2 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Peningkatan Self-Esteem pada Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang Mengalami Distres Psikologis

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    Undergraduate students with high levels of self-esteem tend to have good adjustments in lectures. They will have the ability to deal with college problems and automatically reduce their psychological distress. This study used a quasi experimental method which is conducted to determine the increase of self-esteem in students who experience psychological distress. Participants of this study were 8 undergraduate students from Universitas Indonesia aged 18-23 years with a level of self-esteem below the value of 29 as measured by Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), and had a level of psychological distress above the value of 1.75 as measured by HSCL-25. Participants were involved in the intervention of increasing self-esteem consisting of 5 main sessions for two consecutive days (about 6 hours a day). Four weeks after the second day of training, the participant's level of self-esteem and psychological distress were measured. The result of pre and posttest intervention showed that the participant’s mean score of self-esteem increased and the mean score of psychological distress decreased. The result of Wilcoxon test also showed a significant change in both variables (Z RSES = -2.246; Z HSCL-25 = -2.366; p < .05). This study shows that training intervention is effective in increasing the level of self-esteem and reducing the level of psychological distress for undergraduate students at Universitas Indonesia. Participants also commented that they gained new knowledge about self-esteem and new skills to communicate assertively and think positively.Mahasiswa dengan tingkat self-esteem yang tinggi cenderung memiliki penyesuaian yang baik di perkuliahan. Mereka akan memiliki kemampuan untuk menangani masalah kuliah dan secara otomatis mengurangi distres psikologis mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental kuasi yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui peningkatan self-esteem pada mahasiswa yang mengalami distres psikologi. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 8 mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia yang berusia 18-23 tahun dengan tingkat self-esteem di bawah nilai 29 yang diukur dengan Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), dan memiliki tingkat distres psikologi di atas nilai 1.75 yang diukur dengan HSCL-25. Partisipan terlibat dalam intervensi peningkatan self-esteem yang terdiri dari 5 sesi utama selama dua hari berturut-turut (sekitar 6 jam dalam sehari). Empat minggu setelah hari kedua pelatihan, tingkat self-esteem dan distres psikologis responden diukur. Hasil pengukuran sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa skor mean self-esteem peserta mengalami peningkatan dan skor mean distres psikologis mengalami penurunan. Hasil uji Wilcoxon juga menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan pada kedua variabel (Z RSES = -2.246; Z HSCL-25 = -2.366; p < .05). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi pelatihan efektif dalam meningkatkan self-esteem dan menurunkan distres psikologis bagi mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia. Peserta juga berkomentar bahwa mereka memperoleh pengetahuan baru mengenai self-esteem dan keterampilan baru untuk berkomunikasi secara asertif dan berpikir positif

    The Content Analysis of Rorschach in Attesting the Sex Offenders

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    The Rorschach test is one of the psychological tests widely used in various assessment settings, including in studies related to sexual offenses. However, such research is scarce, although the level of sexual violence in Indonesia increases yearly. Sexual violence is often associated with the sexual drives that humans have in themselves. In this case, Rorschach can provide an overview of the individual's drives, ideas, and social relationships. The current study aims to find the personality profiles of sex offenders. Therefore, this study collected Rorschach data from 46 male sex offenders over 11 years in Depok City, Indonesia. Based on content analysis, this study found several prominent characteristics of sex offenders, such as exhibited difficulties in adaptation due to low intellectual capacity, poor emotional regulation, and empathy that other causes difficulty to build strong relationships with others. They also suppress sexual urges, but they were more likely to express it impulsively with low intellectual capacity and emotional regulation. These various personality characteristics possessed by sex offenders will undoubtedly impact the intervention process they go through to gain insight from their experience. The results are expected to be an input for developing interventions for sex offenders not to repeat their actions in the future