5 research outputs found

    A cross-sectional prospective study of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication in acute psychiatric wards: patient, staff and ward characteristics

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    Background Previous research on mental health care has shown considerable differences in use of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication among different wards and geographical areas. This study investigates to what extent use of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication for involuntary admitted patients in Norwegian acute psychiatric wards is associated with patient, staff and ward characteristics. The study includes data from 32 acute psychiatric wards. Methods Multilevel logistic regression using Stata was applied with data from 1016 involuntary admitted patients that were linked to data about wards. The sample comprised two hierarchical levels (patients and wards) and the dependent variables had two values (0 = no use and 1 = use). Coercive measures were defined as use of seclusion, restraint and involuntary depot medication during hospitalization. Results The total number of involuntary admitted patients was 1214 (35% of total sample). The percentage of patients who were exposed to coercive measures ranged from 0-88% across wards. Of the involuntary admitted patients, 424 (35%) had been secluded, 117 (10%) had been restrained and 113 (9%) had received involuntary depot medication at discharge. Data from 1016 patients could be linked in the multilevel analysis. There was a substantial between-ward variance in the use of coercive measures; however, this was influenced to some extent by compositional differences across wards, especially for the use of restraint. Conclusions The substantial between-ward variance, even when adjusting for patients' individual psychopathology, indicates that ward factors influence the use of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication and that some wards have the potential for quality improvement. Hence, interventions to reduce the use of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication should take into account organizational and environmental factors

    Professionals’ perspectives on factors within primary mental health services that can affect pathways to involuntary psychiatric admissions

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    Background Reducing involuntary psychiatric admissions has been on the international human rights and health policy agenda for years. Despite the last decades’ shift towards more services for adults with severe mental illness being provided in the community, most research on how to reduce involuntary admissions has been conducted at secondary health care level. Research from the primary health care level is largely lacking. The aim of this study was to explore mental health professionals’ experiences with factors within primary mental health services that might increase the risk of involuntary psychiatric admissions of adults, and their views on how such admissions might be avoided. Methods Qualitative semi-structured interviews with thirty-two mental health professionals from five Norwegian municipalities. Data were analysed according to the Systematic Text Condensation method. Results Within primary mental health care professionals experienced that a number of factors could increase the risk of involuntary psychiatric admissions. Insufficient time and flexibility in long-term follow-up, limited resources, none or arbitrary use of crisis plans, lack of tailored housing, few employment opportunities, little diversity in activities offered, limited opportunities for voluntary admissions, inadequate collaboration between services and lack of competence were some of the factors mentioned to increase the risk of involuntary psychiatric admissions. Several suggestions on how involuntary psychiatric admissions might be avoided were put forward. Conclusions Mental health professionals within primary mental health care experienced that their services might play an active part in preventing the use of involuntary psychiatric admissions, suggesting potential to facilitate a reduction by intervening at this service level. Health authorities’ incentives to reduce involuntary psychiatric admissions should to a greater extent incorporate the primary health care level. Further research is needed on effective interventions and comprehensive models adapted for this care level

    Interrater reliability of the violence risk assessment checklist for youth: a case vignette study

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    Abstract Background Facilities providing health- and social services for youth are commonly faced with the need for assessment and management of violent behavior. These providers often experience shortage of resources, compromising the feasibility of conducting comprehensive violence risk assessments. The Violence Risk Assessment Checklist for Youth aged 12–18 (V-RISK-Y) is a 12-item violence risk screening instrument developed to rapidly identify youth at high risk for violent behavior in situations requiring expedient evaluation of violence risk. The V-RISK-Y instrument was piloted in acute psychiatric units for youth, yielding positive results of predictive validity. The aim of the present study was to assess the interrater reliability of V-RISK-Y in child and adolescent psychiatric units and acute child protective services institutions. Methods A case vignette study design was utilized to assess interrater reliability of V-RISK-Y. Staff at youth facilities (N = 163) in Norway and Sweden scored V-RISK-Y for three vignettes, and interrater reliability was assessed with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results Results indicate good interrater reliability for the sum score and Low-Moderate-High risk level appraisal across staff from the different facilities and professions. For single items, interrater reliability ranged from poor to excellent. Conclusions This study is an important step in establishing the psychometric properties of V-RISK-Y. Findings support the structured professional judgment tradition the instrument is based on, with high agreement on the overall risk assessment. This study had a case vignette design, and the next step is to assess the reliability and validity of V-RISK-Y in naturalistic settings

    The ReCoN intervention: a co-created comprehensive intervention for primary mental health care aiming to prevent involuntary admissions

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    Background Reducing involuntary psychiatric admissions is a global concern. In Norway, the rate of involuntary admissions was 199 per 100,000 people 16 years and older in 2020. Individuals’ paths towards involuntary psychiatric admissions usually unfold when they live in the community and referrals to such admissions are often initiated by primary health care professionals. Interventions at the primary health care level can therefore have the potential to prevent such admissions. Interventions developed specifically for this care level are, however, lacking. To enhance the quality and development of services in a way that meets stakeholders’ needs and facilitates implementation to practice, involving both persons with lived experience and service providers in developing such interventions is requested. Aim To develop a comprehensive intervention for primary mental health care aiming to prevent involuntary admissions of adults. Methods This study had an action research approach with a participatory research design. Dialogue conferences with multiple stakeholders in five Norwegian municipalities, inductive thematic analysis of data material from the conferences, and a series of feedback meetings were conducted. Results The co-creation process resulted in the development of the ReCoN (Reducing Coercion in Norway) intervention. This is a comprehensive intervention that includes six strategy areas: [1] Management, [2] Involving Persons with Lived Experience and Family Carers, [3] Competence Development, [4] Collaboration across Primary and Specialist Care Levels, [5] Collaboration within the Primary Care Level, and [6] Tailoring Individual Services. Each strategy area has two to four action areas with specified measures that constitute the practical actions or tasks that are believed to collectively impact the need for involuntary admissions. Conclusions The ReCoN intervention has the potential for application to both national and international mental health services. The co-creation process with the full range of stakeholders ensures face validity, acceptability, and relevance. The effectiveness of the ReCoN intervention is currently being tested in a cluster randomised controlled trial. Given positive effects, the ReCoN intervention may impact individuals with a severe mental illness at risk of involuntary admissions, as more people may experience empowerment and autonomy instead of coercion in their recovery process