112 research outputs found

    Effects of Zinc, Iron and Copper Supplementation in Cassava-Based Diets for Broiler Chickens

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    Two experiments involving 216 chicks were conducted to assess the effects of supplemental levels of zinc (0, 25, 50 ppm) in combination with iron (0, 25, 50 ppm) in Experiment 1 and with copper (0, 5, 10 ppm) in Experiment 2, in diets containing cassava (40%) and protein (20-17%). The dietary treatments were arranged in a 3 X 3 factorial experiment. Mineral supplementation in cassava-based diets had little overall effect on rate and efficiency ofgain. In~lusion of increasing amounts of zinc in combination wi!h iron or copper had inconsistent effects on fat and protem content of the carcass. Chzeks fed cassava-based dzets supplemented with iron showed less carcass zinc levels, but had higher liver zinc content than those fed diets unsupplemented with iron. Raising the zinc content of the diet resulted in reducing copper retention in the liver, regardless of its combination with iron and copper

    Effect on levels of dietary protein and cassava on performance and body composition of chickens

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    A 3 x 3 factorial experiment involving 162 chicks was conducted to assess the performance and body composition of broiler chicks in response to varying protein levels (starter: 19, 22, 25 percent; grower: 17, 20, 23 percent) in combination with graded levels of cassava (0, 20, 40 percent). In general, protein and cassava levels in the diet gave little or no improvement in rate and efficiency of gain. With increasing levels of dietary protein, carcass protein was increased and carcass fat was decreased in a linear manner. Similarly, raising the cassava content up to 20 percent of the diet exerted a greater effect in increasing the protein and lowering the fat content of the carcas when supplemented up to 20 percent level, but further increases gave an inconsistent pattern of carcass compositio

    Dietary Self-Selection by Laying Hens Offered Choices of Feed

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    A short telm dietary self-selection experiment (28 days) was conducted with laying hens fed three treatments (Tl-T3) consisting of a commercially available layer feed (1'1, single choice), commercially available layer feed and oyster shell grit offered separately (T2, two choices) and a com mixture, soyabean meal mixture and oyster shell grit offered sejJarately (T3, three choices). Measurement of feed intake was divided into three feeding periods, from 0800-1200h, 1200-1600h and 1600-0800h. Feed and water' were available ad Ii bitum. Hens were raised under' 15 hour Photo period. Feed, energy and protein intakes were significantly better' on the commercial diet and lower in the other' two treatments. Calcium intake was significantly lower on the single choice and three choice diets. In all treatments, the hens tended to consume more feed during the pel10d between 1600-0800h (40.8-45.8% feed consumed), that is very late in the evening and very early in the morning. Similar amounts of feed (26.2-29.7% of feed consumed) were consumed between 0800-1200h and 1200-1600h. egg production, egg mass and feed conversion were significantly better' on the two and three-choice diets as compared to the single diet. There was no difJeI'ence in egg weight among the three treatments

    The Effects of Variation in Dietary Protein and Energy Concentrations on Broiler Performance in the Tropics

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    In two broiler experiments, six linearly programmed least~cost diets were formulated at two dietary 'energy concentrations (12.6 and 24.2 MJ metabolizable energy (ME) kg-I and three protein contents (73, 63 and 52 MJ ME kg crude protein-I). In the first experiment, four groups each of eight broiler cockerels were allocated to each diet, and in the second, four groups of ten males and often females were allocated to each diet. Similar trends were observed in both experiments. Increasing the dietary energy concentration improved, substantially, the growth rate and feed conversion ratio of chickens. Birds tended to grow faster on the three low-energy diets with increasing dietary protein content; feed conversion ratio also improved. On the three high-energy diets, the best growth rate was observed on the diet with the lowest protein content although feed conversion ratio tended to improve as dietary protein content increased. It was concluded that the addition of palm oil to the three high-energe diets improved their net energy content and may have increased availability of amino acids in order to account for the improved performance on these diets, particularly that with the lowest crude protein content

    Performance of Kedah-Kelantan Cattle Fed Palm Kernel Cake

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    An experiment involving a completely randomized design was conducted to compare the effect of PKC-S-B and PKC-S-F on the performance of Kedah-KeLantan bulls. No significant difference exists between the PKC-S-B and PKC-S-F treatment groups. Kedah-Kelantan bulls when fed an average daily feed of 3. 824 kg PKC-S for a period of 175 days could achieve an average daily gain of 0.583 kg. The feed efficiency obtained was 6.559. The income over feed cost l head/day obtained was M$1.096

    Observations on the effects of feeding moldy corn to rats

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    Twenty rats (10 males, 10 females) averaging 35 g were randomly allotted, in groups of 5, to 2 treatments using fresh corn and corn purchased from a feed dealer and suspected to have high mycotoxins. The various organs were compared to determine the effects of the treatment on the development of the specific organs. The analysis of variance showed significant difference (P < 0.001) in average daily gain, average daily feed and feed conversion ratio for the 2 different treatments. There was also a slight treatment .times. sex interaction. Rats fed fresh corn performed better than rats fed purchased corn. Male rats fed fresh corn performed better than female rats whereas the reverse was true for rats fed moldy corn. There was no treatment effect on liver size but liver weight was significantly (P < 0.05) different between sexes. Uterus weight of rats on different treatments were significantly different (P < 0.001) and depressed development of sex organs. Rats given moldy corn had larger kidneys (P < 0.005) than rats fed fresh corn

    Performance of Hereford Crossbred and Kedah-Kelantan Cattle fed a Palm Kernel Cake-based Ration

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    In a feeding experiment involving the use of a PKC-based ration for·105 days, the average daily feed intake of 3.11 and 3.31 kg in Hereford crossbred and Kedah-Kelantan cattle respectively, was found to be not significant. Hereford crossbred cattle had an average daily gain of O.712 kg which was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of Kedah-Kelantan cattle (0.586 kg). Similarly Hereford crossbred cattle had a significantly better (P < 0.01) feed efficiericy (4.37) compared to that of Kedah-Kelantan cattle (5.71). The income overfeed cost per animal per day was 1.344and1.344 and 0.514 in Hereford crossbred and Kedah-Kelantan cattle respectively

    Perencanaan Kebutuhan Kapasitas Produksi pada PT Xyz

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    PT XYZ adalah Perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi beberapa peralatan rumah tangga berbahan baku stainless steel, seperti wajan, asbak, sendok, dan garpu. Perusahaan ini memiliki sistem operasi make to stock dan pada periode April, Mei, Juli, dan Oktober 2012 Perusahaan tidak mampu memenuhi permintaan konsumen akan produk sendok dan garpu karena jumlah produk jadi dengan jumlah permintaan konsumen tidak sesuai. Ketidaksesuaian terjadi akibat dari kapasitas produksi yang tersedia tidak sesuai dengan kapasitas produksi yang dibutuhkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemecahan masalah adalah dengan melakukan peramalan, perhitungan Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP), dan pemberian usulan perencanaan kapasitas produksi. Peramalan diperlukan untuk mengetahui perkiraan permintaan konsumen, RCCP digunakan untuk mengetahui work centre yang mengalami kekurangan kapasitas produksi, dan usulan perencanaan kapasitas produksi digunakan sebagai alternatif work centre dalam meningkatkan kapasitas produksi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini, antara lain jumlah perkiraan permintaan konsumen adalah sebesar 2.844.183 unit; terdapat tiga work centre yang mengalami kekurangan kapasitas produksi, yaitu work centre Pemotongan Plat, Gerinda, dan Polish; usulan perencanaan kapasitas produksi yang dilakukan pada work centre Pemotongan Plat, Gerinda, dan Polish berturut-turut adalah melakukan penyesuaian beban kerja (re-adjusment), menambah tiga unit mesin Gerinda, dan tiga unit mesin Polish. Dari hasil perencanaan kapasitas produksi yang diusulkan dapat diketahui bahwa seluruh perkiraan permintaan konsumen dapat terpenuhi dan pendapatan Perusahaan meningkat sebesar 31,06%