791 research outputs found

    Oscillation death in coupled counter-rotating identical nonlinear oscillators

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    We study oscillatory and oscillation suppressed phases in coupled counter-rotating nonlinear oscillators. We demonstrate the existence of limit cycle, amplitude death, and oscillation death, and also clarify the Hopf, pitchfork, and infinite period bifurcations between them. Especially, the oscillation death is a new type of oscillation suppressions of which the inhomogeneous steady states are neutrally stable. We discuss the robust neutral stability of the oscillation death in non-conservative systems via the anti-PT-symmetric phase transitions at exceptional points in terms of non-Hermitian systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Study on advanced gate stack using high-k dielectric and metal electrode

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    Amplitude death in a ring of nonidentical nonlinear oscillators with unidirectional coupling

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    We study the collective behaviors in a ring of coupled nonidentical nonlinear oscillators with unidirectional coupling, of which natural frequencies are distributed in a random way. We find the amplitude death phenomena in the case of unidirectional couplings and discuss the differences between the cases of bidirectional and unidirectional couplings. There are three main differences; there exists neither partial amplitude death nor local clustering behavior but oblique line structure which represents directional signal flow on the spatio-temporal patterns in the unidirectional coupling case. The unidirectional coupling has the advantage of easily obtaining global amplitude death in a ring of coupled oscillators with randomly distributed natural frequency. Finally, we explain the results using the eigenvalue analysis of Jacobian matrix at the origin and also discuss the transition of dynamical behavior coming from connection structure as coupling strength increases.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure