56 research outputs found
Az antioxidáns rendszert befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálata emlős állatfajokban = Studies on factors influencing the antioxidant system in mammalian animal species
Vizsgálataink során megállapĂtottuk, hogy tejelĹ‘ tehenekben a vĂ©dett kolin etetĂ©se javĂtotta a metabolikus állapotot, ugyanakkor a vĂ©r Ă©s a máj redox mutatĂłira nem volt hatása. Ugyancsak tejelĹ‘ tehenekben a hidrogĂ©nezett zsĂrral törtĂ©nĹ‘ takarmánykiegĂ©szĂtĂ©snek kedvezĹ‘bb metabolikus hatása volt, mint a Ca-szappannak, de egyik sem befolyásolta a vĂ©r es a máj redox mutatĂłit. Anyajuhokban a konjugált linolsavval törtĂ©nĹ‘ takarmány-kiegĂ©szĂtĂ©s kedvezĹ‘ metabolikus hatással rendelkezik, de nem befolyásolja a vĂ©r redox mutatĂłit. A normoglycaemiás Ă©s hypoglycaemiás vemhes anyajuhok vĂ©rĂ©nek redox mutatĂłi az ellĂ©s elĹ‘tt Ă©s után is hasonlĂłak, Ă©s a bárányozás sem hat ezekre a paramĂ©terekre. A hypoglycaemiás anyák bárányainak redox mutatĂłi hasonlĂłak a normoglycaemiás anyák utĂłdaihoz. EredmĂ©nyeink alapján az ĂşjszĂĽlött bárányok antioxidáns vĂ©delme jobb, mint az anyajuhokĂ©. A mieloperoxidáz (MPO) enzim aktivitása a vĂ©rplazmában egĂ©szsĂ©ges tehenekben Ă©s lovakban alig mĂ©rhetĹ‘, mĂg egĂ©szsĂ©ges sertĂ©sekben Ă©s kutyákban annak Ă©rtĂ©ke 30-90 U/L. Vesebeteg kutyában a vĂ©r stacioner szabadgyök mennyisĂ©ge szignifikánsan nagyobb, mint az egĂ©szsĂ©gesekben. A malondialdehid tartalom a hidroxi-nonenal koncentráciĂłval kiegĂ©szĂtve a lipidperoxidáciĂł fokozĂłdását jelzi. A protein?karboniláciĂł, a szuperoxid dizmutaz aktivitása Ă©s a plazma antioxidáns-kapacitása nagyobb a vesebeteg kutyák vĂ©rplazmájában. A vesebeteg kutyák vĂ©rmintáiban ennek alapján kimutathatĂł az oxidatĂv stressz jelenlĂ©te. | Protected choline in dairy cows improved the general metabolic status of the cows, but had no effect on the redox systems of the blood and liver. Supplementation of the ration with hydrogenated fat in dairy cows has a better effect on the metabolism than supplementation with Ca-soaps. Neither of the fat supplementations influence the redox variables of the cows` blood and liver. Supplementation of the daily ration of ewes with conjugated linoleic acid improves the overall metabolic capacity and has no effect on the blood redox parameters. Normoglycaemic and hypoglycaemic pregnant ewes have similar blood redox variables either before, at, or after lambing. Lambs of both normoglycaemic and hypoglycaemic ewes have similar blood redox compounds. The blood of newborn lambs has stronger antioxidant capacity than the blood of their mothers. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity of blood plasma in healthy cows and horses is very low whilst in pigs and dogs it is between 30-90 U/L. Free radical concentration of the blood in dogs with renal diseases is significantly higher than in healthy ones. High malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxinonenal concentration proves the presence of increased lipid peroxidation. Increased oxidative protein carbonylation, superoxide dismutase activity and total antioxidant capacity characterise the blood of dogs with renal insufficiency. These results are consequences of oxidative stress present in dogs with renal disease
A globális felmelegedés hatása az állatok szervezetére
Egyes Ă©ghajlati tĂ©nyezĹ‘k rendkĂvĂĽl fontos környezeti elemeket jelentenek az Ă©lĹ‘ szervezetek számára. Ezek gyors változása olyan reakciĂłkat indukálhat az Ă©lĹ‘lĂ©nyekben, amelyek komoly Ă©lettani változásokhoz vezethetnek. Az extrĂ©m klimatikus viszonyok több szinten is zavart okozhatnak a vad- Ă©s háziállatok Ă©lettani működĂ©sĂ©ben egyaránt. Jelen tanulmányban rĂ©szletesen bemutatásra kerĂĽl az állatok szervezetĂ©t Ă©rĹ‘ – a globális felmelegedĂ©sbĹ‘l eredĹ‘ – hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet emelkedĂ©s hatása. A kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ hĹ‘forgalmi stratĂ©giák Ă©s szabályozási folyamatok Ă©lettani szerepĂ©n tĂşl szĂłt ejtĂĽnk a kĂĽlsĹ‘ hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klethez törtĂ©nĹ‘ alkalmazkodĂł kĂ©pessĂ©grĹ‘l illetve, hogy mikĂ©nt hat a hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet a hĂĽllĹ‘k Ă©s halak ivarának kialakulására, valamint a gazdasági állatok termelĂ©sĂ©nek hatĂ©konyságára
N-3 fatty acid enrichment and oxidative stability of broiler chicken (A review)
Increasing awareness of the health benefits of n-3 fatty acids has led to studies related to the manipulation of the fatty acid composition of animal products. These fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; C20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6n-3), are abundant in foods of marine origin. Fish consumption is, however, limited by seasonal availability, affordability and consumers' preference. Recent studies on the provision of n-3 fatty acid rich foods have therefore centred on the enrichment of products such as poultry meat through feeding fish oil diets. However, decreased quality (storage and flavour) has been associated with products from poultry fed such diets. Other dietary sources of n-3 fatty acids such as fish meal and plant seed oils result in minor improvement of the quality and low levels of EPA and DHA in the enriched product. Supplementation of high levels of vitamin E or other synthetic antibiotics in diets may increase oxidative stability and hence the storage quality of n-3 fatty acid enriched broiler meat. However, their reported influence on off-flavour is conflicting. Other methods of reducing off-flavour in enriched meat involving the use of processed n-3 PUFA sources although may reduce off-flavour, result in reduced deposition of EPA and DPA. Marine algae (MA) is an attractive source of n-3 fatty acids because it is a primary rich source of DHA and contains naturally occurring carotinoids, which are useful for their antioxidant activity. Investigations into the use of MA and identification of cheaper sources of n-3 PUFA for the enrichment of broiler chicken are needed. In addition, the search for viable methods of reducing off-flavour in n-3 enriched broiler meat should continue. The production of high quality and affordable broiler meat is essential for realising the full benefits associated with the consumption of n-3 fatty acid enriched products
Az antioxidáns rendszer ontogenezisének vizsgálata emlős állatfajokban = Studies on the ontogenesis of the antioxidant system in mammalian animal species
ĂšjszĂĽlött malacok, csikĂłk, bárányok Ă©s borjak vĂ©rĂ©ben vizsgáltuk az antioxidáns rendszert. A vizsgálatokat a költsĂ©gelvonás miatt csökkentettĂĽk, a tĂ©mával kapcsolatos, rĂ©szben más támogatásĂş kĂsĂ©rleteket is bevontunk. Az ĂşjszĂĽlöttekben az anyaállatokhoz kĂ©pest erĹ‘s oxidatĂv hatást Ă©szleltĂĽnk, amit malacokban Ă©s borjakban elektronspin-rezonanciás mĂ©rĂ©sekkel is igazoltunk. Az antioxidáns vĂ©delem az ĂşjszĂĽlöttekben kivĂ©dte szĂĽletĂ©si oxigĂ©n-stresszt. A vvs-MDA az Ă©let elsĹ‘ 3 hetĂ©ben nagyobb volt a kĂ©rĹ‘dzĹ‘kben, mint a csikĂłkban Ă©s a malacokban. A vvs-MDA az idĹ‘vel nem változott. A vĂ©rplazma nem enzimatikus vĂ©delmĂ©t jelzĹ‘ FRAP Ă©s az enzimatikus vĂ©delmet is jelzĹ‘ TAS Ă©rtĂ©ke az ĂşjszĂĽlöttekben minden esetben jelentĹ‘sen meghaladta az anyaállatokĂ©t. A FRAP kĂ©sĹ‘bb minden fajban, mĂg a TAS három fajban csökkent, a malacokban nĹ‘tt. A fajok antioxidáns rendszerĂ©nek ontogenezise tehát eltĂ©r, amit a szĂĽletĂ©skori hemoglobin (fetalis/felnĹ‘ttkori) aránya, a szĂĽletĂ©s lefolyása, a fejlĹ‘dĂ©si erĂ©ly, a takarmányozás változásai befolyásolhatnak. Az ellĂ©s oxidatĂv stresszt okozĂł hatását tehenekben igazoltuk. ESR-rel bizonyĂtottuk, hogy csirke modellállaton is jelentĹ‘s a kelĂ©s okozta oxidatĂv terhelĂ©s. Lymphomás kutyákban igazoltuk az antioxidáns vĂ©delem romlását. Nyulakban a hátizom zsĂrsavösszetĂ©telĂ©t Ă©s redox állapotát tanulmányoztuk. Tehenekben Ă©s házityĂşkban kolin- illetve zsĂrkiegĂ©szĂtĂ©ssel a az antioxidáns vĂ©delmet nem tudtuk jelentĹ‘sen befolyásolni. | The antioxidant system was studied in the blood of newborn pigs, foals, lambs and calves during the first 3 weeks of life. As experiments had to be reduced due to cut of the budget, some related experiments were also used in the project. In newborns stronger oxidative damage was found than in the mothers, proved by measurement of free radicals by ESR spectrometry in pigs and calves. The antioxidant system protected the newborns from oxidative stress at birth. RBC-MDA was higher in the ruminants than in the piglets and foals during the first 3 weeks of life and did not change with age. Non-enzymatic defence of blood plasma (FRAP), and total antioxidant status (TAS) was significantly stronger in newborns than in adults. FRAP decreased in all species while TAS decreased in three and increased in pigs. Results proved a marked difference in the ontogenesis of the antioxidant system among species that might be explained by differences in hemoglobin structure of the newborns, process of delivery, growth development, and nutrition. The oxidative stress caused by calving was proven in dairy cows. In chicks ESR studies showed that hatching caused oxidative stress. In dogs with lymphoma the antioxidant defence decreased. Changes of the fatty acid composition and redox state in rabbit's muscle after electrical stimulation was significant. In cows and chicks we could not influence the antioxidant system by supplementation of food with choline and fat
Effect of feeding different oils on plasma corticosterone in broiler chickens
A study was conducted to examine the effects of different oils on the plasma corticosterone concentrations of broiler chickens fed ad libitum or deprived of feed for 24 hours. A total of 36 Ross broilers were randomly assigned to one of three dietary treatments at 10 days of age and fed a grower diet supplemented with 60 g/kg soybean oil (rich in linoleic acid, C18:2n–6), linseed oil (rich in a-linolenic acid, C18:3n–3) or fish oil (rich in C14:0, C16:0, C16:1n–7, C20:1n–9; eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, EPA, C20:5n–3 and DHA, C22:6n–3), respectively, for 18 days. Dietary supplementation of fish oil resulted in lower (P < 0.05) baseline plasma corticosterone levels of chickens fed ad libitum for 18 days compared to soybean and linseed oil supplementations. Feed deprivation for 24 h induced a significant (P < 0.05) increase in corticosterone concentration in every treatment group compared to the ad libitum-fed birds. The hormone levels of feed-deprived birds did not differ significantly among groups fed diets supplemented with different oils
Effects of high ambient temperature on fish sperm plasma membrane integrity and mitochondrial activity — A flow cytometric study
Local extreme climatic conditions occurring as a result of global climate change may interfere with the reproduction of animals. In the present study fish spermatozoa were incubated at different temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 40 °C) for 10 and 30 minutes, respectively and plasma membrane integrity and mitochondrial membrane potential changes were evaluated with flow cytometry using SYBR-14/PI and Mitotracker Deep Red FM fluorescent dyes. No significant differences were found in plasma membrane integrity at either incubation temperatures or time points. Mitotracker Deep Red FM histogram profiles indicating mitochondrial activity showed significant (p < 0.001) alterations in all cases of higher (25, 30 and 40 °C) temperature treatments as compared to the samples incubated at 20 °C. Our results indicate that fish spermatozoa exposed to high temperatures suffer sublethal damage that cannot be detected with conventional, vital staining techniques
Rate of lipid peroxidation in brain and liver tissues and the total antioxidant status of blood plasma in developing chicks
Age-related changes of tissue lipid peroxidation (LPO) of liver and brain, as well as plasma antioxidant capacity of broiler chicken cockerels were investigated. Tissue LPO was characterised by the spectrophotometric assessment of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Plasma antioxidant power was evaluated by the measurement of total antioxidant status (TAS). Newly hatched broiler chicks had similar TAS value (1.19 mmol/l) as newborns of mammalian species. Significant changes (p < 0.05) were observed in the time course of all parameters. Tissue TBARS concentration was higher in the brain than in the liver at hatching, while the latter organ was found to have more effective antioxidant defence during embryonic life. The concentration of TBARS increased up to the 10th day in the liver but only up to the 21st day in the brain, and the former was accompanied by an approximately 50% decrease of plasma antioxidant capacity. This suggests that the liver plays an important role in forming the antioxidant defence mechanisms of the blood plasma in broiler chicks
EltĂ©rĹ‘ Ă©lettani szereppel rendelkezĹ‘ zsĂrsavak vizsgálata háziállatokkal = Studies of various fatty acids with different metabolic roles in domestic animals
KĂsĂ©rleteinkben olyan Magyarországon használatos állatfajták, illetve genotĂpusok kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ szöveti lipidjeinek zsĂrsavösszetĂ©telĂ©t vizsgáltuk baromfi, szarvasmarha Ă©s juh fajok esetĂ©ben, amelyek állati eredetű Ă©lelmiszer-alapanyagok termelĂ©sĂ©re alkalmazhatĂłk. Ă–sszefĂĽggĂ©seket tapasztaltunk a fajta, illetve genotĂpus Ă©s a takarmányozás jellege, valamint az állati termĂ©kek zsĂrsavösszetĂ©tele között. Ezen összefĂĽggĂ©sekre alapozva olyan takarmányozási technolĂłgiákat fejlesztettĂĽnk ki, amelyek lehetĹ‘sĂ©get nyĂşjtanak a fogyasztĂł szempontjábĂłl egĂ©szsĂ©ges zsĂrsavprofil kialakĂtására tojás, tej Ă©s hĂşs esetĂ©ben. Ezekkel a mĂłdszerekkel elsĹ‘sorban az n-3 Ă©s CLA zsĂrsavak mennyisĂ©ge fokozhatĂł az Ă©lelmiszerekben. EredmĂ©nyeinket az állattartĂł gazdaságok Ă©s a takarmányipar rendelkezĂ©sĂ©re bocsátottuk, akik kĂsĂ©rleteink adatait felhasználhatják a takarmányok előállĂtásához, számĂtásba vĂ©ve azok hatásait az állati szövetek lipidjeinek összetĂ©telĂ©re. Kutatásaink ennek megfelelĹ‘en hozzájárulnak az egĂ©szsĂ©ges Ă©lelmiszerek előállĂtásához. | In our studies the fatty acid profile of various lipids in the tissues of some animal breeds and genotypes of poultry, cattle and sheep used in Hungary for food production were measured. Relationships between fatty acid composition of animal products and genotypes as well as nutritional conditions were showed. On the basis of these relationships various feeding technologies were developed, which provides possibilities for the manipulation of the fatty acid composition of the main human food sources of animal origin including egg, meat and milk. By the means of these techniques mostly n-3 and CLA fatty acid levels of foods can be increased. The results of our experiments are available for feed industry. They can use these data for the preparation of feed mixtures taking the effects of feeds on the lipid compositions of animal tissues into account. In this way our studies means a contribution to the supply of healthy food sources for humans
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