7 research outputs found

    “Massage and Inhalation Aromatherapy as Alternative Medicine in Pain Management of Primary Dysmenorrhea”

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    Many women suffering from dysmenorrhea would like to avoid pharmacological or invasive methods of pain management of their condition and this may contribute towards popular use of alternative methods such as aromatherapy. This review examined currently available evidence supporting the use of aromatherapy for pain management in dysmenorrhea. This paper aims to systematically review the existing knowledge on aromatherapy and its underlying philosophy and principles, pain-relief mechanisms as well as evidence supporting efficacy of aromatherapy for pain management in primary dysmenorrhea. Searches were performed using the Cochrane Database, CINAHL, ScienceDirect, PubMed and Google Scholars. Keywords were primary dysmenorrhea, aromatherapy, inhalation aromatherapy, massage aromatherapy, aromatherapy and nursing. There are 12 papers met the inclusion criteria. Some were excluded due to language of the publication used are non-English. It is concluded that massage and inhalation aromatherapy can be used in managing pain in dysmenorrhea and thus can be promoted as a self-care initiatives in alleviating the menstrual pain

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan pada Penderita Hipertensi Dewasa terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Hipertensi

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      This study aims to determine the effect of health education on hypertension through pre-test counseling through leaflets and post-test on increasing knowledge of hypertension sufferers. This study uses a quantitative method with a descriptive design. This study found that patients with hypertension before counseling had 69% knowledge, and after being given counseling, there was an increase in hypertension knowledge by 95%. In conclusion, there are differences in the effectiveness of counseling using leaflets on the understanding of hypertension sufferers in the work area of the Parongpong Health Center.   Keywords: Hypertension, Health Counseling, Knowledge Leve

    Studi Fenomenologi terhadap Pasien Hipertensi

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    This study aims to examine phenomenological studies of hypertensive patients. This research method is qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach that uses the Colaizzi model. Research results: Identified in 4 themes, namely: 1. Knowledge, 2. Activities, 3. Stress/Emotional Levels, 4. Family History. In conclusion, Through the experience of clients who suffer from hypertension, information about knowledge, activities, stress/emotional levels, and family history are essential in influencing their health condition both before experiencing hypertension and after suffering from hypertension.   Keywords: Hypertension, Experience, Qualitativ

    The Prediction of Recovery Rate of Covid 19 Case in Kabupaten Bandung Barat using Neural Network Algorithm

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that happens worldwide has affected not only human health, social activities, the economy, education but also the death rate caused by this pandemic. Although the death rate from COVID-19 worldwide is quite high, the recovery rate is also quite promising. Therefore, this study is conducted to predict the recovery rate of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, specifically in Kabupaten Bandung Barat, which was analyzed using the Neural Network Algorithm. The method of this study is data mining, using the neural network algorithm that analyzed data, consisting of 2 attributes and 1 class attribute, namely: Daily Case that represent the daily new confirmed case in the observed location, Daily Death that represents the daily new number of confirmed deaths in observed location. The class attributes are using Daily Recovered, which represents the daily new number of confirmed recoveries in the observed location. The findings of this study indicate that the neural network models in this study have a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) 102.168 to predict the recovery rate of COVID-19 cases in the observed location. Keywords: Recovery Rate, Covid 19, Neural Network Algorith

    Challenges and Strategies for Training and Development of Health Workforce Improvement in Indonesia

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    Nursing is an essential profession in health care services worldwide. The higher the quality of nurses, the better the patient care and other health care services they provide. Although health workforce competence comes in different definitions in different countries, however, in general, it is defined to be a comprehensive statement of proven quality. The aim of this study is to investigate some concerns over the challenges and strategies for health workforce improvement in Indonesia. The method in this study from the literature review to explore those challenges and strategies. The challenges include a shortage and inequitable distribution of medical workers, health workforce policy development and planning are not based on real need, growing and changing demand for health care due to demographic and epidemiological changes will increase the burden on the already ineffective health system. The strategies recommended are better information about the dynamics of the health workforce at the national and subnational levels, modernization of the planning methods for health workforce production and deployment to reflect real demand, to include the private sector in health workers recruitment and deployment, limit the recruitment of publicly funded medical doctors in urban areas, given the fact that more medical doctors settle in urban areas because of private practice opportunities. The public sector should emphasize the placement of medical doctors in rural under-serviced areas to increase the efficient use of public money, modernize health workforce policies based on an evidence-based evaluation of past policies and the quality assurance–certification, strengthen not only the clinical competence of nurses and midwives but also privilege them for providing clinical service in remote areas. Keywords: Health care and services, health workforce improvement

    Kepatuhan Perawat terhadap Enam Langkah Cuci Tangan

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      This study aims to determine nurses' compliance with the six steps for washing hands in the medical surgical room in the Cihampelas Building, Bandung Adventist Hospital. This research method uses quantitative research with descriptive analysis by observing nurses washing their hands. This research showed that 98.7% of nurses had complied with the six steps for hand washing, and 0.4% had yet to. The study concludes that nurses who abide by the six steps of hand washing are good, but some still need to comply with the six steps. It is recommended that nurses continue carrying out the six steps for washing hands and assess factors influencing compliance.   Keywords: Washing Hands, Six Steps &nbsp