90 research outputs found

    Ergonomic design for laptop desk in sit-down cafe with hotspot

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    This study aims to design laptop deskin sit-down cafe with hotspot availability, which are ergonomic and comfortable for consumers, so that they will feel comfortable to put their laptops, food and drinks. Therefore, the initial research was conducted to find the criteria which the customersrequire regarding laptop desk in sit-down restaurant with hotspot availability by distributing questionnaires to consumers which was then followed by validity and reliability test toward the questionnaires which was then followed by the weighting using AHP method. After obtaining the criteria of the required desk, then a morphological map was created to get the alternative design in accordance with the criteria required by consumers. After that, zero-one calculation was performed to get the required/selected design. Anthropometry was then calculated to get the actual size/dimension. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the selected design based on the customers’ preference is a laptop desk designed for individuals / personal equipped with a place/space to eat and drink with a brown color, made from wood and with the size / dimensions: Table length = 56 cm, table width = 34 cm, table height = 36 c

    Stretching Interventions and Their Effect on Mental the Workload

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    Cleaning workersare jobs that require physical strength especially if the work is carried out at a height, and it is not uncommon to complain about musculoskeletal discomfort in physical areas that feel uncomfortable when working in an un ergonomic position. From the observation results If observed posture when cleaning wokers work, body position tilted and bent with angles ranging from 20°-60°, neck bent with an angle of about 20 °, cleaning is done repeatedly by shifting the left hand and right hand with the angle of the upper arm > 90° raised for 10 minutes and forearm around 40°, this illustrates the condition of awkward posture cleaning wokers not ergonomic, posture that is not ergonomic will cause musculoskeletal disorder.The purpose of this researchis to measure the effect of stretching on mental workload in an effort to mental recovery. To achieve these objectives, first determine the type of glass cleaning activity outside the building at a height including: preparing tools, climbing stairs, cleaning glass, moving to other areas and cleaning tools, determining stretching movements, then conducting experiments in this case divided into 3 (three) treatment, first without stretching, giving stretching in the morning at 10 am for 6 minutes and stretching during the day at 2 pm for 6 minutes. Measurement of mental workload using the Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT) method, statistical processing by carrying out the covariance homogeneity test, Multivariate test and followed by the MANOVA test. The results of this researchthat stretching in addition to having a positive influence on the decline in mental workload, can also be used for mental recovery. Working at a height with a work posture that is not ergonomic, will increase the level of mental workload

    Speed of Car, Safe Distance and Speed Response for Car Drivers in Simpang Tiga Songsong, Sub-District of Singosari, Lane of Surabaya-Malang

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    The number of private vehicles is increasing every day, with the increase in the number of private cars, the potential for traffic accidents is also increasing, one of them is in Malang Regency, namely on Singosari Simpang Tiga Songsong Street inSub District of Singosari, Land of Surabaya-Malang, from the results of interviews in the field of at least 1 accident times in one month. This is due to several things including the driver not realizing the importance of a safe response speed when driving a car, especially when entering the intersection area. This study uses a questionnaire to determine the model of the taillights of private cars that pass through Singosari Simpang Tiga Songong Street, Sub-District of Singosari, lane of Surabaya-Malang, calculate the weight of criteria using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, experimental models, to determine alternative models of distance, car speed and safe response speed when crossing the area. From the results of research and experiments found, the conditions in the morning the selected model is the second model with a speed of 50 km/h with a distance of 16.66 m which is safe to respond. For crowded conditions during the day the model does not affect the response speed and the distance of 13.88 m is the safe distance to respond. For crowded conditions in the afternoon the model does not affect the response speed and the distance of 11.11 m is the safe distance to respond. The conclusion to represent the three conditions in the morning, afternoon and evening is a recommendation in the morning because morning time is a critical condition than other time conditions where the safe speed is 50 km/h with a safe distance of 16.66 m, for respon

    Analysis of the Body’s Posture and the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorder inCleaning Service Workers Working atHeight

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    Cleaning service workers' jobis the type of jobthat requires physical strength in carrying out their duties, especially if the work area is at height, whichcan cause the risk of Musculoskeletal Disorder. The purpose of this researchis to analyze the body’s posture of the workers and provide a recommendation forthe level of risk of developing Musculoskeletal Disorder when working at height. This research was conducted using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method, starting with an analysis of upper body posture including: Upper arm, forearm, wrist and handrotation, then analyzing the body parts of the trunk and legs. The research results showthat the body’s posture while working at height has a score of seven (7), which means it has a high level of Musculoskeletal Disorder risk. The conclusion from this study is that working at specificheight hasa high level of Musculoskeletal Disorder risk, and the risk can be reduced by providing ergonomics assistive device


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    Pekerjaan memanen nira kelapa merupakan pekerjaan beresiko tinggi terhadap kesehatan. Selain faktor ketinggian, postur kerja yang mengandalkan kekuatan fisik ketika memanjat juga menjadi penyebab timbulnya rasa sakit pada tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pemanen nira kelapa berkaitan dengan postur kerja ketika memanen nira kelapa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan kuisioner Nordic Body Map kepada 30 pemanen nira kelapa. Dari sini diketahui bahwa daerah bagian tubuh mana saja yang dirasakan paling sakit. Selanjutnya pekerja diberikan stretching yang dilakukan di sela-sela waktu bekerja, dilakukan selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa rasa sangat sakit terdapat padalengan, bahu kanan sebesar 86,7%, lengan atas kanan dan kiri masing-masing 80 %, dan bahu serta leher yang semuanya di atas 50%. Keluhan dengan kategori sakit terdapat pada bagian tubuh, yaitu lutut kanan dan kiri sebesar 83,3% dan 76,7%. Punggung, pinggang serta tangan juga dirasakan sakit oleh responden dengan persentase melebihi 50%.setelahmelakukan peregangan otot mengalami penurunan rasa sakit pada bagian yang dikeluhkan dari kategori sangat sakit menjadi agak sakit. Kesimpulannya bahwa pemberian stretching memiliki pengaruh positifdalam menurunkan keluhan MSDs bagi pekerja yang melakukan aktifitasnya pada suatu ketinggian

    The Relation of Musculoskeletal Discomfort with Body Mass Index (BMI) For Cleaning Workers, Who Work at an Elevated Place

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the extent ofthe influence of Body Mass Index (BMI) Variations on musculoskeletal discomfort. The steps taken are first to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI), measure the level of musculoskeletaldiscomfortofeachcleaningworkerwhoworksin an elevated place by distributing the Nordic Body Map questionnaire, then perform a statistical test with the Chi-Square Test. The results of this research are painful areas of musculoskeletal discomfortisthe left shoulder, right shoulder, back,waist, buttocks, right knee andleftleg.FromtheChi-SquareTestresultsobtainedp-value for the left shoulder = 0.006, right shoulder = 0.003, back = 0.00, waist = 0.00, buttocks = 0.00, right knee = 0.001 and left leg = 0.00, because all <0.05 then all null hypotheses are rejected, this fact means there is a relationship between BMI and musculoskeletal discomfort that is felt sick. The conclusion is an un-ergonomic posture in the work will cause the musculoskeletal discomfort area and the higher the person’s BMI level will be susceptible to pain complaints, the lowerthe BMI than the fewer complaints ofpain.Keywords: Body Mass Index (BMI), Musculoskeletal Discomfort, Cleaning Workers, Work in an elevated place

    The Decision of Selecting Online-Store Alternative in Marketing Cosmetic Products Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    The selection of online product marketing sites is an interesting topic to study considering that each online shop has a different appeal in marketing the product, so consumers are attracted to choose a particular online shop. The purpose of this research is how to determine the right choice of a online shop to market a product, in this case cosmetics products. To achieve this goal the steps taken are first to determine the population of respondents in this case areconventional shops that sell cosmetic products, located in the District of Singosari-Malang-East Java-Indonesia as many as 300 stores, secondly determine the number of samples using the Bernoulli formula obtained a sample of 14 stores, the third step is distributing questionnaires to get criteria used as a measure to choose an alternative online shop, in this case there are 3 online shops, namely online shops A, B and C, then proceed to the weighting process using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method (AHP), then do the weighting for each online shop on each criterion using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, then an aggregate calculation is performed for all criteria for each online shop. The results obtained from this study that the selected online shop is online shop A. with the largest total weight of 0.507. Conclusion: In this online-shop selection is strongly influenced by the specified criteria and the weighted value given, if the weight of the assessment changes then the online-shop selection decision will also change, so this is a strategy that can be used by online-shops in providing services in order to change the weight of certain criteria as an effort to win the competitio

    Time Setting of Stretching to Improve Response speed of Transportation Drivers in Malang City

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    Mental task is one of city transportation driver jobs related to concentration and ability to control the visual information received. Superior mental ability is a necessity in order to control the car properly to avoid accident. To obtain information related to provision of stretching treatment of drivers to improve their response speed. Stretching treatment and response speed measurement were done in the morning and afternoon. To achieve the purpose, the research was conducted in following stages: (1) determining the route/path of city transportation, (2) searching for 30 respondents/drivers with age ranges of 25 up to 60 years, (3) determining the stretching movements, named D-Stretch, and (4) time setting of stretching treatment. The time treatments were grouped into following three groups: (1) without stretching, (2) stretching in the noon and (3) stretching in the morning and noon. Measurement of driver response was done by props tool, the drivers is asked to provide a response to props; the response speed is recorded in camera. The research findings showed that without morning stretching the response speed or speed in the afternoon slower. Stretching time in the morning and noon could increase the response speed in the afternoon. The drivers had more swiftly response to represents a decrease in fatigue and stress. The conclusion was stretching treatment in the morning and noon will provide a positive contribution to driver alertness, particular city transportation drivers. The response speed of driver became better and faster. Stretching treatment in the noon will gave a positive contribution to driver alertness in car to drive public transportation or faster response speed and driver becomes more awake


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    Public spaces provide infrastructures for the community to carry out diverse activity types in any activities. Downtown of Malang City is a public space that conveys the different intensity of community activities in its place. However, the existing condition shows discrepancy to the ideal condition of a comfortable public open space. This study applies a qualitative approach with data collection gathered from physical and non-physical conditions from respondent’s intellectual understanding and continued by analysis according to related theories. The result of this study are: first; there are quality differences among sub-regions both in the physical and non-physical qualities, second; the sub-area with linear type has better quality compared to the square-type sub-area, third; from responsiveness aspect, sub-areas with mixed functions have better quality than sub-areas with a single function, and fourth; from the democratic aspect, sub-areas with shady vegetations which provide diverse functions have better quality as open public space


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    Dari penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat beberapa pemasalahan dari ruang kelas SLB/c Pembina di Lawang, khusus tuna grahita, yaitu dari beberapa aspek lingkungan yang kurang ergonomis, pencahayaan, suhu dan temperatur, kelembaban, kebisingan, warna, dan desain interior kelas yang konvensional. Serta dari tata letak papan tulis yang kurang sesuai untuk ukuran tubuh siswa tuna grahita di SLB tersebut. Untuk papan tulis di ukur dari kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam pemakaian papan tulis tersebut (duduk dan berdiri). Untuk tahap perbaikan desain interior harus lebih mengacu pada nilai ergonomis, dimulai dari mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan, pengembangan kebutuhan, dan pengambilan keputusan. Peneliti mengandalkan pada studi literatur, rekomendasi para ahli dan hasil penelitian yang berkorelasi dengan perbaikan desain interior Hasil perhitungan dan pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk lebih ergonomis adalah dari ukuran tubuh pengguna ruang kelas yang disesuaikan dengan fasilitas pengajaran dan juga dari aspek lingkungan yang meliputi pencahayaan, kebisingan, kelembaban, suhu dan temperatur, serta warna. papan tulis tidak sesuai dengan data anthropometri siswa. Letak dari papan tulis yang terlalu tinggi untuk ukuran siswa SLB, dari ukuran kelas kecil, sedang, maupun besar. Sehingga diperoleh hasil penelitian untuk kondisi lingkungan kerja sebagai berikut : temperatur dari 13-17o C menjadi 24,5– 25o C, kelembaban dari 44 - 45.1 % menjadi 60 – 68%, kebisingan dari 50 dB menjadi 40dB, pencahayaan dari 120-900 lux menjadi 299- 300 lux, untuk warna kuning agak gelap menjadi kuning kehijauan dan putih. Kata kunci : Perancangan, interior, ergonom
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