122 research outputs found

    Nicotine dans l'air et nicotine/cotinine salivaire comme traceurs pour l'évaluation de l'exposition à la fumée passive

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    I. Introduction L'exposition à la fumée environnementale du tabac est un sujet de controverse qui suscite divers débats quant aux risques pour les non-fumeurs travaillant ou vivant à côté des fumeurs. Des études épidémiologiques ont été faites par le passé pour évaluer le risque des fumeurs en se basant principalement sur le nombre de cigarettes fumées par jour par le fumeur actif. Le choix de l'indicateur de la fumée du tabac environnementale est primordial, et il existe un grand nombre de paramètres : poussière totale, nombre de particules, le taux de CO, le condensat, la nicotine, les métabolites urinaires ou salivaire comme la cotinine ou la nicotine, etc. Finalement, pour l'air, la nicotine peut être considérée comme un indicateur spécifique de la fumée du tabac. Un moniteur passif de nicotine (appelé badge MoNIC) basé sur le principe d'échantillonnage par diffusion est développé au sein d'IST pour évaluer l'exposition au fumage passif à la place de travail. Pour les indicateurs biologiques, la teneur de nicotine et cotinine dans la salive permet de valider l'exposition à la fumée environnementale. La combinaison nicotine dans l'air et nicotine/cotine salvaire est proposée comme tracurs pour l'évaluation de l'exposition à la fumée passive. II. Expérimentale et résultats II.1. Analyse de nicotine prélevée sur badge MoNIC La méthode MoNIC développé au sein d'IST est une adaptation de la méthode Hammond et Ogden, avec comme petites modifications le diamètre de filtre utilisé, ∅ 25 mm au lieu et à la place de filtre ∅ 37 mm et le support de filtre (Unisette cassette d'inclusion, blanc, réf. M505-2, Milian SA, GE). Une fois que le filtre imprégnés au bisulfate de sodium (40g dans 1 L d'eau bi-distillée) est exposé, la casette MoNIC est conservée dans sa boîte ronde en polystyrène transparente et retournée au laboratoire pour l'analyse. La nicotine est d'abord transformée en nicotine libre par l'ajout de 1 ml de solution 5N NaOH, agitation au Vortex pendant 1 minute, puis l'ajout de 1 ml de solution d'extraction (2 ng/μl de quinoline comme standard interne dans n-heptane ammoniaqué). L'extraction liquide-liquide durant 1 minute au Vortex et une prise aliquot est prélevée, transférée dans un flacon pour l'analyse par chromatographie en phase gazeuse et détecteur spécifique aux produits azotés NPD. II.2. Détermination du nombre d'équivalent de cigarettes fumées passivement Pour simplifier, nous adoptons un taux de ventilation moyen de 10 l/min pour les travailleurs de bureau, ce qui correspond à 1000 fois la vitesse de prélèvement du badge MoNIC. Ce qui conduit à multiplier par 1000 la quantité de nicotine prélevée sur le badge pour exprimer la quantité équivalente inhalée par le travailleur. Une fois la quantité de nicotine inhalée déterminée, nous pouvons calculer le nombre équivalent de cigarettes inhalées passivement, en tenant compte du taux de nicotine de 0.2 mg/cigarette de cigarettes légères du commerce. II.3. Analyse de nicotine et de cotinine dans la salive La salive est prélevée à l'aide d'une paille par la personne exposée en la soufflant dans un récipient en plastique. On prélève 1ml de salive à l'aide d'une pipette Eppendorf et on la transvase dans un flacon conique et silanisé pour injecteur. La nicotine, la cotinine et la caféine sont d'abord transformées en nicotine, cotinine et caféine libres par l'ajout de 200 μl de solution A (1 ng/μl de quinoline (SI) dans l'eau ammoniaqué avec l'antimousse), plus 100 μl de Dichlorométhane distillé, agitation au Vortex pendant 1 minute, puis centrifugées pendant 10 minutes. On met directement le flacon sur l'auto-injercteur pour l'analyse par chromatographie en phase gazeuse et détecteur spécifique aux produits azotés NPD. Pour la quantification, on utilise une courbe de calibration en préparant des solutions aqueuses de concentration de nicotine, cotinine et caféine variant entre 500-1 ng/ml. La corrélation entre l'exposition dans l'air et la teneurs de nicotine et cotinine est pratiquement linéaire et permet de confirmer de manière fiable l'exposition à la fumée passive. Des exemples sont présentés dans des bâtiments publiques (CHUV, UniMail-GE) pour démontrer l'efficacité des mesures d'interdiction de fumer. III. Conclusions Le badge MoNIC est validé au laboratoire sur un banc de génération d'atmosphère contrôlée pour analyser les concentrations de nicotine dans l'air au niveau ambiant. L'exposition du badge peut être variée entre quelques heures à quelques jours voire quelques semaines, de manière cumulative. La limite de quantification de nicotine sur le badge est de 20 ng ou 0.02 μg. Ce qui correspond à l'équivalent de 0.1 cigarette de force « 0.2 mg/cig de nicotine ». La limite supérieure est de 10 μg sur le badge, ce qui correspond à l'équivalent de 50 cigarettes. Le moniteur MoNIC, accompagné de teneur de nicotine/cotinine salivaire peuvent servir d'outil d'évaluation de l'exposition passive aux fumées de tabac environnemental et contribue à fournir des indications utiles aux études épidémiologiques futures

    Graphitized Carbon Black in Quartz Tubes for the Sampling of Indoor Air Nicotine and Analysis by Microwave Thermal Desorption—Capillary Gas Chromatography

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    Nicotine in a smoky indoor air environment can be determined using graphitized carbon black as a solid sorbent in quartz tubes. The temperature stability, high purity, and heat absorption characteristics of the sorbent, as well as the permeability of the quartz tubes to microwaves, enable the thermal desorption by means of microwaves after active sampling. Permeation and dynamic dilution procedures for the generation of nicotine in the vapor phase at low and high concentrations are used to evaluate the performances of the sampler. Tube preparation is described and the microwave desorption temperature is measured. Breakthrough volume is determined to allow sampling at 0.1-1 L/min for definite periods of time. The procedure is tested for the determination of gas and paticulate phase nicotine in sidestream smoke produced in an experimental chambe

    Exposition professionnelle aux hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) dans la poussière de bois chez les ponceurs de parquet

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    Préambule Les tumeurs malignes des cavités naso-sinusiennes (CNS) représentent environ 3% des cancers ORL. L'adénocarcinome des CNS est une maladie professionnelle admise chez certains travailleurs spécialisés tels les menuisiers et les ébénistes. La Grande Bretagne en 1969 et la France en 1981 reconnaissent son étiologie professionnelle en se fondant sur des constats statistiques. La forte proportion de travailleurs du bois développant un adénocarcinome des CNS, dont le risque encouru est estimé de 50 à 1000 fois supérieur à celui de la population générale, a suggéré à certains auteurs divers pistes, tel que le tanin pour les bois durs, le formaldéhyde pour les contre-plaqués et le benzo(a)pyrène produit par le bois surchauffé. Les travaux spécifiques, tels que le ponçage, provoquent l'émission de poussières fines pouvant rester des heures en suspension dans l'air, surtout dans des endroits mal ventilés. Jusqu'à présent, de telles hypothèses n'ont pas été confirmées par des mesures pratiques, et le problème reste ouvert. Il est reconnu que le tanin ne provoque pas de cancer dans l'exposition à la poussière de thé. Le formaldéhyde est un irritant mais il est aussi classé cancérogène. La piste des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) cancérogènes provoqués par le bois surchauffé est séduisante. Nous avons étudié leur teneur en fonction des opérations pratiquées sur le bois en cabine d'expérimentation et mesuré la distribution granulométrique des poussières générées. Expériences Prélèvement de poussière de bois Les poussières de bois sont captées à 2 l/min par des filtres en fibre de verre (Ø 37 mm, GF/B, Whatman), préalablement conditionnés à humidité constante 55% RH dans une boîte à gants. Détermination granulométrique des particules de bois et analyse des HAP Un impacteur de particules (Ambient Particle Sizing Sampler, Andersen Inc.) muni de filtres en fibre de verre est utilisé pour la captation et la pesée de la poussière en fonction de la granulométrie des particules. Pour étudier la répartition granulométrique des particules de bois en fonction des opérations telles que le sciage, le rabotage ou le ponçage, nous avons simulé ces opérations dans notre cabine d'expérimentation de 10 m3 de volume. Les matériaux testés sont du sapin brut, du chêne et chêne imprégné de polyuréthane. Les HAP sont analysés par HPLC et détection par fluorescence. Résultats La poussière de bois contient des HAP au niveau du μg/g ou ppm. Le bois imprégné de vernis PU produit 100 fois plus de HAP que le bois brut lors des opérations de ponçage. Les instruments de travail du bois tels que ponceuse, scie circulaire ou raboteuse génèrent des poussières dont la granulométrie est centrée sur 10 μm ou plus, d'où un dépôt prépondérant de poussière dans la cavité naso-sinusienne et moins dans le poumon. La norme 2 mg/m3 de poussière totale semble protéger efficacement les travailleurs, pour autant que les teneurs en HAP ne dépassent pas le niveau du ppm. Il est important que les travailleurs concernés prennent conscience du danger de l'exposition à la poussière de bois et qu'ils adoptent des mesures de protection adéquates, comme le port de masque à poussière ou la ventilation du local. Les outils équipés de sac à poussière engendrent moins de poussière dans l'air et contribuent à une meilleure protection. L'adénocarcinome des CNS chez les menuisiers et les ébénistes pourrait-il être expliqué par la présence des HAP dans la poussière de bois

    Impact of a smoking ban in hospitality venues on second hand smoke exposure : a comparison of exposure assessment methods

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    In May 2010, Switzerland introduced a heterogeneous smoking ban in the hospitality sector. While the law leaves room for exceptions in some cantons, it is comprehensive in others. This longitudinal study uses different measurement methods to examine airborne nicotine levels in hospitality venues and the level of personal exposure of non-smoking hospitality workers before and after implementation of the law.; Personal exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) was measured by three different methods. We compared a passive sampler called MoNIC (Monitor of NICotine) badge, to salivary cotinine and nicotine concentration as well as questionnaire data. Badges allowed the number of passively smoked cigarettes to be estimated. They were placed at the venues as well as distributed to the participants for personal measurements. To assess personal exposure at work, a time-weighted average of the workplace badge measurements was calculated.; Prior to the ban, smoke-exposed hospitality venues yielded a mean badge value of 4.48 (95%-CI: 3.7 to 5.25; n = 214) cigarette equivalents/day. At follow-up, measurements in venues that had implemented a smoking ban significantly declined to an average of 0.31 (0.17 to 0.45; n = 37) (p = 0.001). Personal badge measurements also significantly decreased from an average of 2.18 (1.31-3.05 n = 53) to 0.25 (0.13-0.36; n = 41) (p = 0.001). Spearman rank correlations between badge exposure measures and salivary measures were small to moderate (0.3 at maximum).; Nicotine levels significantly decreased in all types of hospitality venues after implementation of the smoking ban. In-depth analyses demonstrated that a time-weighted average of the workplace badge measurements represented typical personal SHS exposure at work more reliably than personal exposure measures such as salivary cotinine and nicotine

    Occupational and non-occupational exposure of non-smokers to environmental tobacco smoke in Switzerland : preliminary results of an original campaig

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    A passive sampling device called Monitor of NICotine or "MoNIC", was constructed and evaluated by IST laboratory for determining nicotine in Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). Vapour nicotine was passively collected on a potassium bisulfate treated glass fibre filter as collection medium. Analysis of amount of nicotine on the treated filter by gas chromatography equipped with Thermoionic-Specific Detector (GCTSD) after liquid-liquid extraction of 1mL of 5N NaOH : 1 mL of n-heptane saturated with NH3 using quinoline as internal standard. Based on nicotine amount of 0.2 mg/cigarette as reference, the inhaled Cigarette Equivalents (CE) by non-smokers can be calculated. Using the detected CE on the badge for nonsmokers, and comparing with amount of nicotine and cotinine level in saliva of both smokers and exposed non-smokers (N=49), we can confirm the use of the CE concept for estimating exposure to ETS. The Valais CIPRET (Center of information and prevention of the addiction to smoking), is going to organize a big campaign on the subject of the passive addiction to smoking entitled "Smoked passive, we suffer from it, we die from it ". This campaign will take place in 2007 and has for objective to inform clearly the population of Valais of the dangerousness of the passive smoke. More than 1'500 MoNIC badges were gracefully distributed to Swiss population to perform a self-monitoring of population exposure level to ETS, expressed in term of CE. Non-stimulated saliva were also collected to determine ETS biomarkers nicotine/cotinine levels of participating volunteers. Preliminary results of different levels of CE in occupational and non-occupational situations in relation with ETS were presented in this study

    Laboratory generated bitumen fumes under standardized conditions and emission levels for VOC, semi-volatile and particulate PAH and PASH. Ion trap GC-MS analytical method development and clean-up scheme

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    Concern regarding the hazardous health effects from exposure to chemicals in bitumen fumes has been expressed and there are a great deal of interests for data on profile of individual compounds in the gas and particulate phases. The purpose of the study was to evaluate a method for the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC), semi-volatile and particulate polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAH) and sulfur polyheterocylic (PASH) compounds in bitumen fumes. The methylated derivatives of PAH are of particular interest since many of them exhibit carcinogenic activities while the parent compound does not. Bitumen fumes were laboratory generated at 170°C using a fume generator with controlled characteristics. Sampling of bitumen fumes was carried out with XAD-2 Orbo tubes for the gas phase chemicals and semivolatile PAH or PASH. Glass Fiber GF/B were used to sample the fumes aerosol particulates at a flow rate of 1.2 L/min PAH profiles and PASH in bitumen fumes were determined by GC-MS further to a multi-step sample treatment and automatic clean-up procedure. The internal standard was added to 0.1 to 0.3 g of raw bitumen or bitumen fumes filter samples which were then extracted twice with 25 mL toluene by sonication for 10 min each. The reduced extract was partitioned between cyclohexane and dimethylformamide before elution on a SiO2 micro column. The eluent was reduced and fractionated by HPLC. The PAH fraction of interest which also contained PASH was separated by capillary column GC-ion trap MS using the single ion storage mode for optimized sensitivity. Quantification was made relative to the respective calibration curves between compounds of interest and the internal standard. The semi-volatile SVPAH and SVPASH were determined by separate desorption of the two distinct parts of the XAD-2 by 5mL CS2 and sonication for 30 min. Microliters of the combined filtered extract were then injected into a GC column and quantified by ion trap MS. Standard reference compounds were used for comparisons of respective spectra. Summary of results VOC: Aliphatic alkanes from C6 to C17 amount to several hundreds mg per equivalent gram of particulate fumes collected on the filter. Most of the other volatile present are benzene derivatives and total VOC amounts to 42 mg/g of fumes. Surprisingly, no benzene was detected in all the samples. PAH: Methylnaphthalene substitutes are quantitatively predominant. The well known trend is observed with light semi-volatile PAH found mainly in the gas phase. The trend is being reversed in the particulate phase from the methylphenanthrene and the four ring PAH to heavier molecular weight PAH. The naphthalene and its derivatives account for 93% of the total (both gas and particulate) PAH from 2 to 7 ring PAH. Methylchrysene derivatives are at higher levels than benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in the fumes. The 6-7 rings PAH are not detected. PASH: The carcinogenic benzo[b]naphtho[2,1-d]thiophene is found in the fumes in higher amount than its two other isomers but less than the predominant dibenzothiophene. The sum dibenzonaphthothiophenes represents 16% of PASH analysed in the filter, gas phase not included. In conclusion, our analytical procedure is valid and robust enough for the determination of PASH and PAH in bitumen fumes with a relatively low uncertainty (<35% for light PAH and < 15% for higher MW PAH. New data are now available with the numerous methylnaphthalene derivatives and methylchrysene derivatives. VOC data and profile may be of interest for the interpretation of irritation effect The data may be useful for emission modelling purposes

    Laboratory generated bitumen fumes under standardized conditions and emission levels for VOC, semi-volatile and particulate PAH and PASH: ion trap GC-MS analytical method development and clean-up scheme

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    Concern regarding the hazardous health effects from exposure to chemicals in bitumen fumes has been expressed and there is a great deal of interest for data on profile of individual compounds in the gas and particulate phases. The purpose of the study was to evaluate a method for the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC), semi-volatile and particulate polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAH) and sulfur poly-heterocylic (PASH) compounds in bitumen fumes. The methylated derivatives of PAH are of particular interest since many of them exhibit carcinogenic activities while the parent compound does not. Bitumen fumes were laboratory generated at 170°C using a fume generator with controlled characteristics. Sampling of bitumen fumes was carried out with XAD-2 Orbo tubes for the gas phase chemicals and semi-volatile PAH or PASH. Glass Fiber GF/B were used to sample the fumes aerosol particulates at a flow rate of 1.2 L/min. PAH profiles and PASH in bitumen fumes were determined by GC-MS further to a multi-step sample treatment and automatic clean-up procedure. The internal standard was added to 0.1 to 0.3 g of raw bitumen or bitumen fumes filter samples which were then extracted twice with 25 mL toluene by sonication for 10 min each. The reduced extract was partitioned between cyclohexane and dimethylformamide before elution on a SiO2 micro column. The eluent was reduced and fractionated by HPLC. The PAH fraction of interest which also contained PASH was separated by capillary column GC-ion trap MS. Quantification was made relative to the respective calibration curves between compounds of interest and the internal standard. The semi-volatile SVPAH and SVPASH were determined by separate desorption of the two distinct parts of the XAD-2 by 5mL CS2 and sonication for 30 min. Microliters of the combined filtered extract were then injected into a GC column and quantified by ion trap MS. Standard reference compounds were used for comparisons of respective spectra. The purified extract enables the determination of PAH profile from 2 to 7 rings including their methyl derivatives and 3 carcinogenic benzonaphthothiophene isomers. The reproducibility of the method was estimated by analyzing 6 bitumen replicates and is around the 30% overall uncertainty or less. In bitumen fumes generated at 170°C under standardized conditions, VOC and semi-volatile PAH were sampled with XAD-2 tubes and were also determined in six replicates. The VOCs are mainly monoaromatic derivatives (4% of fumes) and aliphatics essentially from C6 to C17 (27%). With regards to the particulate phase PAC, the coefficients of variation from 6 replicates are 5-24 % for PAH and 6-10% for PASH. Data on VOC and PASH represent new contribution in the characterization of bitumen fumes

    Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/APCI-MS/MS) methods for the quantification of captan and folpet phthalimide metabolites in human plasma and urine.

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    Captan and folpet are fungicides largely used in agriculture. They have similar chemical structures, except that folpet has an aromatic ring unlike captan. Their half-lives in blood are very short, given that they are readily broken down to tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI) and phthalimide (PI), respectively. Few authors measured these biomarkers in plasma or urine, and analysis was conducted either by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography with UV detection. The objective of this study was thus to develop simple, sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/APCI-MS/MS) methods to quantify both THPI and PI in human plasma and urine. Briefly, deuterated THPI was added as an internal standard and purification was performed by solid-phase extraction followed by LC/APCI-MS/MS analysis in negative ion mode for both compounds. Validation of the methods was conducted using spiked blank plasma and urine samples at concentrations ranging from 1 to 250 μg/L and 1 to 50 μg/L, respectively, along with samples of volunteers and workers exposed to captan or folpet. The methods showed a good linearity (R (2) > 0.99), recovery (on average 90% for THPI and 75% for PI), intra- and inter-day precision (RSD, <15%) and accuracy (<20%), and stability. The limit of detection was 0.58 μg/L in urine and 1.47 μg/L in plasma for THPI and 1.14 and 2.17 μg/L, respectively, for PI. The described methods proved to be accurate and suitable to determine the toxicokinetics of both metabolites in human plasma and urine

    DNA damage among wood workers assessed with the comet assay

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    Exposure to wood dust, a human carcinogen, is common in wood-related industries, and millions of workers are occupationally exposed to wood dust worldwide. The comet assay is a rapid, simple, and sensitive method for determining DNA damage. The objective of this study was to investigate the DNA damage associated with occupational exposure to wood dust using the comet assay (peripheral blood samples) among nonsmoking wood workers (n = 31, furniture and construction workers) and controls (n = 19). DNA damage was greater in the group exposed to composite wood products compared to the group exposed to natural woods and controls (P < 0.001). No difference in DNA damage was observed between workers exposed to natural woods and controls (P = 0.13). Duration of exposure and current dust concentrations had no effect on DNA damage. In future studies, workers' exposures should include cumulative dust concentrations and exposures originating from the binders used in composite wood products

    Identification and quantification of PAH in bitumen by GC-Ion-Trap MS and HPLC-fluorescent detectors

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    Bitumen is a complex product with a large matrix of heavy aliphatic/naphthenic/aromatic hydrocarbons as well as a large number of isomeric compounds such as polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs). Some PACs and derivatives are known to have a mutagenic and carcinogenic activity, and there is no generally satisfactory clean-up method for separating PACs from this very complex hydrocarbon matrix. Moreover, from an analytical point of view, the isomeric compounds usually co-elute in the same gas chromatography (GC) retention range, GC being one of the most widely used techniques in this area. However, the use of a suitable clean-up procedure for isolating the aromatic fractions, combined with two selective detection techniques such as mass spectrometry (GC-Ion Trap MS) and HPLC-Fluorescent detector (HPLC-FL), is expected to provide an effective tool for accurately determining certain PAC species in bitumen. In this paper we compare two quantitative extractions to analyse the 16 PAHs that occur in bitumen according to the US EPA reference list. Two clean-up protocols are assessed and compared by using both GC-Ion Trap MS and HPLC-FL chromatographic/detection techniques. The first extraction method combines well-established and proven clean-up operations with an automatic fractionation by semi-preparative HPLC (certification test program for PAHs in sewage sludge, in creosote-contaminated soil and in harbour sediment organised by the Community Bureau of Reference, BCR). The second method uses a multiple step-by-step liquid/liquid and liquid/solid extraction clean-up procedure. After the bitumen extracts are cleaned up, only the use of both GC-MS &amp; HPLC-FL can provide reliable results. The more sensitive FL provides enhanced fluorescent selectivity signals that facilitate identification of PAH compounds. However, for their quantification, the capillary GC-ion trap mass spectrometric technique is preferred because of the insufficient resolution of the HPLC column and the possible quenching or co-elution effect of matrix compounds. Both detection techniques are regarded as complementary. [Authors]]]> Polycyclic Hydrocarbons, Aromatic ; Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry ; Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_99E6734EF740 2022-05-07T01:23:31Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_99E6734EF740 Sleep and dreaming Siclari , Francesca Tononi, Giulio info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart incollection 2015-11-05 The neurology of consciousness info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/0128009489 eng oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_99E74779D4BD 2022-05-07T01:23:31Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_99E74779D4BD Julian Charrière http://www.sikart.ch/kuenstlerInnen.aspx?id=13342783 Gunti, Claus info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2019-08-19 SIKART - Dictionnaire de l'art suisse, pp. en ligne Julian Charrière, art, écologie, géologie, Suisse fre oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_99BA8179E536 2022-05-07T01:23:30Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_99BA8179E536 Anti-CD2 receptor antibodies activate the HIV long terminal repeat in T lymphocytes info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/1680914 Bressler, P. Pantaleo, G. Demaria, A. Fauci, A. S. info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 1991-10 Journal of Immunology, vol. 147, no. 7, pp. 2290-4 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pissn/0022-1767 <![CDATA[The CD2 T lymphocyte glycoprotein surface molecule mediates both cell to cell adhesion and T cell activation, two processes that are involved in the spread of HIV infection. Treatment of chronically HIV-infected PBMC with anti-CD2 mAb has been shown to induce the expression of infectious virus from these cultures. In this study we investigated the mechanisms whereby anti-CD2 antibodies stimulate viral production. We demonstrate that treatment of transiently transfected T lymphocytes with anti-CD2 antibodies results in activation of the HIV long terminal repeat. Furthermore, CAT assays using mutated HIV long terminal repeat-CAT constructs and gel shift assays demonstrate that this activation is dependent on the NF-kappa B enhancer. These studies suggest that interaction of CD2 with its natural ligand, LFA-3, may play a role in regulation of HIV expression