29 research outputs found

    Asukasosallisuuden edistäminen, vuorovaikutus ja yhteiskehittäminen kulttuurisuunnittelu­hankkeessa

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    The article addresses the participation of residents in the processes of cultural planning project Kylä-OSKU. The project explored the residents’ views in two different contexts, in a growing urban neighborhood and in a small rural village by applying different participatory methods. In the article, we analyze how different methods worked and ask what kinds of insights they provided. We evaluate the methods from the perspective of communication and co-creation pondering on how participatory cultural planning can enhance the participation of the residents in the planning processes. Our results show that successful resident participation requires repeated encounters with residents, listening and understanding of different voices, andcontinuing reciprocal communication.Artikkeli käsittelee asukasosallisuuden toteutumista kulttuurisuunnitteluun perustuvassa Kylä-OSKU -hankkeessa. Hankkeessa pyrittiin selvittämään kahden erilaisen alueen, kasvavan kaupunkilähiön ja pienen maaseututaajaman, asukkaiden näkemyksiä ja toiveita erilaisten kulttuurikartoituksen menetelmien avulla. Artikkelissa analysoimme, miten soveltamamme menetelmät toimivat ja millaisia näkökulmia ne toivat esiin. Arvioimme käyttämiämme menetelmiä erityisesti osallistumisen ja siihen sisältyvän vuorovaikutuksen ja yhteiskehittämisen näkökulmista ja pohdimme, miten osallistava kulttuurisuunnittelu voi edistää asukasosallisuuden vahvistamista. Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että asukasosallisuus edellyttää eri osapuolten näkökulmien kuulemistaja ymmärtämistä, sekä vuorovaikutuksen jatkuvuutta

    Planetary well-being

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    Tensions between the well-being of present humans, future humans, and nonhuman nature manifest in social protests and political and academic debates over the future of Earth. The increasing consumption of natural resources no longer increases, let alone equalises, human well-being, but has led to the current ecological crisis and harms both human and nonhuman well-being. While the crisis has been acknowledged, the existing conceptual frameworks are in some respects ill-equipped to address the crisis in a way that would link the resolving of the crisis with the pivotal aim of promoting equal well-being. The shortcomings of the existing concepts in this respect relate to anthropocentric normative orientation, methodological individualism that disregards process dynamics and precludes integrating the considerations of human and nonhuman well-being, and the lack of multiscalar considerations of well-being. This work derives and proposes the concept of planetary well-being to address the aforementioned conceptual issues, to recognise the moral considerability of both human and nonhuman well-being, and to promote transdisciplinary, cross-cultural discourse for addressing the crisis and for promoting societal and cultural transformation. Conceptually, planetary well-being shifts focus on well-being from individuals to processes, Earth system and ecosystem processes, that underlie all well-being. Planetary well-being is a state where the integrity of Earth system and ecosystem processes remains unimpaired to a degree that species and populations can persist to the future and organisms have the opportunity to achieve well-being. After grounding and introducing planetary well-being, this work shortly discusses how the concept can be operationalised and reflects upon its potential as a bridging concept between different worldviews.</p

    Loneliness and interaction ritual theory : failed interaction chains among Finnish university students

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    This article relates loneliness to interaction ritual theory, understanding loneliness in terms of problematic microinteractional dynamics. The advantage of interaction ritual theory is that it extends our understanding of the issue of the psychologised self and related questions such as how loneliness feels or is experienced. Loneliness is here defined as a response to interaction representing relational understanding of emotions. Interaction ritual theory is interested in the emotional consequences that individuals experience from successful or unsuccessful interaction rituals. Loneliness in this view represents a state in which the individual is denied access to rewarding aspects of interaction. This study is based on 32 lifecourse interviews with Finnish students. It finds that loneliness as a failed microinteractional dynamic originates from students’ previous negative experiences of interaction, problematic situational settings and the structured flow of students’ daily activities.peerReviewe

    The idea of separation in self-determination and in self-definition in the Nation of Islam from the late 1950s to the early 1960s

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    This master’s thesis deals with the idea of separation in self-determination and in self-definition in the Nation of Islam from the late 1950s to the early 1960s. The Nation of Islam was a religious and socio-political organization for African-Americans that was founded in 1930 in Detroit. In the 1950s, it was the fastest growing and most influential of the organizations that emphasized black radicalism. I focus on the rhetoric acts of Elijah Muhammad (a head of the organization) and Malcolm X. In the earlier studies, identity and self-determination were considered key factors. Usually, these types of studies emphasized the importance of identity and self-determination in explaining black radicalism. However, they were problematic because scholars have not been exact when defining concepts such as identity and self-determination. Therefore, we need to have a more specific approach to the topic, which helps us to conceptualize identity and self-determination. I suggest that, in addition to self-determination, we need the concept of self-definition in order to understand aspects of identity in the Nation of Islam and black radicalism The difference between self-determination and self-definition is that I defined self-determination as empowerment, which includes control over one’s life, coping and goal-orientated action. Separation refers to the Nation of Islam’s aspiration for physically separated space, in which control over their own recourses was possible. Self-determination is insufficient in understanding the Nation of Islam because psychological and identity-related issues are understood merely in their relation to self-motivation and well-being. Self-definition, on the other hand, is important because it refers more to psychological factors, status and recognition. The aspiration for separation is seen as an attempt to avoid negative self-identity and creating their own separated space from whites, within which efforts of reconstructing identity are possible

    Pohjoismaisen hallintatavan vaaralliset heikkoudet

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    Darius Ornston kritisoi pohjoismaista poliittis-taloudellista hallintotapaa ja esittää sen sisältävän jopa ”vaarallisia” piirteitä. Ornstonin teos Good Governance Gone Bad: How Nordic Adaptability Leads to Excess (2018) antaa ajattelemisen aihetta esimerkiksi poliittisille ja taloudellisille päättäjille. Kirja-arvio on alunperin ilmestynyt American Journal of Sociology -lehdessä, 2020 vol 25(5). Tämä teksti on muokattu, suomenkielinen versio alkuperäisestä.nonPeerReviewe