276 research outputs found

    What prospects for improved India-Pakistan relations?

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    In the run-up to Pakistan’s general elections on May 11, India At LSE publishes three posts reflecting on India-Pakistan bilateral relations and democracy in South Asia. LSE’s Athar Hussain concludes the series with a discussion about challenges and opportunities for improved India-Pakistan ties

    Scale and stability analysis of selected atmospheric blocking events

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    Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on November 18, 2010).The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Dissertation advisor: Dr. Anthony Lupo.Vita.Ph. D. University of Missouri--Columbia 2008.Global six year climatology of mid latitude atmospheric blocking events, during the period 1999-2004, is presented based on the scale and stability analysis, using the NCEP/NCAR re-analysis data. A total of 278 blocking events over the Northern as well as the Southern Hemispheres are analyzed. It is pointed out that globally, over the six year period, 83% of the blocking events have single-scale dominance, whereas remaining 17% of the blocking events have an alternating-scale dominance behavior. In the Northern Hemisphere, during the later half of the six year period, a 28% rise in the planetary-scale dominance behavior blocking events is noticed over the synoptic-scale dominance behavior blocking events. A comparison of the time variability of the three stability indicators over the entire life cycle of the selected blocking events with earlier works performing the synoptic and dynamics studies shows that the three stability indicators can be used as climatologically reliable stability indicators giving useful insight into the stability of the flow attending the blocking event. It is noticed that in the scale dependent flow, the scale that dominates during the mature stage of the blocking event determines the stability of the flow during the blocking, and that the blocking is relatively more stable state than the more frequent zonal flow, irrespective of which scale dominates the flow during blocking.Includes bibliographical references (p. 136-139)

    Language Anxiety and Attitude of Secondary School Students towards Learning English

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    In countries where English is taught as a foreign language, learners suffervarious levels of being anxious and develop a specific attitude towardsEnglish. The paper examined foreign language anxiety of 10th gradestudents and their attitude towards foreign language learning. Sample ofthe study was 360 male and 360 female students of 10th grade studentsof public sector secondary schools from six districts of the PunjabProvince of Pakistan. Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCAS)scale was used to investigate anxiety of the students and attitude towardsEnglish was found by using English language attitude scale. The datawere analyzed quantitatively using SPSS. t-test was used to find outgender differences for language anxiety and attitude. Relationship ofanxiety with attitude of the students was determined though Pearsonproduct moment coefficient. Results revealed that significant differencesexisted between male and female students for foreign language anxietyand attitude towards foreign language learning. Results also indicatedthat significant negative correlation was found between foreign languageanxiety and students’ attitude towards foreign language learning. Girlsshowed less anxiety in English language class and had more positiveattitude towards English. It was suggested that training might be given toEnglish language teachers on modern pedagogical patterns. Englishlanguage Curriculum might be redesigned keeping the context of thelearners in mind

    In the Labyrinth of Research: Critiquing Research Studies Conducted in Contrasting Paradigms

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    With the growing diversity of ideas related to complex research paradigms, multiple methodologies, and emerging theoretical frameworks underpinning various research studies, research appears an increasingly difficult terrain. The seemingly complex nature of research is not only daunting for the fledglings, but also challenging for more experienced researchers. The current paper is an attempt to offer reader-friendly guidance for a deep and critical reading of research studies conducted in major research paradigms. In part one, the paper presents brief definitions of major research paradigms and relevant key terminology, which is, in part two, followed by fairly detailed critiques of two research studies conducted in contrasting paradigms

    Setting Up an Integrated Social Security System

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    As part of its plan to establish a harmonious society, the Chinese Communist Party has resolved to establish by 2020 a social security system covering both urban and rural populations. A common assumption is that the integrated system would provide to the whole population the same high level of protection that a section of the urban population currently enjoys. This article will provide an overview of the current situation and consider the prospects for the establishment of such a system by 2020. The aim is ambitious and the time available for achieving the target is very limited. However, two of the principal pre-conditions for achieving the target are present. First, there has been a dramatic improvement in public finances and the trend looks likely to continue. The implication is that the government would be increasingly capable of covering the extra cost of setting up an integrated social security system. Second, the leadership is strongly committed to establishing such a system. Yet a seamless and fully operational system is highly unlikely

    Une sécurité sociale pour une société harmonieuse

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    Dans le cadre de la construction d’une société harmonieuse, le Parti communiste chinois a décidé de mettre en place, d’ici à 2020, un système de sécurité sociale couvrant aussi bien la population urbaine que la population rurale. On suppose généralement que ce système intégré permettra à l’ensemble de la population de jouir du même niveau de protection dont seule une partie de la population urbaine bénéficie actuellement. Tout en fournissant une vue d’ensemble du système actuel, cet article s’interroge sur la probabilité qu’un tel système puisse être établi d’ici 2020. L’objectif est aussi ambitieux que les délais sont courts. Toutefois, deux des principales conditions de la réussite de ce projet sont déjà réunies. Premièrement, l’état des finances publiques s’est considérablement amélioré et cette tendance semble devoir se poursuivre. Le Gouvernement devrait donc être de plus en plus à même de prendre en charge les coûts supplémentaires qu’entraînera la mise en place d’un système de sécurité sociale intégré. Deuxièmement, les dirigeants sont fermement déterminés à établir ce système. Toutefois, il est fort peu probable qu’un système homogène et pleinement opérationnel puisse voir le jour d’ici 2020

    Preferences for Developing Undergraduate Research in Pakistani Universities: Student Teachers’ Perspective

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    Undergraduate Research (UGR) is an important component in the curriculum of good ranking universities at present. It encompasses a continuous process of research engagements during undergraduate studies. Involving undergraduate students in research helps in linking theory to practice, understanding research processes and determining career choices. However, promoting UGR in universities in Pakistan requires proper consideration and planning. This study was aimed at identifying research preferences of undergraduate students and improving UGR in Pakistani universities. As students are the most important stakeholder in UGR, the data were collected from 2168 undergraduate students randomly selected from four large universities in Rawalpindi-Islamabad. The research instrument used was a questionnaire developed, pilot tested and validated before its use in this study. The data were converted into percentages and crosstabs using SPSS to analyze data. We found that undergraduate students expressed strong preference for research involvement and were willing to work any part of the week for gaining research experience. The students preferred field research as compared to research in lab or desk work. The students’ views and preferences on crosstabs helped in devising strategies for improving UGR in universities in Pakistan

    Anxiety and Attitude Of Secondary School Students Towards Foreign Language Learning

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    AbstractMultiple methodologies are being used for teaching and learning of foreign language. In countries where English is taught as a foreign language, learners suffer various levels of being anxious and develop a specific attitude towards English. The paper examined foreign language anxiety of 10th grade students and their attitude towards foreign language learning. Sample of the study was 360 male and 360 female students of 10th grade students of public sector secondary schools from six districts of the Punjab Province of Pakistan. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis. Level of anxiety and level of attitude were determined through percentage. t-test was used to find out difference between boys and girls of 10th grade. Relationship of anxiety with attitude of the students was determined though Pearson product moment coefficient. Results showed significant differences between boys and girls in foreign language anxiety and attitude towards foreign language learning. There was significant negative correlation between foreign language anxiety and students’ attitude towards foreign language learning. Girls showed less anxiety in English language class and had more positive attitude towards English. Similarly, rural students had high anxiety in English and had less positive attitude towards English. It was suggested that training might be given to English language teachers on modern pedagogical patterns. English language Curriculum might be redesigned keeping the context of the learners in mind

    Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater by Adsorption

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    Adsorption processes are extensively used in wastewater treatment for heavy metal removal. The most widely used adsorbent is activated carbon giving the best of results but it’s high cost limits its use. It has a high cost of production and regeneration. As the world today faces a shortage of freshwater resources, it is inevitable to look for alternatives that lessen the burden on existing resources. Also, heavy metals are toxic even in trace concentrations, so an environmentally safe method of their removal necessitated the requirement of low cost adsorbents. Adsorption is a cost-effective technique and gained recognition due to its minimum waste disposal advantage. This chapter focuses on the process of adsorption and the types of adsorbent available today. It also encompasses the low-cost adsorbents ranging from agricultural waste to industrial waste explaining the adsorption reaction condition. The cost-effectiveness, technical applicability and easy availability of raw material with low negative impact on the system are the precursors in selecting the adsorbents. The novelty of the chapter lies in covering a wide range of adsorbents with their efficiency in removal of heavy metals from wastewater


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    The present project was executed to compare the haemogram and serum biochemistry in healthy males and these affected with acute laminitis. A total of 20 mules of either sex and at 19-24 months of age were divided in two equal groups I and II. The group I comprised of healthy mules, while group II comprised of mules affected with acute laminitis. The parameters compared were haematological parameters (RBC count, TLC, haemoglobin and PCV) and serum biochemical parameters (biilirubin total, direct and indirect, ALP and ALT, serum creatinine, and serum cholesterol). The results showed a non-significant difference in values of TLC and PCV between groups I and II, while the values of RBC were significantly lower and haemoglobin were higher (P<0.05) in group I as compared to those of group II. The values of bilirubin (total, direct and indirect) in group II were significantly higher (P<0.05) as compared to group I. The values of ALP, ALT, serum creatinine and serum cholesterol of diseased mules were significantly higher when compared with those of healthy mules
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