3 research outputs found

    G2p1a0 Hamil Aterm Inpartu Janin Tunggal Hidup Presentasi Kepala Dengan Partus Kasep

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    Latar Belakang. Proses persalinan dipengaruhi oleh bekerjanya 4 faktor yang berperan yaitu kekuatan mendorong janin keluar, meliputi his (kekuatan uterus), faktor janin (passanger), jalan lahir (passage), dan provider maupun psikis. Dalam keadaan baik, sehat, dan seimbang, proses persalinan akan berlangsung secara spontan/normal. Namun jika salah satu dari faktor tersebut mengalami kelainan, maka persalinan tidak dapat berjalan secara normal. Sangat penting untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab partus lama ataupun macet lebih awal. Kasus. Ny. N, umur 21 tahun pukul 23.30 WIB pasien mengeluh sakit pada Perut menjalar ke pinggang semakin kuat dan sebelumnya os dibawa ke bidan. Riwayat keluar air (+) sejak pukul 11.00 WIB, warna jernih, bau (-), sebanyak 2 kali ganti kain, darah lendir (+). Pada pukul 15.00 pembukaan sudah lengkap lalu os dipimpin untuk mengedan, tetapi tidak ada kemajuan dan anak tak juga lahir. Pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan TD 120/80 mmHg, nadi 120 x/menit, pernafasan 28 x/menit, suhu 38,2ºC, TB 160 cm, BB 55 kg. Simpulan. Partus kasep dapat terjadi karena adanya gangguan di kekutan jalan janin keluar, yang meliputi his (kekuatan uterus), kontraksi otot dinding Perut, kontraksi diafragma dan ligamentum action. [Medula Unila.2014;2(3):60-65

    The Effect of Single, Binary and Ternary Anions of Chloride, Carbonate and Phosphate on the Release of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate Intercalated into the Zn–Al-layered Double Hydroxide Nanohybrid

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    Intercalation of beneficial anion into inorganic host has lead to an opportunity to synthesize various combinations of new organic–inorganic nanohybrids with various potential applications; especially, for the controlled release formulation and storage purposes. Investigation on the release behavior of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4-D) intercalated into the interlayer of Zn–Al-layered double hydroxide (ZAN) have been carried out using single, binary and ternary aqueous systems of chloride, carbonate and phosphate. The release behavior of the active agent 2,4-D from its double-layered hydroxide nanohybrid ZANDI was found to be of controlled manner governed by pseudo-second order kinetics. It was found that carbonate medium yielded the highest accumulated release of 2,4-D, while phosphate in combination with carbonate and/or nitrate speeds up the release rate of 2,4-D. These results indicate that it is possible to design and develop new delivery system of latex stimulant compound with controlled release property based on 2,4-D that is known as a substance to increase latex production of rubber tree,Hevea brasiliensis