6,451 research outputs found

    Criterion of multi-switching stability for magnetic nanoparticles

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    We present a procedure to study the switching and the stability of an array of magnetic nanoparticles in the dynamical regime. The procedure leads to the criterion of multi-switching stability to be satisfied in order to have stable switching. The criterion is used to compare various magnetic-field-induced switching schemes, either present in the literature or suggested in the present work. In particular, we perform micromagnetic simulations to study the magnetization trajectories and the stability of the magnetization after switching for nanoparticles of elliptical shape. We evaluate the stability of the switching as a function of the thickness of the particles and the rise and fall times of the magnetic pulses, both at zero and room temperature. Furthermore, we investigate the role of the dipolar interaction and its influence on the various switching schemes. We find that the criterion of multi-switching stability can be satisfied at room temperature and in the presence of dipolar interactions for pulses shaped according to CMOS specifications, for switching rates in the GHz regime

    In-situ growth optimization in focused electron-beam induced deposition

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    We present the application of an evolutionary genetic algorithm for the in-situ optimization of nanostructures prepared by focused electron-beam-induced deposition. It allows us to tune the properties of the deposits towards highest conductivity by using the time gradient of the measured in-situ rate of change of conductance as fitness parameter for the algorithm. The effectiveness of the procedure is presented for the precursor W(CO)6 as well as for post-treatment of Pt-C deposits obtained by dissociation of MeCpPt(Me)3. For W(CO)6-based structures an increase of conductivity by one order of magnitude can be achieved, whereas the effect for MeCpPt(Me)3 is largely suppressed. The presented technique can be applied to all beam-induced deposition processes and has great potential for further optimization or tuning of parameters for nanostrucures prepared by FEBID or related techniques

    Study to investigate and evaluate means of optimizing the Ku-band communication function for the space shuttle

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    The forward link of the overall Ku-band communication system consists of the ground- TDRS-orbiter communication path. Because the last segment of the link is directed towards a relatively low orbiting shuttle, a PN code is used to reduce the spectral density. A method is presented for incorporating code acquisition and tracking functions into the orbiter's Ku-band receiver. Optimization of a three channel multiplexing technique is described. The importance of Costas loop parameters to provide false lock immunity for the receiver, and the advantage of using a sinusoidal subcarrier waveform, rather than square wave, are discussed

    Integrated source and channel encoded digital communication system design study

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    The particular Ku-band carrier, PN despreading, and symbol synchronization strategies, which were selected for implementation in the Ku-band transponder aboard the orbiter, were assessed and evaluated from a systems performance viewpoint, verifying that system specifications were met. A study was performed of the design and implementation of tracking techniques which are suitable for incorporation into the Orbiter Ku-band communication system. Emphasis was placed on maximizing tracking accuracy and communication system flexibility while minimizing cost, weight, and system complexity of Orbiter and ground systems hardware. The payload communication study assessed the design and performance of the forward link and return link bent-pipe relay modes for attached and detached payloads. As part of this study, a design for a forward link bent-pipe was proposed which employs a residual carrier but which is tracked by the existing Costas loop

    Crossover from dirty to clean superconducting limit in dc magnetron-sputtered thin Nb films

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    High-quality Nb (110) thin films with residual resistance ratios up to 60 and critical temperatures Tc≈9.27 K have been prepared by conventional dc-magnetron sputtering on α-Al2O3 by careful selection of the sputtering conditions. This allowed for a systematic study of the influence of the growth rate on the structural quality and the superconducting properties of the films. The optimized growth conditions were revealed at the substrate temperature Ts=850 °C, Ar pressure Ps=0.4 Pa, and the growth rate g≃0.5 nm/s. The results of the films' structural characterization by X-ray diffraction, reflection high-energy electron diffraction, and atomic force microscopy are presented. In terms of the electron mean free path l and the superconducting coherence length ξ, deduced from the magneto-resistivity data, the clean superconducting limit (l>ξ) is realized in the high-purity films. For comparison, in impure Nb films sputtered at room temperature while keeping the rest of the sputtering parameters unvaried, the opposite dirty limit (ξ≳l) ensues. The merits of these findings are discussed in the context of the demands of present-day fluxonics devices regarding the normal-state and flux-flow properties of superconducting films they are made of

    Efficient Patterns for Model Checking Partial State Spaces in CTL & LTL

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    Compositional model checks of partial Kripke structures are efficient but incomplete as they may fail to recognize that all implementations satisfy the checked property. But if a property holds for such checks, it will hold in all implementations. Such checks are therefore under-approximations. In this paper we determine for which popular specification patterns, documented at a communityled pattern repository, this under-approximation is precise in that the converse relationship holds as well for all model checks. We find that many such patterns are indeed precise. Those that arent lose precision because of a sole propositional atom in mixed polarity. Hence we can compute, with linear blowup only, a semantic minimization in the same temporal logic whose efficient check renders the precise result for the original imprecise pattern. Thus precision can be secured for all patterns at low cost. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    On the complexity of semantic self-minimization

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    Partial Kripke structures model only parts of a state space and so enable aggressive abstraction of systems prior to verifying them with respect to a formula of temporal logic. This partiality of models means that verifications may reply with true (all refinements satisfy the formula under check), false (no refinement satisfies the formula under check) or dont know. Generalized model checking is the most precise verification for such models (all dont know answers imply that some refinements satisfy the formula, some dont), but computationally expensive. A compositional model-checking algorithm for partial Kripke structures is efficient, sound (all answers true and false are truthful), but may lose precision by answering dont know instead of a factual true or false. Recent work has shown that such a loss of precision does not occur for this compositional algorithm for most practically relevant patterns of temporal logic formulas. Formulas that never lose precision in this manner are called semantically self-minimizing. In this paper we provide a systematic study of the complexity of deciding whether a formula of propositional logic, propositional modal logic or the propositional modal mu-calculus is semantically self-minimizing. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved