21 research outputs found

    Program Leadership from a Nordic Perspective - Program Leaders' Power to Influence Their Program

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    Поточний інформаційний список містить перелік статей про Сумський державний університет з періодичних видань, які надійшли до бібліотеки за лютий

    Program Leadership from a Nordic Perspective - Managing Education Development

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    Nordic Five Tech (N5T) is a strategic alliance between five technical universities in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The overall aim is to “utilize shared and complementary strengths and create synergy within education, research and innovation”. In this paper we focus on university educational development issues by investigating the program leadership at five Nordic technical universities. Specifically, the paper compares definitions, views and experiences of education leadership in the Nordic Five Tech (N5T) universities. The paper does this by, first, reviewing the definitions of roles and responsibilities for program directors at each university, and second, by presenting results from a survey carried out in March 2012 among program directors at the N5T universities. Based on this data, we analyze how program directors experience their role, their possibilities to lead, and their opportunities of learning to lead. How is time for reflection and development as leaders handled at the different universities? The paper goes on to consider what impact the mandate of the leadership role has on the possibilities for developing educational programs. For instance, how can program directors ensure that learning objectives concerning generic skills and abilities are reached? How can program directors drive implementation of integrative and value-oriented topics such as sustainable development, innovation and entrepreneurship

    Toward CDIO Standards 3.0

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    The topic of this paper is the CDIO Standards, specifically the formulation of CDIO Standards version 3.0. The paper first reviews the potential change drivers that motivate a revision of the Standards. Such change drivers are identified both externally (i.e., from outside of the CDIO community) and internally. It is found that external change drivers have affected the perceptions of what problems engineers should address, what knowledge future engineers should possess and what are the most effective teaching practices in engineering education. Internally, the paper identifies criticism of the Standards, as well as ideas for development, that have been codified as proposed additional CDIO Standards. With references to these change drivers, five areas are identified for the revision: sustainability, digitalization of teaching and learning; service; and faculty competence. A revised version of the Standards is presented. In addition, it is proposed that a new category of Standards is established, “optional standards”. Optional Standards are a complement to the twelve “basic” Standards, and serve to guide educational development and profiling beyond the current Standards. A selected set of proposed optional Standards are recommended for further evaluation and possibly acceptance by the CDIO community

    Enhancing Basic Skills in Modern Introductory Engineering Mathematics with High IT Integration

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    Læser mindre og forstår mere – om ingeniørstuderendes matematikstudievaner

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    I denne artikel fremlægger og diskuterer forfatterne udvalgte resultater fra en empirisk undersøgelsegennemført i studieåret 2007/2008 af hvordan studerende på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet deltager i studieaktiviteter og anvender vidensresurser på det introducerende matematikkursus på civilingeniøruddannelsernes første år. I artiklen præsenterer forfatterne kort undersøgelsesdesignet og baggrunden for undersøgelsen. Videre gøres der rede for de studerendes konkrete brug af matematiklærebøgerne og de studerendes vurdering af hvilke studieaktiviteter og vidensresurser de får mest ud af og foretrækker at bruge når de skal lære matematik. Desuden beskrives udviklingen og ændringerne i de studerendes studievaner i løbet af det første studieår. I artiklen søger forfatterne således at forklarede ingeniørstuderendes matematikstudievaner og de studerendes udvikling af studiestrategier der bevirker at de studerende i løbet af kurset i højere grad tilegner sig den matematik de har brug for at lære, på anden vis end ved læsning af de officielle matematiklærebøger. In this article, the authors present and discuss selected results from an empirical study from 2007/2008. The study concerned how engineering students take part in study activities and make use of knowledge resources during the introductory first year course on mathematics at the Technical University of Denmark. The background for, and design of, the study is briefly presented. The students’ use of textbooks is described along with the students’ evaluation of their learning outcome from their participation in study activities and use of knowledge resources; which do the students make the most of, and which do they prefer when they study and learn mathematics? The development and change of the students’ study habits during the course is described. The authors demonstrate how engineering students’ study habits change due to the students’ development of study strategies where the students learn the math they need, via other means than the official textbooks