158 research outputs found

    A systematic review of factors influencing spatiotemporal variability in urban water and energy consumption

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    Understanding which factors influence urban metabolism is a prerequisite for designing policies and plans that effectuate sustainable resource management. A growing number of publications is concerned with these factors. Yet, this emerging field of research lacks a common framework that supports researchers in interpreting their findings, such as generalizability to other cities, and making informed decisions on their research design. Aiming to contribute to building such a framework, we systematically reviewed urban metabolism literature. This review paper presents an overview of factors influencing urban water and energy consumption and their effect on consumption, and it describes the interconnectedness of these factors for six different types of relationships. Results disclose fourteen drivers, changes in societal context that shape consumption patterns, and twenty-one facilitators/constraints. The latter type of factors include consumer, resource and urban landscape characteristics that affect resource consumption by facilitating or constraining specific activities. Findings indicate commonalities between primary studies in terms of prevalent observed effect direction for a given factor. However, the interconnections between different factors can influence the direction and magnitude of effects and thereby result in case-specific variability in consumption patterns. Future research should enhance the understanding of these interconnections, strengthen the evidence for the factors presented here and provide insight in additional factors of influence. It is essential to align these studies in terms of a common terminology, transparent quality assessment and a unified approach to measuring and expressing factors of influence. Connecting with related disciplines working on a common systems approach is key to realize the full potential of urban metabolism research to advance our understanding of cities.</p

    Water content of ion-exchange membranes: Measurement technique and influence on the ion mobility

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    Ion-exchange membranes (IEMs) are essential components of several electrochemical water technologies where they promote the transport of certain ionic species over others. A characteristic property of IEMs concerns their ionic charge density (ICD) which is a key parameter for modeling ion transport. In literature, significant variations in ICD for similar membranes are reported. We analyzed the sources of variations of this property and traced those back to the water content measurement. In this manuscript, we developed a new technique for measuring the water content, i.e., via stacking layers of membranes. This technique reduces the impact of the surface water film on the water content measurement. Using this technique, we measured the water content of CEMs at different counter-ion forms and analyzed the contribution of the ionic hydration shells inside the membrane. The relative change in the measured water content for the studied membranes at different counter-ions (K+, Mg2+, or Ca2+) was below 23 % of the Na+ value. Furthermore, we examined the relation between the water volume fraction and the membrane tortuosity, where we compared the theoretical predictions of ion mobility based on the Mackie and Meares theory to the values calculated based on the membrane resistance measurements

    On the sensitivity of local flexibility markets to forecast error : A bi-level optimization approach

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    The large-scale integration of intermittent distributed energy resources has led to increased uncertainty in the planning and operation of distribution networks. The optimal flexibility dispatch is a recently introduced, power flow-based method that a distribution system operator can use to effectively determine the amount of flexibility it needs to procure from the controllable resources available on the demand side. However, the drawback of this method is that the optimal flexibility dispatch is inexact due to the relaxation error inherent in the second-order cone formulation. In this paper we propose a novel bi-level optimization problem, where the upper level problem seeks to minimize the relaxation error and the lower level solves the earlier introduced convex second-order cone optimal flexibility dispatch (SOC-OFD) problem. To make the problem tractable, we introduce an innovative reformulation to recast the bi-level problem as a non-linear, single level optimization problem which results in no loss of accuracy. We subsequently investigate the sensitivity of the optimal flexibility schedules and the locational flexibility prices with respect to uncertainty in load forecast and flexibility ranges of the demand response providers which are input parameters to the problem. The sensitivity analysis is performed based on the perturbed Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. We investigate the feasibility and scalability of the proposed method in three case studies of standardized 9-bus, 30-bus, and 300-bus test systems. Simulation results in terms of local flexibility prices are interpreted in economic terms and show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.</p

    Space-time information analysis for resource-conscious urban planning and design: A stakeholder based identification of urban metabolism data gaps

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    AbstractThe research presented here examined at which spatial and temporal resolution urban metabolism should be analysed to generate results that are useful for implementation of urban planning and design interventions aiming at optimization of resource flows. Moreover, it was researched whether a lack of data currently hampers analysing resource flows at this desired level of detail. To facilitate a stakeholder based research approach, the SIRUP tool – “Space-time Information analysis for Resource-conscious Urban Planning” – was developed. The tool was applied in a case study of Amsterdam, focused on the investigation of energy and water flows. Results show that most urban planning and design interventions envisioned in Amsterdam require information on a higher spatiotemporal resolution than the resolution of current urban metabolism analyses, i.e., more detailed than the city level and at time steps smaller than a year. Energy-related interventions generally require information on a higher resolution than water-related interventions. Moreover, for the majority of interventions information is needed on a higher resolution than currently available. For energy, the temporal resolution of existing data proved inadequate, for water, data with both a higher spatial and temporal resolution is required. Modelling and monitoring techniques are advancing for both water and energy and these advancements are likely to contribute to closing these data gaps in the future. These advancements can also prove useful in developing new sorts of urban metabolism analyses that can provide a systemic understanding of urban resource flows and that are tailored to urban planning and design

    Mathematically formulated key performance indicators for design and evaluation of treatment trains for resource recovery from urban wastewater

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    While urban wastewater infrastructure is aging and no longer adequate, climate change and sustainability are urging the transition from pollution management to resource recovery. Lacking evidence-based quantitative evaluation of the potential benefits and consequences of resource recovery from wastewater hinders the negotiation amongst stakeholders and slows down the transition. This study proposes mathematical formulations for technical, environmental, economic, and social key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to quantify the benefits and the risks of resource recovery. The proposed formulations are derived from the literature and validated with stakeholders. Each KPI is mathematically formulated at treatment train level by considering: (1) the characteristics of individual unit processes (UPs) in the treatment train (TT), (2) the context in which the TT is installed, and (3) the resources to be recovered. The mathematical formulations of the KPIs proposed in this study enable a transparent, consistent and informative evaluation of existing treatment trains, as well as support the (computer aided) design of new ones. This could aid the transition from urban wastewater treatment to resource recovery from urban wastewater.</p

    Effects of dissolved organic matter and nitrification on biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in aerobic enrichment cultures

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    Natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and nitrification can play an important role in biodegradation of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in aerobic zones of constructed wetlands (CWs). This study used an enrichment culture originating from CW sediment to study the effect of DOM and nitrification on aerobic biodegradation of seven PhACs. The enriched culture degraded caffeine (CAF), metoprolol (MET), naproxen (NAP), and ibuprofen (IBP) with a consistent biodegradability order of CAF > MET > NAP > IBP. Biodegradation of propranolol, carbamazepine, and diclofenac was insignificant (<15%). CAF biodegradation was inhibited by the easily biodegradable DOM. Conversely, DOM enhanced biodegradation of MET, NAP, and IBP, potentially by contributing more biomass capable of degrading PhACs. Nitrification enhanced biodegradation of NAP and IBP and mineralization of the PhAC mixture as well as less biodegradable DOM, which may result from co-metabolism of ammonia oxidizing bacteria or enhanced heterotrophic microbial activity under nitrification. MET biodegradation was inhibited in the presence of nitrification. DOM and nitrification effects on PhAC biodegradation in CWs gained from this study can be used in strategies to improve CW operation, namely: designing hydraulic retention times based on the biodegradability order of specific PhACs; applying DOM amendment; and introducing consistent ammonium streams to increase removal of PhACs of interest

    Aerobic nonylphenol degradation and nitro-nonylphenol formation by microbial cultures from sediments

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    Nonylphenol (NP) is an estrogenic pollutant which is widely present in the aquatic environment. Biodegradation of NP can reduce the toxicological risk. In this study, aerobic biodegradation of NP in river sediment was investigated. The sediment used for the microcosm experiments was aged polluted with NP. The biodegradation of NP in the sediment occurred within 8 days with a lag phase of 2 days at 30°C. During the biodegradation, nitro-nonylphenol metabolites were formed, which were further degraded to unknown compounds. The attached nitro-group originated from the ammonium in the medium. Five subsequent transfers were performed from original sediment and yielded a final stable population. In this NP-degrading culture, the microorganisms possibly involved in the biotransformation of NP to nitro-nonylphenol were related to ammonium-oxidizing bacteria. Besides the degradation of NP via nitro-nonylphenol, bacteria related to phenol-degrading species, which degrade phenol via ring cleavage, are abundantly present
