3 research outputs found

    Knowledge Acquisition among Academics at a Malaysian Public University

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    This study describes the knowledge acquisition of academicians at a local public university in Malaysia. This study is guided by four research questions: 1) the reasons for learning among academician in the context of academician practice 2) types of learning do academician learns in acquiring knowledge 3) factors influence and inhibit learning for knowledge acquisition among academician 4) personal characteristic of academician and the implication of learning outcome to academicians. A qualitative research method was used in the study and the primary data were collected mainly through interviews using a semi structured question guide during the in-depth interview with twelve respondents by using purposive and snowballing techniques. Three reasons of learning for acquisition of knowledge among academician emerged from the study. All respondents believed that learning is part of the knowledge advancement that academicians must keep abreast with the environmental change. Learning is a lifelong. Learning should be continuous as the academicians need to updated their knowledge. Academicians need to keep abreast with the technology changes. The themes emerge from the academician's knowledge acquisition are: Academicians acquire knowledge through formal, non-formal and informal learning strategies such as conferences, seminar, by academic visit, industrial linkages. Sources of informal learning is through reading, discussion, sharing knowledge with student, and research. The three themes that motivate academicians for learning are: the quest for knowledge, academic performance and salary. There are some barriers that inhibits the process of learning among academicians such as time, costs infrastructure and management support. The characteristics of learner as open minded, hard working, good communication and interaction skill and patience also influence on their learning. The learning outcomes to academicians allow to keep abreast with environment changes, increase job performance, selfconfident, add experience, career development and personal satisfaction. Five conclusions are drawn from the study. Academicians took responsibility to learn, learning is lifelong process, use multiple strategies of learning, and their personal characteristic and motivation to learn influence their learning for knowledge. Recommendation are put forth for knowledge acquisition are foster positive attitude toward lifelong learning, foster workplace learning, stimulate exciting environment, encourage active and cooperative learning and facilitate technology infrastructure

    Car Dealers’ Perception Towards Digital Signage and Its’ Descriptors: An Evidence from National Car Showroom

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    Due to tough economic conditions, Malaysian car markets were experiencing a slowdown. Car makers, including national cars were facing huge sales fluctuations. This pressure car dealer to use various marketing methods, including digital signage to obtain sales. However, digital signage has been underutilized by car dealer despite of its potential to generate sales in other retail formats. Therefore, this paper aims to determine the perception of digital signage in car showrooms through car dealers perspectives. By means of semi-structured interviews which were conducted between June 2017 and August 2017, car dealers from North, Central and South Malaysia were interviewed to gain insight of their perceptions toward digital signage in their showrooms. The findings revealed that car dealers have mixed perceptions towards the functions of digital signage to automotive retails. However, digital signage has the potential to positively contribute to automotive sales with given conditions that four identified descriptors met suggested criteria. These findings shall be found useful to car dealers and digital signage suppliers in learning the issues, descriptors and potential of digital signage implementation in car showrooms. As a result, the research outcomes can be used in a wider context of improvements in determining whether digital signage contributes to sales by examining each descriptor from customers perspectives

    Logistics and supply chain management: the importance of integration for business processes / Izwan Azmi … [et al.]

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    This conceptual paper outlines the importance of integration in supply chain management (SCM) by linking the functions of logistics as it applies in strategic business process. Often, business processes are developed at the strategic level but are never identified precisely in logistics or in SCM. Strategic business processes like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), Customer Service Management (CSM) and Demand Management are not directly linked to logistics or SCM. This paper identifies the literature that expressed the importance of integration and how business processes can be relevant in the execution of key logistics activities in the supply chain context