of the scalar- and tensor-type structures generated in an inflation model based on a massive non-minimally coupled scalar field with the strong coupling assumption. We make analyses in both the original-frame and the conformally transformed Einstein-frame. We derive contributions of both structures to the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation, and compare the contributions with the four-year COBE-DMR data. Previous study showed that sufficient amount of inflation requires a small coupling parameter. In such a case the spectra become near Zeldovich spectra, and the gravitational wave contribution becomes negligible compared with the scalar-type contribution which is testable in future CMBR experiments.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Webs of Lagrangian Tori in Projective Symplectic Manifolds

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    For a Lagrangian torus A in a simply-connected projective symplectic manifold M, we prove that M has a hypersurface disjoint from a deformation of A. This implies that a Lagrangian torus in a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold is a fiber of an almost holomorphic Lagrangian fibration, giving an affirmative answer to a question of Beauville's. Our proof employs two different tools: the theory of action-angle variables for algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian systems and Wielandt's theory of subnormal subgroups.Comment: 18 pages, minor latex problem fixe

    Impact of g-factors and valleys on spin qubits in a silicon double quantum dot

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    We define single electron spin qubits in a silicon MOS double quantum dot system. By mapping the qubit resonance frequency as a function of gate-induced electric field, the spectrum reveals an anticrossing that is consistent with an inter-valley spin-orbit coupling. We fit the data from which we extract an inter-valley coupling strength of 43 MHz. In addition, we observe a narrow resonance near the primary qubit resonance when we operate the device in the (1,1) charge configuration. The experimental data is consistent with a simulation involving two weakly exchanged-coupled spins with a g-factor difference of 1 MHz, of the same order as the Rabi frequency. We conclude that the narrow resonance is the result of driven transitions between the T- and T+ triplet states, using an ESR signal of frequency located halfway between the resonance frequencies of the two individual spins. The findings presented here offer an alternative method of implementing two-qubit gates, of relevance to the operation of larger scale spin qubit systems