389 research outputs found

    Online Load Balancing for Network Functions Virtualization

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    Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) aims to support service providers to deploy various services in a more agile and cost-effective way. However, the softwarization and cloudification of network functions can result in severe congestion and low network performance. In this paper, we propose a solution to address this issue. We analyze and solve the online load balancing problem using multipath routing in NFV to optimize network performance in response to the dynamic changes of user demands. In particular, we first formulate the optimization problem of load balancing as a mixed integer linear program for achieving the optimal solution. We then develop the ORBIT algorithm that solves the online load balancing problem. The performance guarantee of ORBIT is analytically proved in comparison with the optimal offline solution. The experiment results on real-world datasets show that ORBIT performs very well for distributing traffic of each service demand across multipaths without knowledge of future demands, especially under high-load conditions

    Enzyme-Assisted Aqueous Extraction Of Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale L.) Oil

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    Enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction method was applied to extract oil from cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L.). The commercial enzyme (Viscozyme cassava C) was tested for effectiveness in releasing oil during the aqueous extraction. The effect of several parameters such as material/water ratio, enzyme concentration and duration for enzyme incubation on the oil yield was investigated. The conditions for maximum oil release were found with the material/water ratio of 1:9, enzyme concentration of 1% (v/w E/S), and in 3 h of enzyme incubation at 50oC with constant shaking. The maximum oil yield obtained at those conditions (38.88 % raw material) was significantly (p <0.05) higher than that of the control (without enzyme) (35.92 %), and it represented 86.28 % recovery of the total oil in seed. No hexane and other organic solvents were needed for this process. The cashew nut oil by enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction was relatively stable. Both peroxide value and free fatty acid value were lower than those in the oil obtained by Soxhlet method. Total un-saturated fatty acid in the cashew nut oil was about 84.43 %, in which the most abundant was oleic acid (65.0 %), followed by linoleic acid (18.53%). Cashew nut oil is a good dietary source of un-saturated fatty acids

    Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect and Enhancing Supply Chain Performance through Demand Information Sharing: An ARENA Simulation Study

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    The supply chain is a network of organizations that collaborate and leverage their resources to deliver products or services to end-customers. In today's globalized and competitive market, organizations must specialize and form partnerships to gain a competitive edge. To thrive in their respective industries, organizations need to prioritize supply chain coordination, as it is integral to their business processes.   Supply chain management focuses on the collaboration of organizations within the supply chain. However, when each echelon member optimizes their goals without considering the network's impact, it leads to suboptimal performance and inefficiencies. This phenomenon is known as the Bullwhip effect, where order variability increases as it moves upstream in the supply chain. The lack of coordination, unincorporated material and information flows, and absence of ordering rules contribute to poor supply chain dynamics. To improve supply chain performance, it is crucial to align organizational activities. Previous research has proposed solutions to mitigate the Bullwhip effect, which has been a topic of intense study for many decades. This research aims to investigate the causes and mitigations of the Bullwhip effect based on existing research. Additionally, the paper utilizes ARENA simulation to examine the impact of sharing end-customer demand information. As far as we are aware, no study has been conducted to deeply simulate the bullwhip effect using the ARENA simulation. Previous studies have investigated this phenomenon, but without delving into its intricacies. The simulation results offer potential strategies to mitigate the Bullwhip effect through demand information sharing. Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Bullwhip effect, Inventory management, ARENA simulation, Information sharing, forecasting technique, Demand variability. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-14-07 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Sur le second théorème principal

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    Kobayashi's conjecture asserts that a generic hypersurface X in CPn+1 having degree d>= 2n+1 is complex hyperbolic, a problem that has attracted much attention recently, also with the hope of setting up a complete higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory.In the first part of this thesis, our goal is to construct examples of hyperbolic hypersurfaces in projective spaces of degree as low as possible. First of all, taking into account the truncation level in Cartan's Second Main Theorem, we establish the hyperbolicity of complements of some configurations of hyperplanes with passage points, extending a classical result of Bloch-Fujimoto-Green. This allows us to launch a recent algorithm of Duval, based on the deformation method of Zaidenberg, on creating hyperbolic sextics in CP3, hence to construct families of hyperbolic hypersurfaces X in CPn+1 having degree d=2n+2 for 2=((n+3)/2)^2 in CPn+1.In the second part, we study the problem of decreasing the truncation level in Cartan's Second Main Theorem. It was conjectured by Noguchi that in this theorem, for a family of 4 lines in general position in CP2, if an entire holomorphic curve from C to CP2 is assumed to be algebraically nondegenerate, then the truncation level can be decreased to 1. Using Ahlfors'theory of covering surfaces, we propose a positive answer in the case where the curve f is close to some algebraic curve c in CP2, in the sense that the set of accumulation points of f(C) at infinity, the cluster set of f is contained in c.La conjecture de Kobayashi stipule qu'une hypersurface générique X dans CPn+1de degré d>= 2n+1 esthyperbolique complexe, un problème qui a attiré une grande attention récemment, avec l'espoir de mettre au point une théorie de Nevanlinna complète en dimension supérieure.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, notre objectif est de construire des exemples d'hypersurfaces hyperboliques de l'espace projectif dont le degré soit aussi petit que possible. Tout d'abord, en tenant compte du niveau de troncation dans le Second Théorème Principal de Cartan, nous établissons l'hyperbolicité de complémentaires de certaines configurations d'hyperplans avec points de passages, ce qui étend un résultat classique de Bloch-Fujimoto-Green. Ceci nous permet d'amorcer un algorithme récent de Duval, basé sur la méthode de déformation de Zaidenberg, pour créer des sextiques hyperboliques dans CP3, et de construire ainsi des familles d'hypersurfaces hyperboliques X dans CPn+1 de degré =2n+2 pour 2=((n+3)/2)^2 dans CPn+1.Dans la deuxième partie, nous étudions le problème de diminuer le niveau de troncation dans le Second Théorème Principal de Cartan. Noguchi a conjecturé que dans ce théorème, pour une famille de 4 droites en position générale dans CP2, si une courbe holomorphe entière f de C dans CP2 est supposée n'être pas algébriquement dégénérée, alors le niveau de troncation peut être abaissé à 1. En utilisation la théorie de recouvrement d'Ahlfors pour les surfaces, nous proposons une réponse positive dans le cas où la courbe f est proche d'une certaine courbe algébrique c dans CP2, au sens où l'ensemble d'accumulation de f(C) à l'infini, le cluster set de f est contenu dans c
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