1,446 research outputs found

    Some Probability Characteristics Functions of the Solution of Stochastic Fredholm Integral Equation Contains a Known Sine Wave Function

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    Abstract:In this paper, some probability characteristics functions (moments, variances,convariance, and spectral density functions) are found depending upon the smallestvariance of the solution of some stochastic Fredholm integral equation contains as aknown function, the sine wave functio


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    The Objective of current study was to investigate the relationship between emotional contagion, job satisfaction and different demographic variables among special education teachers. A sample of 80 special education teachers with age range of 20 to 50 years, from all kinds of learning disabilities, more than six months teaching experience were recruited from different special education centers of federal and Punjab. Emotional contagion was measured by Emotional Contagion Scale developed by Doherty (1997) and job satisfaction of teachers was measured by Teaching Satisfaction Scale (TSS) developed by Ho and Au (2002). Result showed that happiness is positively associated with job satisfaction and anger and sadness are negatively associated with job satisfaction, whereas emotions of love and fear were not associated with job satisfaction. Moreover, it has been found that different demographic variables of special education teachers such as education and pay scale are associated with job satisfaction whereas gender, age, job experience and marital status are not associated with job satisfaction. Results suggest that in order to improve job satisfaction of teachers, emotional contagion should be considered.   Article visualizations

    The influence of psychosocial factors on academic performance of adolescents: a quality assurance project

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    Adolescence is a time of rapid psychological and physiological changes and is associated with anxiety and mental distress. This project looks at the potential of school-based programs to reduce these negative effects of academic performance in both the short- and long-term. This study was conducted in a private school in Karachi, Pakistan between October 1998 and December 2006 on 305 students with low academic performance. Results show that students scoring low grades had a mean of 55 + 2.8 and postintervention score of 56 + 2.6. The intervention package significantly created a difference in reducing the number of students receiving low grades. Qualitative analysis showed that study participants had enhanced self-esteem, confidence levels, positive attitudes towards learning, improved time management and decision-making skills. This suggests that in an academic institution, the presence of a professional support system enhances learning and coping mechanisms

    Exploring Racial Disproportionalities and Disparities for Black Families Involved with the Child Welfare System

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    Background: The overrepresentation of Black families in child welfare systems across the various geographical locations (e.g. America, Canada, United Kingdom) is a growing concern. There are competing explanations for the causes of overrepresentation and recommendations for eliminating racial disproportionalities and disparities in child welfare system. This systemic scoping review will provide a succinct synthesis of the current literature on Black disproportionality and disparity in child welfare. Methods/Design: This systemic scoping review will employ Arksey and O’Malley’s (2005) five stage framework. This will direct our search of the seven academic databases (EBSCO: Criminal Justice Abstracts OVID: Social Work Abstracts Pro Quest: PsychINFO, ERIC, Sociological Abstracts, International Bibliography of Social Sciences and Web of Science Core Collections). These seven databases have been chosen due to their interdisciplinary resources on the issue of overrepresentation of Black families in the child welfare sector. The thematic findings will be systemically synthesized using qualitative analysis and presented visually through a chart. Eligible articles for this scoping review include literature that speaks directly to the experiences of Black families involved with the child welfare system. The results of this scoping review will increase the understanding of how racial disproportionalities and disparities emerge, common outcomes and ways to begin tackling this phenomenon for Black families. Discussion: In order to tackle this gap in knowledge regarding the overrepresentation of Black families in the child welfare system, this comprehensive scoping review will systematically organize the literature in order to understand how this issue manifests and to fill this gap in research. This methodological approach will allow for the development of practical and intentional methods to move forward in mitigating this issue

    Essential oil of Eucalyptus citriodora: Physio-Chemical analysis, Formulation with Hand Sanitizer Gel and Antibacterial Activity

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    Background: The essential oil-bearing plants are extensively being used in traditional systems of medicine due to the occurrence of the diversity of phytochemical constituents. The emerging crisis of developing resistance to conventional drugs has increased public health awareness and reliance on natural compounds as safer alternatives.Methods: The essential oil extracted from Eucalyptus citriodora (Hook.) leaves was characterized for physicochemical attributes, formulated with hand sanitizer gel, tested for organoleptic parameters, and antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis.Results: E. citriodora essential oil (EEO) had a camphorous scent, and dark yellow coloration, while exhibiting 0.60% yield (v/w, 97% pure), 0.94 density, 1.47 refractive index, 11.10 viscosity, 0.92 specific gravity, 0.0-9.98º optical rotation, 11.20 acid number, 50.60 ester number, which satisfy the standards specified by ISO (The International Organization for Standardization). The chromatographic analysis of oil identified eucalyptol as the most abundant compound (80.08%) followed by α-terpinyl acetate, isopinocarveol, and globulol as the moderately abundant compounds (4.46-4.81%), while viridiflorol and terpinen-4-ol as less abundant compounds (3.06 and 2.69%, respectively). Formulated hand sanitizer with EEO exhibited physical and microbiological properties that were comparable with the market products. It also had a pleasant scent, was compatible with the skin, was easy to apply, and is acceptable to the users.Conclusion: The current study clearly shows that EEO could be utilized as a potential ingredient in alcohol-based gel hand sanitizer formulation for giving a pleasant smell, acceptable physical appearance and microbial quality parameters.Keywords: Essential oil; Eucalyptol; Hand sanitizer; Gel Formulation; Antimicrobial effect

    Shift to Online Learning: Response of Pakistani Visual Art Teachers During Pandemic and Post-Covid Era

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    This study aims to investigate the response of Visual art teachers to educational lockdown and shift to online learning at art institutions. The study employed qualitative phenomenological research design to investigate visual artists i.e., painters, sculptors, textile designers, graphic designers, and performing artists who were faculty members in five leading art institutions of Lahore. Data were collected by conducting a total of 15 interviews from each mentioned discipline. These interviews were conducted preferably in their studios, at their homes, or at times online through WhatsApp video calls. The data was analyzed thematically by using NVIVO 12 software. Findings – It was observed that new methodologies were devised by the faculty and art institutions to mitigate the pandemic upshot, however, virtual learning made it hard for the faculty to teach practice-based subjects. As a result, the assessment criteria were also affected. The study findings provide insight for art institutions and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to start preparing their systems to offer effective online teaching as a substitute for regular classes in Visual Arts. The researchers could not find any such study in the local context, and very few globally. Therefore, this study may serve as a baseline for further research

    Comparing Intradermal (ID) Rabies Vaccination with Conventional IM Regimen on Humoral Response of New Zealand White Rabbits for the Production of Animal-Derived Polyclonal Antibodies

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    In developing countries, it is imperative to implement cost-effective strategies for animal humoral response development in the production of antiserum. This study compared the effect of immunization regimens on the humoral immune response of New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits (N = 24) using cell culture rabies vaccine (CCRV) through intradermal (ID) and traditional intramuscular (IM) routes. The rabbits were divided into three experimental groups: (a) IPC-R2 with a two-site one-week regimen; (b) TRC-R3 with a two-site twenty-eight-day regimen; and (c) Alternate-R4 with a four-site one-week regimen. These regimens were then compared to the standard IM schedule of five doses of rabies vaccine administered at days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28 in control group R-1. The results were evaluated at days 14 and 35 postvaccination using rabies-specific Platelia II (TM) ELISA kit method. The results showed a better response to the ID regimen than the IM route regarding immunogenicity and volume consumption of the vaccine. The three selected ID regimes showed significantly higher mean titer values than the control IM regimen group R-1 (p < 0.001). The study aims to explore simple immunization strategies to enhance the RV-specific antibody titers for immunization donor animals. This method would produce polyclonal antibodies and strengthen local production of polyclonal antibodies in Pakistan to deal with vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) shortage, thus providing effective postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) for better control of rabies in developing countries

    (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate reverses the expression of various tumor-suppressor genes by inhibiting DNA methyltransferases and histone deacetylases in human cervical cancer cells

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    There has been increasing evidence that numerous bioactive dietary agents can hamper the process of carcinogenesis by targeting epigenetic alterations including DNA methylation. This therapeutic approach is considered as a significant goal for cancer therapy due to the reversible nature of epigenetic-mediated gene silencing and warrants further attention. One such dietary agent, green tea catechin, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) has been shown to modulate many cancer-related pathways. Thus, the present study was designed to investigate the role of EGCG as an epigenetic modifier in HeLa cells. DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition assays were conducted, and the transcription levels of DNMT3β and HDAC1 were assessed by enzymatic activity assay and RT-PCR, respectively. Furthermore, we studied the binding interaction of EGCG with DNMT3β and HDAC1 by molecular modeling as well as promoter DNA methylation and expression of retinoic acid receptor-â (RARâ), cadherin 1 (CDH1) and death-associated protein kinase-1 (DAPK1) in EGCG-treated HeLa cells by RT-PCR and MS-PCR. In the present study, time-dependent EGCG-treated HeLa cells were found to have a significant reduction in the enzymatic activity of DNMT and HDAC. However, the expression of DNMT3β was significantly decreased in a time-dependent manner whereas there was no significant change in HDAC1 expression. Molecular modeling data also supported the EGCG-mediated DNMT3β and HDAC1 activity inhibition. Furthermore, time-dependent exposure to EGCG resulted in reactivation of known tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs) in HeLa cells due to marked changes in the methylation of the promoter regions of these genes. Overall, the present study suggests that EGCG may have a significant impact on the development of novel epigenetic-based therapy

    Prevalencija i identifikacija Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis u zaklanih ovaca u središnjoj regiji Alžira

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    Caseous lymphadenitis, also called abscess disease, is an infectious, cosmopolitan disease. The causative agent is a Gram-positive bacillus, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis that is resistant to antibiotic treatment. Humans become infected with this bacillus, but the disease is considered a neglected zoonosis. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and to identify Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in sheep slaughtered in central Algeria. For this purpose, 897 animals were examined and samples (pus) were taken from 12 sheep with abscesses to perform bacteriological study. Sex, age, and location of the abscess were noted. The results obtained showed an overall prevalence of 1.33%. The highest rate (50%) was observed in animals aged between 8 months and 1 year. Males were more affected by abscesses (66.7%) than females (33.3%). As for localisation, 41% of abscesses were found in the pulmonary lymph nodes and 25% in the submandibular region. Infection by Corynebacterium was estimated at a rate of 25%, lower than that obtained for Staphylococcus (41.7%). Regarding the zoonotic nature of the disease, the bacteria’s ability to survive in the external environment, and the high risk of contamination, management measures should be implemented for better disease control and prevention.Kazeozni limfadenitis (CL), zvan i pseudotuberkuloza, zarazna je kozmopolitska bolest. Uzročnik je gram-pozitivna bakterija, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis otporna na liječenje antibioticima. Ljudi se mogu zaraziti ovom bakterijom, ali se bolest smatra zanemarenom zoonozom. Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti prevalenciju i identificirati Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis u ovaca zaklanih u središnjoj regiji Alžira. U tu svrhu, 897 životinja je ispitano i uzorci (gnoj) su izuzeti od 12 ovaca s apscesima za potrebe bakteriološke studije. Zabilježeni su spol, dob i lokacija apscesa. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su sveukupnu prevalenciju od 1,33 %. Najveća stopa (50 %) zamijećena je u životinja u dobi između 8 mjeseci i 1 godine. Mužjaci su imali više apscesa (66,7 %) od ženki (33,3 %). Što se tiče lokalizacije, 41 % apscesa pronađeno je u plućnim limfnim čvorovima, a 25 % u submandibularnom području. Infekcija bakterijom Corynebacterium procijenjena je u stopi od 25 %, što je manje od stope dobivene za Staphylococcus (41,7 %). U konačnici, s obzirom na zoonotsku prirodu CL-a, preživljavanje bakterije u vanjskom okruženju te veliki rizik od zaraze, potrebno je implementirati mjere upravljanja za bolju kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti