14 research outputs found

    Die Entwicklung des Frauenruderns in Deutschland

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    Zusammenfassung Obwohl es zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein sollte, dass Frauen und Männer in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen gleichgestellt sind, suggeriert das „Jahr der Frauen im Sport“ 2010 unter dem Motto „Frauen Gewinnen!“, dass dieser Prozess noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Auch im Deutschen Ruderverband, dem ältesten deutschen Sportfachverband, wird dieser lange Kampf um Anerkennung und Gleichberechtigung ersichtlich. Der Rudersport galt lange als „gentleman“-Sport, der mit Attributen wie Kraft, Ausdauer, Stärke und Männlichkeit assoziiert wurde. Der Deutsche Ruderverband hemmte durch seine Einstellung und das Festhalten an tradierten Wertvorstellungen die Entwicklung des Frauenruderns erheblich. Medizinische und ästhetische Vorurteile sowie gesellschaftliche Vorbehalte erschwerten den Sportlerinnen den Zugang zu dieser Sportart erheblich. Dabei datieren die ersten Versuche von Frauen auf das Jahr 1884, als die Ruderinnen mit „Rock und Riemen“ in viel zu schweren Booten das Rudern aufnahmen. Anfänglich betrieben nur Frauen der Oberschicht den Sport: Rudern war ihnen Mittel zum Zweck, um sich sportlich in einem abgegrenzten, gesellschaftlichen Umfeld zu betätigen. Mit der immer größer werdenden Zahl an Ruderinnen wuchs allerdings auch das Bedürfnis nach geeigneten Vergleichsmöglichkeiten im Wettkampfbereich, so dass bereits Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts erste Regatten im Stil- und Rennrudern abgehalten wurden. Mit der Gründung des Deutschen Damen-Ruder-Verbandes wurde 1919 eine überregionale Dachorganisation geschaffen, die sich um die Belange der Ruderinnen kümmerte. Neben der Darstellung der historischen Entwicklung des Frauenruderns wird des Weiteren eine Einordnung der Frage des Selbstverständnisses des deutschen Rudersports und die Partizipation von Frauen vor 1945 sowie die Rolle der Frau in Ost- und Westdeutschland in den politischen und sozialgeschichtlichen Kontext vorgenommen. Die staatliche Teilung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bedeutete für beide deutschen Verbände eine Forcierung des Leistungssports im Kampf der Systeme. Der Blick auf die Rolle der Frau im Rudersport verdeutlicht die unterschiedliche Frauenpolitik im Bereich des Sports und fasst die sportlichen Ergebnisse beider Verbände in einer vergleichenden Leistungsbilanz zusammen. Im Zuge der Wiedervereinigung lösten sich die ostdeutschen Vereine auf und traten nach Auflösung des Deutschen Ruder-Sport-Verbandes dem Deutschen Ruderverband bei. Nach 160 Jahren Rudersport in Deutschland lagen und liegen Kontinuitäten und Brüche, Progression und Stagnation sowie Erfolg und Misserfolg häufig nah beieinander. Diese sporthistorische Untersuchung vermag den bisherigen Weg nachzeichnen, kann aber keine Prognose dafür geben, wann im Deutschen Ruderverband die Zeit für eine „Schlagfrau“ kommen wird. Abstract At the beginning of the 21st century it should be assumed as a matter of course that women have equal rights and chances in society. However, 2010 was declared to be the year of “women in sports” in Germany: they were approached to commit themselves to leadership. The slogan of the campaign (“Winning women!”) proves that the quest for gender equity has not been accomplished yet. The history of the German Rowing Federation (Deutscher Ruderverband) can be considered as an example of the long struggle of women for recognition and equality. Rowing used to be known as a “gentleman-sports” which has commonly been associated with power, endurance, strength and manliness. The Deutscher Ruderverband impeded the development of women’s rowing in Germany due to its attitude and maintenance of traditions. Although the first attempts of women in rowing boats were taken in 1884, it took a long time for oarswomen to overcome medical and aesthetic prejudices and beliefs. In the beginning of women’s rowing in Germany only ladies of the upper-class experienced this sports. However, their predominant interest was to interact and socialise within their own class and they were not seriously interested in exerting physical efforts. As the number of oarswomen grew, many wanted to compete in regattas so the German Ladies Rowing Federation (Deutscher Damen-Ruder-Verband) was founded in order to organize competitions with regard to rules and regulations. The thesis focuses on the historical development of women’s rowing on the one hand, and the role of women in society and sports on the other hand. It is necessary to differentiate the further development in East and West Germany as the division following the Second World War led to intensified state interest in top level sports as it served for the comparisons of both political systems. Hence, the role of women in top level sports in both countries is analysed accordingly. 160 years of women’s rowing in Germany have revealed progression and success as well as stagnation and failure. This historical development has left its traces within the Deutscher Ruderverband, however, it remains unpredictable to say how long it will take until the oldest German sport federation will be “stroked” by a woman

    Functionalisation of PLLA nanofiber scaffolds using a possible cooperative effect between collagen type I and BMP-2: impact on growth and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

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    Mesenchymal stem cell differentiation of osteoblasts is triggered by a series of signaling processes including integrin and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), which therefore act in a cooperative manner. The aim of this study was to analyze whether these processes can be remodeled in an artificial poly-(l)-lactide acid (PLLA) based nanofiber scaffold. Matrices composed of PLLA-collagen type I or BMP-2 incorporated PLLA-collagen type I were seeded with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) and cultivated over a period of 22 days, either under growth or osteoinductive conditions. During the course of culture, gene expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC) and collagen I (COL-I) as well as Smad5 and focal adhesion kinase (FAK), two signal transduction molecules involved in BMP-2 or integrin signaling were analyzed. Furthermore, calcium and collagen I deposition, as well as cell densities and proliferation, were determined using fluorescence microscopy. The incorporation of BMP-2 into PLLA-collagen type I nanofibers resulted in a decrease in diameter as well as pore sizes of the scaffold. Mesenchymal stem cells showed better adherence and a reduced proliferation on BMP-containing scaffolds. This was accompanied by an increase in gene expression of ALP, OC and COL-I. Furthermore the presence of BMP-2 resulted in an upregulation of FAK, while collagen had an impact on the gene expression of Smad5. Therefore these different strategies can be combined in order to enhance the osteoblast differentiation of hMSC on PLLA based nanofiber scaffold. By doing this, different signal transduction pathways seem to be up regulated

    A polymerase chain reaction-based method for isolating clones from a complimentary DNA library in sheep

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    The sheep (Ovis aries) is favored by many musculoskeletal tissue engineering groups as a large animal model because of its docile temperament and ease of husbandry. The size and weight of sheep are comparable to humans, which allows for the use of implants and fixation devices used in human clinical practice. The construction of a complimentary DNA (cDNA) library can capture the expression of genes in both a tissue- and time-specific manner. cDNA libraries have been a consistent source of gene discovery ever since the technology became commonplace more than three decades ago. Here, we describe the construction of a cDNA library using cells derived from sheep bones based on the pBluescript cDNA kit. Thirty clones were picked at random and sequenced. This led to the identification of a novel gene, C12orf29, which our initial experiments indicate is involved in skeletal biology. We also describe a polymerase chain reaction-based cDNA clone isolation method that allows the isolation of genes of interest from a cDNA library pool. The techniques outlined here can be applied in-house by smaller tissue engineering groups to generate tools for biomolecular research for large preclinical animal studies and highlights the power of standard cDNA library protocols to uncover novel genes

    Casais heterossexuais sorodiscordantes para o HIV-1 : estudo comportamental e de biomarcadores para avaliar práticas sexuais de risco, adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral e transmissão sexual do HIV com outras infecções sexualmente transmissíveis

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    Base teórica: A epidemia da infecção pelo HIV avança devido à transmissão sexual. Reconhecendo que as estratégias de mudança comportamental não são suficientes, os pesquisadores, hoje, voltam o olhar para o uso de antirretrovirais (ARV) como prevenção da transmissão sexual do HIV em três estratégias principais: PrEP ou profilaxia pré-exposição, PEP ou profilaxia pós-exposição eTasP ou tratamento como prevenção. Nesse cenário, sabese que todas as pessoas infectadas sexualmente pelo HIV, já foram um dia um casal sorodiscordante. Pessoas nessa situação são muito importantes para estudos de avaliação dos fatores facilitadores ou protetores da transmissão sexual do HIV. Sabe-se que as outras Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) são fatores biológicos facilitadores da transmissão sexual do HIV enquanto o uso de ARV com carga viral indetectável é o principal fator protetor desta transmissão, dando origem à disseminação da campanha U=U (Indetectável = Não transmissível). Objetivo: O principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto das outras ISTs e a adesão aos ARV na transmissão sexual do HIV em casais heterossexuais sorodiscordantes cujo índice estava em uso de ARV. Metodos: Estudo transversal aninhado em uma coorte retrospectiva de casais heterossexuais sorodiscordantes para o HIV com uma amostra fixa de 200 casais e 100 solteiros com HIV recebendo tratamento ARV há três meses ou mais, em acompanhamento no serviço especializado em atendimento de pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS (PLVHA) no sul do Brasil. Todos assinaram termo de consentimento, responderam questionário demográfico e comportamental pelo audio computer-assisted self-interviews (ACASI), coletaram amostras de sangue e de secreção genital para marcadores biológicos. Todos os parceiros HIV negativos eram aconselhados e testados para o HIV-1. Para a avaliação dos marcadores biológicos foi utilizado o método Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) (©Abott) para a quantificação da carga viral sérica do HIV-1. A carga viral da secreção genital foi avaliada por método de RT-PCR com kit COBAS (©Roche). Swab vaginal para o teste Rapid Stain Identification of Human Semen (RSID) foi utilizado como biomarcador de sexo vaginal desprotegido. Resultados: As características demográficas, comportamentais e de marcadores biológicos foram semelhantes entre casais e solteiros. A correlação entre PCR da secreção vaginal e carga viral sérica foi significativa na presença de Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) (r=0,359; P=0,017). Houve associação entre o relato de adesão pelo ACASI e a carga viral sérica indetectável (P<0,0001). A análise de regressão logística demonstrou que o regime de ARV com comprimido único (RCU) duplica a chance de adesão. A maioria dos casos índices era do sexo feminino (70%). A mediana do tempo de relacionamento dos casais foi de 72 meses. Cinco parceiros se infectaram sendo quatro homens e uma mulher com uma incidência de infecção aguda pelo HIV de 2,5% (IC95%:0,8% a 5,7%). O teste RSID avaliou sexo vaginal desprotegido com resultado positivo em 12,1% das mulheres. Os resultados das medidas de carga viral no plasma foram mais elevados nos índices dos casais que transmitiram o HIV do que nos que não transmitiram (P=0,002). A presença de IST foi significativamente maior nos casais que soroconverteram (60,0% X 13,3%;OR=9,75; IC95%:1,55 – 61,2; P=0,023). Conclusão: Investir no uso de ARV como comprimido único é a principal ferramenta para melhorar a adesão. A adesão ao uso de ARV com carga viral indetectável é o principal fator de não transmissão do HIV entre casais sorodiscordantes e neste estudo o que foi preditor de transmissão foi o tempo de carga viral indetectável e a presença de outras ISTs.Theoretic background: Sexual transmission as the major HIV epidemic driver. Knowing that behavior changing strategies are not sufficient to detain the epidemics, researchers currently are turning attention to the use of antiretrovirals (ARV) as one of three ways for curtailing HIV spread: PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis; PEP, or post exposure prophylaxis; and TasP, or treatment as prevention. In this scenario, it is assumed that every single sexually infectedperson, has been part of a serodiscordant couple. Those persons are important for demographic, behavioral and biological studies which can reveal factors facilitating or deterring the HIV transmission. In this context, is known that sexual transmitted infections (STI) one cofactor for HIV transmission and undetectable viral load achieved by antiretroviral treatment makes a HIV infected person virtually incapable of transmission (undetectable = untransmissible). Objetives: Main objetives were the assessment of HIV sexual transmission among serodiscordant couples on which the índex was using ARV in the presence of other IST and also evaluate adherence to ARV. Methods: A cross sectional study nested in retrospective cohort with 200 serodiscordant couples to HIV and 100 single persons receiving ARV treatment for at least three months under follow up at a major HIV/AIDS referral Service in Southern Brazil. Informed Consent has been obtained, after which a thorough behavioral and demographic questionnaire was responded through the audio computer-assisted self-interviews (ACASI). Blood and genital secretion samples were collected for viral load testing. All HIV-negative partners were counseled after testing. HIV-1 viral load was measured by Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Abbott® RT-PCR) with threshold of detection of 40 copies. Vaginal viral load was measured by RT-PCR (Roche COBAS®) which had a treshold of 17 copies. Unprotected sexual intercourse was measured by RSID (Rapid Sexual Identification of Human Semen) in self collected vaginal secretion. Results: Demographic, behavioral and biological markers were similar between couples and single participants. Women with HIV-1 serotype C had more often detectable vírus in genital secretion (P=0,006). Correlation between vaginal and serum viral load was significant in presence of STI (r=0,359; P=0.017). There was association between ACASI report of adherence and undetectable serum viral load (P<0,0001). Logistic regression analysis found single tablet ARV double the chance of adherence to treatment. Mean plasma vírus load results were higher in HIV transmitters compared to non-transmitters (p=0.02). IST were present significantly more common among seroconverting couples (60,0% X 13,3%; OR=9,75;IC95%:1,55 – 61,2; P=0,023). Conclusion: Single tablet ARV was found to be the single most efficient tool to increase adherence to antiretroviral treatment. Undetectable viral load is the main factor associated with non transmission of HIV among serodiscordant couples. HIV transmission was associated with presence of STI and a shorter time with serum undetectable viral load

    Effect of the sterilization method on the properties of Bombyx mori silk fibroin films

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    We have compared the effects of different sterilization techniques on the properties of Bombyx mori silk fibroin thin films with the view to subsequent use for corneal tissue engineering. The transparency, tensile properties, corneal epithelial cell attachment and degradation of the films were used to evaluate the suitability of certain sterilization techniques including gamma-irradiation (in air or nitrogen), steam treatment and immersion in aqueous ethanol. The investigations showed that gamma-irradiation, performed either in air or in a nitrogen atmosphere, did not significantly alter the properties of films. The films sterilized by gamma-irradiation or by immersion in ethanol had a transparency greater than 98% and tensile properties comparable to human cornea and amniotic membrane, the materials of choice in the reconstruction of ocular surface. Although steam-sterilization produced stronger, stiffer films, they were less transparent, and cell attachment was affected by the variable topography of these films. It was concluded that gamma-irradiation should be considered to be the most suitable method for the sterilization of silk fibroin films, however, the treatment with ethanol is also an acceptable method