13 research outputs found

    FTIR spectroscopy of water glass - the binder moulding modified by ZnO nanoparticles

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    The subject of the paper is the determination of the infl uence of the colloidal nanoparticles of zinc oxide on the structure of sodium water glass. Nanoparticles of zinc oxide in ethanol solvent were introduced into the water glass. The modification and structural changes were determined by means of the FT-IR absorption spectra. In order to determine the kind of infl uence: binder-modifier the spectroscopic FTIR analysis of samples of a fresh binder and of a binder hardened for 24 h in the air was performed by means of the spectrometer Digilab Excalibur with a standard DTGS detector

    Cohesion and adhesion properties of modified water glass with colloidal solutions of ZnO

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    The article discusses the issue of the influence of colloidal solutions of nanoparticles of ZnO obtained using original method on physical and chemical properties (cohesions, adhesion, wettability) of water glass. Adhesion and cohesion strength has been determined on the basis of own methodology of measurement using a special apparatus. The results of the above measurements have been supplemented with selected measurements of quartz wettability by the modified binder. Also, exemplary results have been presented of tests involving basic properties of moulding sans containing an addition of the aforementioned binder. In conclusions, the influence of binder modification on the properties of moulding sands have been presented

    Danscross: dancing in a shaking world. The Danscross papers, Beijing 2009

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    This collaborative, six month project was co-directed by Christopher Bannerman, Head of ResCen Research Centre and Xu Rui, Associate Professor and Vice-Chair, Department of Dance Studies at the Beijing Dance Academy (BDA). It focused on the creation of eight dance works by western and Chinese choreographers which were created to a specific brief, testing Stravinsky's proposition that the imposition of rules sets the artist free. The creative processes were observed by teams of academics from the BDA; the China National Academy for Arts Research; University of California at Los Angeles, Center for World Arts and Cultures; University College Falmouth, Dartington College; Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts; National University of Singapore; International Institute for Education and Research in Theatre and Film Arts, Waseda University; University of Washington. The researchers contributed to an online record of the project as well as presenting papers at the subsequent conference and for publication. The project's premise was that the empathetic, catalytic space of creative practice offers a unique way of encountering and understanding the other. The examination by international and Chinese academics of the creative strategies of UK and Chinese choreographers, each working with dancers trained in Classical Chinese Dance and/or Asian Folk Dance, provided a metaphor for other acts of translation and adaption. While key challenges today (the pervasiveness of climate change, financial instability and viral infections), are unconfined by national boundaries, the research premise tested the hypothesis that by examining the particular, the panoramic becomes open to speculative enquiry

    Wpływ chemicznej struktury rozcieńczalnika w spoiwie na przebieg procesów powierzchniowych i na wytrzymałość masy

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    The paper presents the results of investigations of the dynamics of wetting in a quartz-binder system. It has been proved that the two-stage process of wetting (unsteady state passing into the steady state) is important for the practice of moulding sands and depends on physico-chemical parameters of binder, especially on its viscosity. A mathematical description of the wetting phenomena was given and it was demonstrated that the course of the wetting dynamics is determined by the viscosity which depends on the chemical structure and concentration of added diluent. The wetting dynamics is characterised by the difference ?? between the values of the initial ?0 and equilibrium ?r contact angle and by the time ?r that the system needs to reach a steady state. It has been shown that the dynamics of quartz wetting by the binder with diluent of a chain structure and high concentration is higher with simultaneous reducing of time ?r. It has been verified that the resistance of moulding sands with binder and the diluent of chain structure and high concentration is higher compared to the strength of the sands with diluent of another structure.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dynamiki zwilżania w układzie: kwarc-spoiwo. Wykazano, że dwuetapowy proces zwilżania (stan niestacjonarny przechodzący w stan stacjonarny) ma znaczenie dla praktyki mas i uwarunkowany jest parametrami fizykochemicznymi spoiwa a zwłaszcza jego lepkością. Przedstawiono matematyczny opis zjawiska zwilżania oraz wykazano, że na przebieg dynamiki zwilżania ma lepkość uwarunkowana chemiczną strukturą i stężeniem wprowadzonego rozcieńczalnika. Dynamikę zwilżania charakteryzuje różnica ?? pomiędzy wartościami początkowego ?0 i równowagowego ?r kąta zwilżania oraz czas ?r dojścia układu do stanu stacjonarnego. Wykazano, że dynamika zwilżania kwarcu przez spoiwa z rozcieńczalnikiem o strukturze łańcuchowej i wysokim stężeniu jest wyższa przy równoczesnym skróceniu czasu ?r. Zweryfikowano, że wytrzymałość mas ze spoiwem z rozcieńczalnikiem o strukturze łańcuchowej i wysokim stężeniu jest wyższa w porównaniu z wytrzymałością mas z rozcieńczalnikiem o innej strukturze

    Wpływ dodatku rozcieńczalnika aromatycznego na wybrane właściwości żywicy epoksydowej

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    The article describes the studies which have been conducted on the dynamic wetting of quartz grains by EPIDIAN 5 resin and by this resin with an addition of 5 wt. %, 20 wt. % and 30 wt. % of xylene at different temperatures. In the case of the investigated resin, the wetting process dynamics is best described by a logarithmic function: theta = A Int + B0, where: theta is the contact angle after time t, and A and B0 are constants characteristic of this process at a given temperature. It has been proved that with 5 wt. % addition of xylene both constants assume a value different than zero. With addition of 20 wt. % and 30 wt. % of xylene, the State of equilibrium is reached almost immediately, and it is expressed by a zero value of constant A. The infrared spectroscopy did not reveal the presence of any chemical reactions between the EPIDIAN 5 resin and xylene, thus confirming that the chemical structure of xylene molecule affects the type of interaction and proves the non-active behaviour of xylene as a diluent. The importance of the studies for foundry sand practice has been stressed.W artykule przedstawiono badania dynamiki zwilżania kwarcu przez żywicę EPIDIAN 5 z dodatkiem 5% wag., 20% wag. i 30% wag. ksylenu w różnych temperaturach. Dla przebadanej żywicy, proces dynamiki zwilżania najlepiej opisuje funkcja logarytmiczna: theta = - A Int + B0, gdzie: theta jest kątem zwilżania po czasie t, zaś A i B0 stałymi charakteryzującymi proces w danej temperaturze. Wykazano, że wartość obydwu stałych przy dodatku 5% wag. ksylenu jest różna od zera. Przy dodatku 20% wag. i 30% wag. uzyskuje się praktycznie natychmiastowy stan równowagi, któremu odpowiada zerowa wartość stałej A. Badania spektroskopowe w podczerwieni nie wykazały reakcji chemicznej pomiędzy żywicą EPIDIAN 5 a ksylenem, potwierdzając tym samym wpływ struktury chemicznej cząsteczki ksylenu na rodzaj oddziaływań i jego nieaktywny charakter jako rozcieńczalnika. Podkreślono wpływ przeprowadzonych badań dla praktyki mas formierskich

    The Hum

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    Commissioned by Brighton Festival and Without Walls and funded by Arts Council England, South East Dance Agency, The Hum is a smartphone-based work which employs location data to deliver precomposed soundtracks to audience members at specified places within a city. It aims to draw attention to everyday activities reframing these as valid acts of choreography and challenging traditional definitions of what is thought of as dance and performance. To do so it takes advantage of the cinematic soundtrack to focus the public’s attention on these often overlooked unpremeditated choreographies in and around the city. The Hum seeks to question and elevate the status of these inadvertent acts of choreography by re-visiting the mundane activities of everyday life. At times profound yet often personal it is an immersive work that reveals an alternative view of the city through movements that take place within it. The Hum incorporates text from four diverse artists including: international dance artist Wendy Houston, dance writer for The Times Donald Hutera, Maria Oshodi director of Extant Theatre Company of visually impaired people and live artist Pete Phillips to a sound score by musician James Keane. These writers explore the subtle qualities of observed and experienced movement to create their own idiosyncratic narratives ranging from the poetic and humorous through to the ironic and subversive. Credits: Direction, design and concept: Nic Sandiland Writers: Wendy Houston, Donald Hutera, Maria Oshodi, Pete Philips, Nic Sandiland Readers: Amy Lyster, Jodie Hawkes, Alonna Flexer, Caroline Hume, Donald Hutera, Robert Kingsley, Pete Philips, Mark Whitelaw, George Adams Music: James Keane Coder: DabApps Producer: Yael Flexer, Lou Roger

    The Hum: Audio App and related Films

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    This portfolio aggregates two related components - The Hum: a smartphone-based work which employs location data to deliver precomposed soundtracks to audience members at specified places within a city. - Hum films: four short films directed by Sandiland, evolved out of the original text/soundtracks from The Hum, capturing an essence of the text and participant experience