7 research outputs found

    Safe Food Handling Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Food Handlers in Hospital Kitchen

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    Hospital food hygiene plays an important role to patient's health. Studies proved that improper practices and lack of knowledge are contributing factors of foodborne diseases. This study was conducted to determine knowledge, attitude and practice of hospital safe food handling in Semarang, Central Java. A cross sectional study was conducted in two general hospitals' kitchen. Data were collected from 60 food handlers through validated questionnaire. Respondents were grouped into two categories: a. Teaching Hospital, and b.Non-teaching Hospital. Data were collected in February-April 2017. Most of food handlers (80%) were graduated from vocational senior high school (SMK). Respondent's age were 28-37 years (36.7%) in average. Most of respondent‟s work experience (85%) was less than 15 years. The result showed that more than 80% of food handlers have good knowledge in safe food handling procedures, good attitude (66%) and good practices (90%). There was no significant difference of knowledge, attitude and practices between two groups. Results strongly emphasize the need of food hygiene training of hospital food handlers. It also suggest that non food handlers such as nurse or kitchen supervisor should involved in the training. Some aspects of food handlers' safety behavior need to be emphasized

    Analisis Situasi Permasalahan Sampah Kota YOGYAKARTA dan Kebijakan Penanggulangannya

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    Kontak langsung dengan sampah dapat berisiko mengalami gangguan kesehatan. Volu-me sampah dipengaruhi oleh jumlah penduduk, aktivitas, dan gaya hidup. Pemerintah daerah memberlakukan berbagai kebijakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab pelayanan publik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui permasalahan sampah dan upaya penanganan di Kota Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling. Informan merupakan stakeholder pengelolaan sampah di Yogyakarta. Data diolah dan disajikan dengan metode explanation building. Sampah di TPA Piyungan tertinggi pada Maret 2014 dan terendah pada Juli 2014. Kota Yogyakarta penyumbang sampah terbanyak di TPA Piyungan, kemudian Kabupaten Sleman dan Bantul. Volume sampah tertinggi pada 2012 dan terus menurun sampai tahun 2014. Semua permasalahan ada dari sisi hilir (masyarakat), proses (pengelola sampah) dan hulu (TPA). Setelah semua diidentifikasi, dibuat suatu kebijakan pengelolaan sampah secara optimal dengan melibatkan semua lintas sektoral dan program-program pemberdayaan oleh stakeholder terkait.Direct contact with the waste can be increasing health problems risk. The volume of waste is affected by population, population activities, and lifestyle. Government enforces many policy in order to address the waste problems. The purpose of this study was to find out the waste problem in the Yogyakarta Municipality and to know the strategy to handling it. Qualiative study was applied in this research. The informant was a delegation of stakeholder regarding waste management, with purposive sampling. Analysis data were performed by using explanantion building using content analysis. The highest number of waste was produced on March 2014 and the lowest on July 2014.. In Yogyakarta municipality, TPA Piyungan gave biggest waste contribution. . The peak of waste volume was in 2012 and tend to decrease until 2014. All the waste problems started from the downstream (community) , process (government who manage waste) and upstream (TPA). All problem were identified and government made a policy about manage waste that involved all sectoral empowering program by stakeholder on waste management

    Analisis Hazard Identification Dan Risk Assessment Di Lingkungan Kerja Kegiatan Pengecoran Logam Tradisional Ceper Klaten Latifah Hanum Damanik Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    The existence of people working in the kitchen cupola foundry activities are activities ranging from the preparation of procurement of raw materials to the casting process takes place in the kitchen activities cupola is an activity most at risk for exposure to particles containing chemical substances. To address the health problems caused by work, the role of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is very important. Through this research planning SOP activity raw material preparation, filling and operation of the kitchen cupola based hazard in the workplace environment, be aware of occupational hazards and risks of the work done, so as to provide solutions to address the health problems of work related to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases occupational. For that we need their efforts to reduce levels of air pollution through the concept of environmentally sound industrial developmen

    Effects of the Occupational Physical Environmental Conditions and the Individual Characteristics of the Workers on Occupational Stress and Fatigue

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    This research was conducted to study the effects of environmental factors i.e. heat stress, thermal comfort, and occupational noise and individual factors of the workers i.e. age, work duration (expressed in months), and nutrition status on occupational fatigue and stress. Occupational fatigue was measured using Reaction Timer L-77 Lakassidaya. Occupational stress was measured using questionnaire adapted from Wambrauw (2010). Heat stress and thermal comfort were measured using Questemp 34 Thermal Environment Meter and Lutron AM-4200 Anemometer. Occupational noise level was measured using Lutron SL-4022 Sound Level Meter. Nutrition status was measured using microtoise and body weight scale. Age and work duration was obtained using a personal profile form filled in by each worker. This research employed Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) consisted of direct and indirect effects of exogenous and endogenous variables on endogenous variables. Data analysis was conducted using AMOS 19 software. Data analysis showed that (1) different level of fatigue was indicated on workers working in different work shifts, (2) there was no direct effects of heat stress and thermal comfort on occupational fatigue, (3) there was a positive direct effect of occupational noise on workers stress but there was no indication that the stress itself has a direct effect on occupational fatigue, thus preventing the indirect effect of occupational noise on occupational fatigue, (4) there was no direct effect of the age of the workers on occupational fatigue, (5) there was a positive direct effect of the workers age on work duration, but the work duration itself did not exhibit any effect on occupational fatigue so therefore no indirect effect of workers age on occupational fatigue was found in this research, (6) and finally, there was a positive direct effect of nutrition status on occupational fatigue

    Risk Factors of the Incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Banjarmasin City, Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the world, including Indonesia. In South Kalimantan, an increasing incidence of tuberculosis up to the year 2010 which were taken using a smear-positive reached 3,237 cases, the largest was in Banjarmasin City which reached 642 cases and the detection rate still low, which is 52, 1%. To investigate the relationship among environmental risk factors of the house (residential density, the air temperature, humidity, ventilation, and natural lighting), smoking behavior and alcohol consumption among tuberculosis patients with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Banjarmasin City. This study was an analytic observational with case control study. The subjects were tuberculosis patients with smear-positive as a case group and smear-negative as a control group. Residential density, the air temperature, ventilation, natural lighting, smoking behavior and alcohol consumption significantly associated with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Banjarmasin City. While the humidity was not significantly associated. The most dominant risk factors in the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Banjarmasin City were inappropriate of the air temperature in subjects with a history of household contact with tuberculosis patient, natural lighting, and house ventilation

    Kajian Kinerja Turbin Air Savonius dengan Variasi Stagger Angle dengan Sudu Kombinasi Myring N=1 dan N=2 pada S/d = 0,75

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan kajian eksperimen dengan memvariasikan stagger angle pada S/d = 0,75 konstan. Bentuk sudu turbin Savonius menggunakan persamaan myring dan menempatkan silinder sirkular pada daerah advancing. Kajian eksperimen dilakukan pad sudu kombinasi myring n=1 pada sisi cekung dan n=2 pada sisi cembung. Silinder berdiameter 12 cm ditempatkan pada sisi advancing dengan memvariasikan sudut stagger 0o, 15o, 30o, 45o, 60o, 75o dan 90o. Model uji berukuran tinggi dan diameter masing-masing sebesar 0,40 m dan flowing tank memiliki ukuran lebar dan tinggi masing-masing 1 m dan diuji pada arus 0,2 m/s. Hasil diperoleh bahwa silinder sirkular diletakan pada sisi advancing pada stagger γ = 60º menghasilkan Cp tertinggi 0,1515 atau meningkat sebesar 10,27% dibandingkan dengan tanpa silinder